Chapter 106: Making steam buns and Meeting mysterious Old Jin

Bai Yi Yang ask her siblings to sort out their own things and do whatever they like.

Bai Yi Mo decided to head to the village right away, he bought snacks for his three friends from City Nan, this is his souvenirs for them. He is rather excited to meet up with them so he just changed his clothes and ride his bike to the village with the basket full of snacks.

As for Bai Yi Fang, she didn't joined her xiao gege today because she is going to wrap her souvenirs for her friends prettily before giving it to them tomorrow. She also choose her gifts carefully one by one, but most of the time it will be Bai Yi Ling who ends up helping her neaten them.

Bai Yi Ling didn't prepare a lot, other than the two special gifts for her best friends in school which is Song Ah Yu from the same village and the other girl called XiXi that they never meet. Other than that, she use the same method as Bai Yi Chen, to buy those seemingly different patterns but actually all the same. Other than her classmates, she also buy souvenirs for her teacher and friends from the English tuition class.

Bai Yi Yang called the teacher Miss Susan last Thursday, saying that they suddenly have family matters to attend with at City Nan, so Bai Yi Ling won't be able to attend the class on Saturday. Miss Susan was worried, she knows that they are orphans so she ask more, Bai Yi Yang only said that it was regarding their residence registration.

Actually there is no need to tell this details, but Bai Yi Ling was supposed to enter the Advanced class this week, it is more polite to inform them in advance.

Bai Yi Chen didn't have anything to do so he joined Bai Yi Yang in the kitchen after changing clothes. Bai Yi Yang gave him the simplest yet hardest job which is to minced the meat into small cut while she make the dough, the dough need time to rise so she have to make it first. Bai Yi Chen is very effective helper, other than cooking he is good with this.

Bai Yi Yang decided to make a few more kinds of steamed buns today since this is the only one she is going to make this time.

Steamed bun with oily minced pork fillings, cabbage and leek cooked with lard fillings, pork with mushrooms and boiled egg fillings, and lastly chicken and mushrooms fillings.

She wanted to make char siew fillings but she didn't make an early preparation which is marinating the pork for one night. It won't be delicious if the flavour didn't seep in properly, so she just skip this.

Bai Yi Yang was busy cooking the fillings while Bai Yi Chen is busy chopping the meat. When they were finished with their particular task and just about to start making the buns, Grandpa Zhou arrives with an elderly man, which Bai Yi Yang didn't recognise.

"Hello Grandpa Jin.." Bai Yi Chen greet first before Bai Yi Yang can follow through and do the same greeting. Which Old Jin this is again? She didn't quite recall someone called Grandpa Jin, Bai Yi Yang panic a bit.

Grandpa Jin is a quiet and elegant old man. His action resembles Grandpa Bo a bit, another pensioner that come from the city? Bai Yi Yang guess. Just like Grandpa Bo, this Grandpa Jin have similar bearing, maybe even more refined than Grandpa Bo.

"You still remember Old Jin? You only met him once right? It was about 2 years ago, at least 1 year and a half." Grandpa Zhou said feeling amazed towards the Bai siblings memories. He pat Bai Yi Chen on the shoulder.

"Yes, Grandpa Jin left a memorable impression. It was also him who help us find this place, we will never forget him." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Good, good. I saw him returned to the village so I bring him to meet you siblings on the way. No matter what he is also related to you." Grandpa Zhou said.

"En." Bai Yi Chen nod. He invited the two elders to sit and bring water for them.

Bai Yi Yang is clueless now, she smile softly but her eyes is evaluating this old man surnamed Jin. Help us find this place? Is this old man their benefactor too?

"Eldest yatou seems to not remember me." Old Jin said, smiling back as he meet her eyes head on.

This is his first proper sentence since he arrived and it was towards her. Before this when they were greeting him, he only nod, smile and hummed short answers. Indeed not simple, not simple at all. If she lied, she will expose herself more. It's better to show some weakness

"Forgive me Grandpa Jin. I indeed can't really remember." Bai Yi Yang said showing a regretful expression.

"Yang Yang fall ill about a month ago, she is still recovering." Bai Yi Chen cover for her twin sister.

"As long as she is well now. Old Jin won't mind it." Grandpa Zhou said.

After that, Bai Yi Chen called Xiao Ling and Fang Fang to pay respect to Old Jin. Bai Yi Ling remember a bit but Bai Yi Fang don't, of course she won't remember things from two years ago. Grandpa Zhou ends up retelling the story about how they meet Old Jin, Bai Yi Fang becomes very enthusiastic once she knows that this old man has helped them before.

So it's seems like 2 years ago when they first come here, they were lost on the way. They manage to arrive in town but it was late and they cannot find any transport to the village. The only inn in town at that time was full, the siblings don't have a choice but bring their big bags and walk slowly to Qinfang Village. The aunt taking care of the inn said that they can walk to Qinfang Village, only that it will take a few hours.

There is no other choice but to to just walk, since there is no one who dare to stop their cars at late evening to bring in a bunch of children. To make matter worse, it also starts raining, the children is small, Bai Yi Fang is carried on Bai Yi Chen back, they have a lot of stuff with them. And as if it wasn't hard enough, they mistakenly entered a village that is similar to the innkeeper aunt's description, that village entrance also have a bus stop like Qinfang Village. So they need to exit the village and continue walking again.

The road light in small towns are not like big cities, they are dim and many are already broken, they ends up getting confused and passed through the supposedly entrance to Qinfang Village because they are on the other side of the road.

Two young teenagers and three small children, lost in the middle of the night, Bai Yi Chen's mobile phone battery also runs out and they are really lost at that time.

That's when Old Jin passed by, he was working as a driver at that time. He stopped and ask the children where they are heading to? Coincidentally, he is also from Qinfang village, so he ended up sending the children to Old Zhou house when he heard that they are the grandchildren of the Jiang family.

There were no more Jiang living in the village, only distant relatives. Old Jin remember that the Jiang have good relationships with Old Zhou family, what more Grandma Zhou is blood sisters with the children's maternal grandmother.

That's how the siblings safely arrived to Qinfang Village with Old Jin's help.

"How is the young master, is he well?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"Right, I remember that you left hastily because you said that your employer is also inside the car. We were all very busy at that time that we didn't even invite him in." Grandpa Zhou said, remembering that rainy night.

"Young master is well. I suddenly remember all of you when I returned back to the village, it's good that you all are living well." Old Jin said.

"They are well. Look at their house, they are more well off than me now." Grandpa Zhou said with a big laugh. He boast for the siblings, he is like a mini representative of the Bai siblings.

Bai Yi Fang also become talkative, since he is their saviour, she automatically put him under good people category. Bai Yi Yang let them chat and went to make buns.

It's not like she didn't notice it, Old Jin is avoiding the 'young master' topic. Well, as long as he doesn't have bad intentions, she won't mind.

'What is his intention?' She asked TongTong who is eating a bunch of bun fillings that Bai Yi Yang put in its plate. Bai Yi Yang hands is also busy making the buns.

'Hard to determine, anyway, he is not a simple person and also not as kind as he look. However, towards you siblings, he has a real concern. His real intention following Old Zhou here is to look around, he didn't seems to be hostile towards your siblings. Towards you Host, there is a bit, it's not really dislike, more like he is being extra careful towards you. More chicken please..' TongTong pushed its the plate towards Bai Yi Yang.

'Why?' Bai Yi Yang ask. She scoop out some chicken and mushrooms fillings for TongTong.

'Because you are different than what he thought you will be. You should act less intelligent in front of him.' TongTong give advice.

'Since he don't have bad intentions, then it's fine. There is no harm if he dislike me a bit.' Bai Yi Yang said.

After that, she seriously start making buns, she need to finish this before 5.00 pm, she have unfinished furniture in the workshop.

"Ge, boil the water and you can start steaming." Bai Yi Yang called Bai Yi Chen.

"Ah, it's almost done? Old Jin, today is your lucky day. This yatou knows what she is doing, I fought with my old wife because of this delicious steamed buns." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Then, I must not missed this chance." Old Jin reply smiling.

"Today both of you cannot leave before you are full." Bai Yi Yang said as she laugh. She is doing what the system suggest her to do, be less intelligent and act like a normal teenager.

Bai Yi Yang already start filling the steamer with different kinds of fillings, let the guest eat first. When the water is boiling on high heat, she just need to steam it for 10 minutes and it's done. Bai Yi Yang continue making buns in high speed as the buns is steaming.

"Is the eldest yatou take culinary class?" Old Jin ask when he saw this. Bai Yi Ling on the side is only cutting parchment paper but she was beaten by Bai Yi Yang speed.

Grandpa Zhou laugh when he heard this questions.

"Eldest yatou is making food for her siblings everyday, I think she just learn it from experience bah." Grandpa Zhou reply.

"Jiejie is just good with anything." Bai Yi Fang on the side add. She is now eating ice creams which she offers first to Old Jin and Grandpa Zhou, but both of them have sensitive teeth. So she ends up eating it alone.

When they tasted the freshly made steamed buns, even Old Jin who is used to various food from the city found it very delicious. He can only finish 1-2 buns usually, but this time he tasted every single buns, what more the steamed buns is also purposely made big.

"See, delicious right?" Bai Yi Fang ask proudly as she watch the old grandpa eat. Well, Old Lin is actually not that old, maybe 10 years younger than Grandpa Zhou, but he is still at the grandpa category for their age group.

"Indeed." Old Jin pick up his second pork with mushrooms and boiled egg fillings steamed buns. He is literally obsessed with this delicious taste.

Not only him, Grandpa Zhou had take a sit in front of the steamer, taking charge of steaming the buns now. How much had he ate, he also cannot remember. Wait until he is scolded at home because he can't eat dinner anymore.

"Eldest yatou, I wonder if I can bring some with me later? I will pay for them." Old Jin said carefully. It is already shameless enough that he is eating these children food, and now he even wanted to bring some back.

"Of course, even when you and Grandpa Zhou bring back some, there is still many for us siblings to eat." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Then, thank you eldest yatou." Old Jin said, he continue eating his buns after that.

The process goes on until 4.35 pm, that's when the buns is finished steaming. Bai Yi Yang gave the last two batch to Old Jin and Grandpa Zhou to bring home, as for theirs, she already put it to freeze.

[12 points earned. Total points: 264]

Each of them siblings ate one steamed bun each and they had enough, so the rest is keep for later for breakfast later.

Old Jin and Grandpa Zhou leave after that. They were holding the steamed buns like a treasure, they really liked it very much.

Bai Yi Chen clean up the mess and Bai Yi Yang took a short break.

"Grandpa Jin is returning to the village for good?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Not yet. He said he just returned to send his things, he will completely retire next month." Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Which is another 1 week or so..?" Bai Yi Yang ask again.

"En." Bai Yi Chen hummed.

"He has a family here? Married? Children?" Bai Yi Yang ask like an investigation. Old Jin really pique her interest.

"His house is one of those in the inner part of the village we go last time. As for family, I don't think that he have one, don't really know. His house has always been empty. Maybe yes, maybe not. He have been living in City Shan for many years, who knows if he have a family there." Bai Yi Chen said.

"City Shan?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"En..two years ago when he saved us siblings, they are heading to City Nan from City Shan. He said something like using a shortcut, I don't really know the road, so there must be shortcut somewhere to City Nan." Bai Yi Chen casually said.

Bai Yi Yang activate her navigation skills and really found a road connecting City Shan to City Nan that passed through their road. But it was so complicated, it was confusing and there are a lot of turns, passing through housing areas. And there is actually a more bigger road that cut straight to the road heading to City Nan. It even takes 2 hours more longer than the usual route.

There is also airplane if he really need to find a shortcut. Why need to use land transportation, longer and more complicated route just to enter City Nan? Many criminals plot runs through Bai Yi Yang mind.

'Too suspicious. No matter how I see this, this is a road used to escape or hide from someone, or even wanted to secretly go to City Nan without passing through the common road.' Bai Yi Yang said to TongTong.

'Host I told you he is not simple. But I don't want to find out for you, lest I invite trouble to you and your siblings. Let's forget this bah, aren't you supposed to make the furniture? TongTong want to stay at home in the future and watch TV.' TongTong said.

" TV stand." She said and rushed to the workshop.