100. Clarissa's Feel

Clarissa nodded her head, "Yes, uncle. I have to go back to Singapore when my mother recovers, uncle. I have to go back there because I'm still studying there, so it's impossible if I don't go back there again," Clarissa replied.

"So you're still in college now?" asked Anggara again.

Clarissa nodded her head, "Yes, Uncle. I'm still in semester 5," Clarissa explained.

"Johan graduated from college last year, he is only 3.5 years old, Riss. If you hadn't moved to Singapore, maybe you would have graduated by now just like Johan," Amel replied.

Clarissa could only smile bitterly as she looked down to avoid Amel and Anggara's gaze. "I... I moved there because my grandmother wasn't there with me, so I had to move," Clarissa answered lying, she couldn't tell Amel and Anggara that she moved to Singapore just to run away from Johan. Clarissa really couldn't stand looking at all the memorable places here, it just made her crazier.