Chapter 145: Coming back from City Bei

The next morning, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings woke up at 7.15 am, Bai Yi Yang let the her siblings drink water with energy replenishing solution again and they immediately become energetic.

"Water that jiejie prepare taste good and I feel energetic right after that." Bai Yi Mo said.

"I thought I was the only one who think so." Bai Yi Ling also said this words. Making Bai Yi Yang laugh and quickly brush it off.

They all bring their luggage and head down to the hotel restaurant for a simple breakfast. Then they head to the checkout counter, which the staff apologies again for last night. They got discount for all additional charges so they didn't have to pay anything anymore.

The hotel taxi came not long after that and they head to the airport. Since they arrived earlier than scheduled, Bai Yi Yang bring her siblings to walk around after checking in their luggage.

This time, the small children can look at the airport as much as they want before they boarded the flight. Since Bai Yi Yang has learned her lesson, she bring Bai Yi Ling to sit with them even though the duo Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo need to be separated for a while. Bai Yi Yang didn't order a heavy meal, just some snacks and drink for her siblings to pass time on flight. Luckily, none of them has airplane fright, so it will be easy to travel in the future too.

They arrived at City Nan airport at 12.40 pm. Bai Yi Yang saw some missed call from Zhou Zhu Yao and immediately call her back while waiting for their luggage.

"Yao Yao jie, you are here?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Yes, where are you?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"Waiting for the luggage. Have you thought of a place to eat?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She told Zhou Zhu Yao that today Zhou Zhu Yao will decide their lunch at City Nan.

"Yeah, come out quickly." Zhou Zhu Yao laugh and they hang up their call. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings came out of the arrival gate after taking all three of their luggage.

"You…go with 2 bags, return with 1 extra bag. What did you buy this time again?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask as she help with one luggage.

"Not many, but there is something for you." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Luckily you still remember me, if not, I was going to drive to this good restaurant on my own." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

After that, Zhou Zhu Yao bring them to a famous restaurant in City Nan, they ordered a few famous dishes and start having lunch. Only that in the middle of their meal, they were approached by some young man who looks to be in his mid 20s. He is wearing a smart attire and the table where he came from also consist of men who seems to work in office.

"Miss Bai Yi Yang?" The man ask cautiously.

"Yes, I am. Do I know you?" Bai Yi Yang didn't want to be rude. Since someone recognise her and know her full name, then must be someone that really know her.

"Ah, I was rude. My name is Chen Li Shen, I am Zhang Yong's business partner. It's really you, I wasn't sure since I only saw your picture before. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you." Chen Li Shen put his hand forward to shake hand.

"Oh, that 'Li Shen'." Bai Yi Yang smile and shake his hand back. Zhang Yong has complained about this man a few times and she had also heard him talking with Zhang Yong when they are having phone calls.

"Hello, hello." Chen Li Shen then shake hand with everyone else sitting at the table.

"Zhang Yong didn't tell me that you are coming here. Do you have some matters to attend to here?" Chen Li Shen ask.

"Yeah, something like that. We are just passing by. We will go back after the meal." Bai Yi Yang said.

"That's a pity. I can show you around to our main branch if you have time." Chen Li Shen said.

"Then, really need to wait other time." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good. Our lunch time is almost over, this is my name card, you can contact me also if Zhang Yong is busy. He is quite busy now since he decided to step in. If he knows that we will meet you here, he will surely join me for lunch." Chen Li Shen said. Bai Yi Yang didn't comment on that and only smile.

"I will do so. Mr.Chen, go ahead and don't mind us." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright, see you Miss Bai." Chen Li Shen said and leave with the people at his table. Zhou Zhu Yao ask a few questions about that person and Bai Yi Yang told her about him.

"You mean, you are friend directly with the owner of Natural Grocery and that person is only second highest at Natural Grocery. He is so polite with you though? I search Natural Grocery after my brother sign the employment contract that you give, and they are not small oh." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Yeah. I got the employment contract from my friend himself, if not I don't dare to use it. This two years, second uncle will be under Natural Grocery care. Of course when my age turn legal, my employment contract will be much better than Natural Grocery. Yao Yao jie, do you have plan to change job?" Bai Yi Yang joke.

"Yes future big boss, please take me in." Zhou Zhu Yao play along.

"But being friend with the owner directly is another level. Your produce is also very good, they benefited a lot from your items. It's only fair that they treat you kindly" Zhou Zhu Yao said. Bai Yi Yang only smile and didn't say anything anymore.

When they came to the counter to pay, they found out that Chen Li Shen has already payed for their table. Bai Yi Yang don't have other choice but to text Zhang Yong to express her thanks to Chen Li Shen. And when she check the chat, there are already a few text messages from Zhang Yong.

"Don't need to come. I am rushing to get home." Bai Yi Yang said when Zhang Yong pick up the phone.

"Really? You should have told me earlier, we can have lunch together at least. What did you do at City Nan?" Zhang Yong ask.

"We went to City Bei for the holiday, to pay respect to our parents. Then this afternoon we just stay for a while to eat lunch. Oh right, say thanks to Mr.Chen for me for paying our lunch, I will pay next time." Bai Yi Yang said. Now they are inside the car already, ready to leave anytime.

"I see, then be careful. It's only right that he pay, you don't worry I will treat him in your place." Zhang Yong said.

"Alright." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"Did the Bai family cause trouble for you there?" Zhang Yong ask carefully.

"They did, but I handled it beautifully. Don't worry, they are bullying the wrong person." Bai Yi Yang chuckled.

"Good, I believe in you. You must be tired, take a rest before school tomorrow." Zhang Yong said.

"Okay, then. Let's talk again next time." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En. I will contact you. If I wait for you to contact me, I may have to wait for months." Zhang Yong said aggrievedly. After that they said goodbye and Bai Yi Yang hang up.

Zhou Zhu Yao who never heard Bai Yi Yang talk with Zhang Yong unlike the Bai siblings who she are used to. It make her a bit curious.

"Who? That Natural Grocery owner?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"En. His name is Zhang Yong." Bai Yi Yang said.

"He wanted to come to meet you? Should we wait or just leave?" Zhou Zhu Yao was a bit curious about this rich friend of Bai Yi Yang.

"He wanted to come at the beginning, but I said we are rushing. Jie, just go. We will meet him again later in two weeks." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, okay." Zhou Zhu Yao change the gear and they start moving. Zhou Zhu Yao was a but curious about this person, so she ask a lot about Zhang Yong along the way.

"You are saying that he is the one who makes your kitchen counter and has been working at a workshop for a few years when he can actually manage a grocery store branch? Then after getting supplies from your orchard, he start being serious about Natural Grocery? His life is really carefree bah, when he don't want he can leave and when he want he can return." Zhou Zhu Yao said, imagining a carefree rich young master in her head.

"Yeah. Since it's his store, he can do anything." Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly.

"I also want to become like that. Don't have to worry about money at all." Zhou Zhu Yao sigh.

"How old is he again? That Mr.Chen was calling him casually, he must be at least similar age bah." Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"25 years old." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"That young and already a supermarket chain owner? Does he already have a partner? Do him frequently? You sounds quite close..You and him, don't have other relationships right?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask and lower her voice. Even though the siblings are sleeping at the back, she don't want to take the risk.

"Young. About his private matters, I don't know. And jie, you are like Yi Chen, we contact each other because of work..I am this young, he is a good person and won't cross the line." Bai Yi Yang emphasised the words work.

Why does everyone think like that about Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong is very proper to her, other than teasing or complaining about things to her, he never cross the line or flirt like Song Zheng Sheng, she doesn't understand why everyone have this thinking.

"Yang Yang, if you ask me, only your physical is 16 years old. But the way you carry yourself is like someone who is already in their mid 20s. My old friends, they didn't even see you as 16 years old after talking with you. So, I was just saying.." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"That…that may be true but there is nothing going on with me and Zhang Yong." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright, I understand." Zhou Zhu Yao nod.

After that, their stories are mainly about what happened in City Bei, Zhou Zhu Yao was enraged when she heard about the Bai family but she also ends up laughing at those heartless people after Bai Yi Yang told her the whole story. Serve them right for being shamed in the big family, they won't dare to be arrogant again.