101. Up To You!

Both Amel and Anggara are no longer holding Clarissa to go like before, they understand very well that Clarissa feels very uncomfortable with Johan's presence, not only that Johan's behavior is a bit unusual.

"Where are you going, Riss?" asked John in a cold tone.

Clarissa looked at him still with a surprised look, and a little sarcastic, "I want to go home, didn't you say I want to go home," Clarissa explained curtly.

Clarissa didn't care about Johan anymore, she immediately said goodbye to Anggara and Amel because she wanted to get away from Johan immediately.

"Greetings to your mother, Rias, I hope you get well soon too," Amel left a message to convey to her mother.

"Yes, Auntie, I'll tell you later," Clarissa answered. Though in his heart he said, "Hopefully, Auntie. I can't promise, because I haven't told about Johan either."

"Uncle, I'm home," Clarissa kissed Anggara's hand.

"Yes, Riss. Be careful," said Anggara.