Chapter 146: Going around Qinfang Village

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings arrived home around 3.30 pm. Zhou Zhu Yao was rushing to send the car so Bai Yi Yang didn't invite her in, she told her that she will come later at Old Zhou house. To give the gifts and also pick up the puppies, Cookie and Oreo.

Bai Yi Yang let her siblings wash up and do whatever they wanted to do while she went to unpack their stuff, wash the laundry for the past two days at City Bei. Of course Bai Yi Chen help her with this, Bai Yi Ling is busy taking care of her succulents now, the new plants she grow is growing really well.

"What did you buy as souvenirs for the boys in class?" Bai Yi Yang ask Bai Yi Chen.

"Keychains." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Ah, I see. That's good enough, if you didn't buy anything we can give them this lip moisturiser set that I bought. Ge, you have one too." Bai Yi Yang gave Bai Yi Chen a set of it.

"Oh.." Bai Yi Chen nod and took it.

After that, they sort out the jade gifts that they are going to give to Old Zhou family and Old Jin. These are people they owe a lot to, even though Bai Yi Yang is not really that comfortable around Old Jin, he is still their benefactor.

"Yang Yang, all of these are authentic?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"Yeah, that shop mixed them up with fake one. I only pick the authentic one." Bai Yi Yang said.

"You actually know how to look at jade?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"A bit, not very good though. But I can tell them apart easily." Bai Yi Yang didn't lie.

"You learn it from your dream too?" Bai Yi Chen carefully ask.

"No. But it has something to do with that dream, I also read a bit from the internet." Bai Yi Yang just smile.

"You know so many things while I am just the same as before.." Bai Yi Chen mumbled. He feels that he depended to much on Bai Yi Yang now, he doesn't feel that good about it.

"Ge, you know right, without you, I wouldn't have even survive. You are this family pillar, we won't be here without you." Bai Yi Fang smile softly and hug his arm and rest her head on her shoulder. Bai Yi Chen pat her head.

"I am just feeling a bit sad..I know that." Bai Yi Chen smile lightly.

"Yang Yang, I was muddled. I have wronged all of you." Bai Yi Chen add. This is talking about the first branch matter.

"You are so good to us. It's not your fault, it's their fault. Why do you have to feel guilty for someone else's fault?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, I know, I just think that whatever happened to all of you was partially my fault too. You are so good at coaxing people, it's just that you are so clueless about a few things." Bai Yi Chen said.

"What? I am not clueless.." Bai Yi Yang pout.

"If you are not clueless, why does boys flock around you? Song Zheng Sheng, Su Long, Zhang Yong. Are you by chance a player?" Bai Yi Chen tease Bai Yi Yang.

"I am not! And ge, you misunderstood. Other than Song Zheng Sheng who I already rejected, Su Long text me for maths questions and Big brother Zhang do business with me. You all think too much." Bai Yi Yang humphed.

"I am not thinking too much, think about it, which normal person will send you questions everyday, if it is really asking, then he will not send the same question the next day. As for Zhang Yong, business can be done with his staff, but he called you 2-3 times a week just to chit chat about his life, does it sound normal to you?" Bai Yi Chen ask Bai Yi Yang.

"Maybe…they just wanted to be friend like Song Zheng Sheng now." Bai Yi Yang said. Song Zheng Sheng is very polite now, he treat her like friend.

"Yeah, that's why gege is saying that you are clueless." Bai Yi Chen knock on her forehead.

"" Bai Yi Yang frown.

"Then, should I stop contacting them?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Just be careful and not get cheated. It's fine to like someone, gege is quite open minded.." Said the older twin brother who hates the sight of these three man the most, even Su Long become so unlikeable these days.

"I don't like anyone.." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good little sister.." Bai Yi Chen smile and pat her head like patting a pet.

Bai Yi Yang push his hand away and continue sorting out their things. After this they need to go down the mountain, so she rush a bit.

At 4.15 pm, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings head down the mountain with the gifts and some snacks for the children. Old Zhou house is still noisy since Uncle Zhou and Second Zhou family is still there, so it was a bit chaotic.

"You all are here, come in." Grandma Zhou call the siblings inside.

Bai Yi Yang didn't waste time, she hand over the gifts to everyone and everyone was stunned with the precious gifts.

"Yi Yang, this is too precious." Grandma Zhou said. She look at the jade bangle again and she knows that this is a real thing. What more, everyone in her family was given one. Old people who have seen real jade just know once they see it.

Once they found out that this is real, they immediately ask the children to stop playing around with it. Such a precious thing, how can it be a plaything, should be put away to the keep.

"That's because Old Zhou family has helped us siblings a lot, this is nothing. Anyway, the items is bought, everyone, accept it bah." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good, good. Then we won't be polite." Grandma Zhou laugh and accept it. One of the reason that they feel light hearted while accepting it is that because they have a clue of how much the Bai siblings is earning, they know it's not a small amount.

"Grandma, I have gifts for Zhu Yao jiejie too, but maybe she won't be back soon. I will put it in her room." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Go, go." Grandma Zhou treats the children like their own, so they are free to move around the house.

Bai Yi Yang enter Zhou Zhu Yao room and put the velvet box containing jade brooch and also the cosmetics products that she bought for her. And of course, not to forget the shopping bag containing gift for Han Dong. She took picture and send it to Zhou Zhu Yao before going out.

"Aww..Yang Yang, you are really spoiling me. What's inside the velvet box?" Zhou Zhu Yao reply. After that, a voice message from Zhou Zhu Yao, it's Han Dong who is talking, saying thanks and joke that she also wanted to be spoiled. Bai Yi Yang laugh at this.

"See it by yourself when you return." Bai Yi Yang said. The jadeite brooch is one of the finest authentic item in the shop, she choose it especially for Zhou Zhu Yao.

"Yang Yang, let's go." Bai Yi Chen called from outside and Bai Yi Yang quickly said her goodbye to Old Zhou family. They still need to go to Old Jin house.

After picking up the puppies into the bicycle basket, the 5 siblings leave Old Zhou house and cycle further into the village. When they arrived at Old Jin house, it was a simple wooden house, in front are a vast paddy field and Old Jin seems to be working at the field.

"Grandpa Jin!" Bai Yi Mo who has come a few times called Old Jin from afar.

"Ah, it's Xiao Mo. Wait for a while!" Old Jin shout back and he come out if muddy field and changed his shoes before heading to his house.

Bai Yi Yang look around and didn't see anything weird. Old Jin is living alone, there is no one else in the house. It's a normal village house, no secret or anything illegal hidden. TongTong has assured her about it. Maybe, she is just being too sensitive, Old Jin is a normal law abiding citizen.

"Hello Grandpa Jin." The Bai siblings politely greet him. Bai Yi Mo is quite close to Old Jin, so he immediately start chatting with him once he arrived.

"Come in, come in." Grandpa Jin invite them inside after washing his feet.

"The door is not locked, when you come next time. Don't stand outside and just come in. Xiao Mo do that all the time." Old Jin said to the Bai siblings.

"Alright Grandpa Jin." Bai Yi Chen nod and smile. Don't know why, the Bai siblings other than Bai Yi Yang likes this Old Jin so much. Even Bai Yi Chen treat him more casually, Grandpa Zhou is also kind, but Bai Yi Chen is more polite to Grandpa Zhou compared to Old Jin who is considered new in their life.

Old Jin's house is not big, it is a wooden house just like Old Zhou house, but smaller. The kitchen is connected to the living room, the kitchen only have a gas stove, simple wooden table and a simple one door fridge. Then there is only one bedroom. It's really a single person house. There is an outdoor toilet 20 meters away from the house and the bathing area is an open area, only surrounded by wooden wall. In Bai Yi Yang observation, at most this house is clean and neat.

This is a common layout of houses in Qinfang village. The toilet is usually build far away from house so they need to walk quite a distance to go to the toilet, then an open bath and laundry area beside the house. There are only certain houses who has build in bathroom like their house.

"Xiao Mo, Fang Fang, come here and pick drinks for your siblings." Old Jin call the two children as he open the refrigerator. Old Jin also bring over some packets of biscuits.

The Bai siblings is accustomed to the way village people treat their guest, so they are used to it. Even though they are not hungry, they still drink and eat the biscuits. Old Jin smile at this sight, he even offer more if they still want more.

He ask about their trip to City Bei, the journey, the food and the weather. He is quite quick witted, he didn't ask about things that can make them uncomfortable. Since Bai Yi Chen and the rest is chatting fine with him, Bai Yi Yang become the quiet one this time. She drink the juice box, ate biscuits and look outside the wide open door while leaning against the wooden wall.

"This are some gifts from us siblings." Bai Yi Chen give the velvet box and also the flavoured dried meat that they bought from the tourist street. They have tasted it and it was quite delicious, so Bai Yi Yang bought a few boxes, for them and to be given to close people. Old Zhou house also received one.

"Next time don't need to prepare gift." Old Jin said but he didn't reject the gift.

"Good jade." He nod a few times while looking at the jade pendant.

"Yang Yang pick it." Bai Yi Chen also noticed that Bai Yi Yang is especially quiet so he wanted to involve her.

"Eldest yatou has a good eyes. Then this old man will gladly accept this." Old Jin smile at Bai Yi Yang. This eldest girl is a mystery, but he also can feel that this girl must have suspicion on him too, that's why she try to minimise talking with him. He knows that it is not dislike, this girl is just a bit wary to her surrounding. Bai Yi Yang nod and smile at this then she said a few empty polite words.

After chatting for a bit more, the Bai siblings need to leave now. They are travel worn and it is also passed 5.30 pm. So, they also need to return.

"Goodbye Grandpa Jin, tomorrow morning I will come over again." Bai Yi Mo said which Old Jin reply with a nod and laugh. Then, the siblings left to go home.