104. Please Come Here, Clarissa

"Riss, how did you want to come here?" asked John.

"Gosh, you are How to be a husband. That your angry wife keeps disappearing. That means he wants to get more attention from you, he wants to be found, Johan. Why are you like normal? I'm surprised," confirming Johan's request, Clarissa even grumbled.

"Hey, Riss. Just so you know, she has often run away like this, like a child or not. Come on I don't want to deal with that, what I want to take care of now is only Evans, "said Johan.

"Then what if later, for example, Nindy never comes home again? You'll regret it later, so a widower will only know how you feel," Clarissa mocked.

"Let it go, he's already big, Riss. Already have a child too, if he wants to go home, stay home, if not that's okay too. I'm grateful that he's gone, that means I can fight for the woman I like," Johan said casually as if he wasn't burdened.