105. Evan's Request

"Is it true that Mammy doesn't love me, Auntie?" asked Evans with a pitiful face and holding back tears.

"Do not love. Your mother loved Evans very much, even so sadly all these things she did for Evans. Soon your mother will come home because she just wants to go to your brother's house, but trust me, your mother will come home soon," Clarissa explained.

"I believe in Auntie. Rather than Daddy," Evans joked.

"Good, then Evans don't cry anymore. Here I brought the chocolate that Evans gave when Evans played to my place," Clarissa handed the Silverqueen chocolate that Evans had given her.

For some people, chocolate is one of the foods that can improve mood and can eliminate feelings of irritation. No wonder many people choose to eat a lot of chocolate when they are upset.

And Clarissa was sure that it would also work to make Evans smile again. Considering that Evans is also one of the children who like chocolate.