Chapter 173: Props team is back

Because of the tea time, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings is not really hungry. Bai Yi Yang just cook a bowl of simple chicken noodle soup for dinner. They also had their dinner late, almost 9.00 pm.

"Jie, my teacher wanted me to join an English speech competition." Bai Yi Ling suddenly said while they are having dinner.

Last week, she joined the inter-school Spelling Bee competition, she got into the final round but she lose regretfully. She only placed 5th which is already good enough for their school record. Amongst the 5 participants from their school, Bai Yi Ling is the only one that enter the final. She just lack practice and experience. After she lose that day, she is more determined to read the dictionary Bai Yi Yang bought for her last time.

"En, then you should join." Bai Yi Yang said.

"The teacher wanted me to join the storytelling too, she said that I am good at memorising but I rejected it. I think it doesn't suit me." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Storytelling?" Bai Yi Fang sounds interested.

"En. You memorise a storybook, then you retell it in front of many people." Bai Yi Ling explain.

"I like telling other people story." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Fang Fang can join when you enter school later." Bai Yi Yang said with a smile. Storytelling really may not suit Bai Yi Ling character, giving speech is more suitable.

"Then, you should do well since you agree." Bai Yi Yang tell her.

"I will. My teacher said, as long as I memorise it and present it fluently, then I can win." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Good. Your teacher is going to prepare the article?" Bai Yi Yang ask again. Usually its like that for primary school, the student just need to memorise it well and present it, unlike high school students who need to write it themselves. But, Bai Yi Yang is never interested in joining this kind of 'going up the stage' kind of competition.

"Yes. She is going to give it to me on Monday." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Okay. Later you let me see it, see if there is anything that I can adjust." Bai Yi Yang said. She is very confident with her English proficiency. Bai Yi Ling smile and nod, she knows how good her older sister is by now.

The night passed peacefully and Bai Yi Yang woke up early as usual to prepare breakfast. Bai Yi Ling also get ready to head out to her tuition class. Only the two kids is still not awake.

[2 points earned. Total points: 1, 925]

The twins and Bai Yi Ling eat their breakfast. Bai Yi Yang cook seafood fried rice and also wonton soup. Bai Yi Yang cook a huge amount, that's because the Props team is also coming today. She already told them to have breakfast here.

Bai Yi Chen send Bai Yi Ling to the bus stop and the team arrived not long after. There are a total of 7 people including D.D's older brother, the driver. The first time is awkward but now the people who have come last time doesn't feel awkward anymore. Today, D.D is together with XingXing, Shai Ming and Wu Zhou again, there are two other female members that Bai Yi Yang can't remember the name. Xiao Jia and the other girl that come last time is not here today.

Bai Yi Yang invite them to eat breakfast first, since Xiao Mo and Fang Fang is still not awake, Bai Yi Yang just make something else for them later. The 7 people can surely finish all these food.

"Take your time, drinking water is there and you can take your own drink from the fridge too." Bai Yi Yang said. She wanted to vacuum the house for a bit.

"Thanks Yi Yang." D.D said. Bai Yi Yang nod and leave.

The people at the kitchen gossip in low voice. The 4 people and D.D's older brother is used to this house but the two girls is really shocked. When they go up the mountain road, they think they are going to a usual village house, then who knows that they arrived in front of a nice looking traditional courtyard house. When they enter, it is more shocking. No wonder people wanted to trade place with them to go to Bai Yi Yang's house.

Bai Yi Yang is very friendly too, she even give them breakfast, her family's food is delicious like they are eating at a restaurant. What more, it is so cool here with the air conditioning. The girls look at the 3 guys who insist that they come to work here today, no wonder. D.D is different of course, it is only right that she stays here. What more, they are doing the important things here, those who are at the school's workshop only do the small props.

"Control your eyes.." Shai Ming nudge one of the girl.

"Hahaha. Sorry.." The girl laugh awkwardly.

"You haven't seen her twin brother and you are already like this." Shai Ming said. Shai Ming is like this, his mouth is sharp and he gossip more than girls.

"You mean..Bai Yi Chen?" The two girls cannot help but smile widely.

"Yeah, who else? Don't embarrass us later. With your look, Bai Yi Chen is way above your league." Shai Ming said.

"Senior Shai..we are not that bad.." The girls said.

"Whatever. Anyway, don't go overboard." Shai Ming roll his eyes. The girls immediately promise that they won't get too excited.

However words is only words, when Bai Yi Chen return and enter the kitchen while they are still having breakfast, the two girls immediately transformed into fools. Who told Bai Yi Chen to be so handsome?

Bai Yi Chen saw that they had finished eating and proceed to bring the empty dishes to the sink. He usually in charge of dishwashing, he knows where to put the stuff afterwards so the rest of the siblings usually doesn't disturb him, they only wash their own glass after drinking. The rest is done by Bai Yi Chen.

Seeing this golden opportunity to wash dishes with the handsome guy, the two girls immediately stood up, wanted to help. But it turns awkward when they make the task more complicated, they mix up the plates and bowls, so Bai Yi Chen need to rearrange it again.

"Let me help. You two take a break." D.D cannot watch anymore. She doesn't want Bai Yi Chen to get annoyed, it will be more awkward if it happens. The two girls know they messed up and can only return to the diner table.

"Senior D.D is close with Bai Yi Chen?" They ask the rest in low voice. D.D is helping Bai Yi Chen now, at the same time they communicate very well, Bai Yi Chen also look comfortable with her.

"Ah? A bit.." XingXing look over, think a bit and answer. Since last time they come here, Bai Yi Chen indeed talked a bit with D.D. But he doubt that his cousin have same intention as the other girls towards Bai Yi Chen, it's the same thing with Bai Yi Chen. They are just 'bros'.

Even though he cannot talk bad about his ordinary looking cousin but Bai Yi Chen is way above her level, he is just too good looking for her. D.D is not ugly, but she looks too ordinary, what more with that spectacles of her and her usually straight expression, not appealing at all. But, the two people indeed click well. Even with them boys, Bai Yi Chen is not that friendly.

"Senior D.D doesn't have crush on Bai Yi Chen right?" The two girls ask cautiously.

"Who are like you who always going around admiring handsome guys? D.D is not like that, she is a righteous person, they are just brother in arm." Shai Ming said as he defend D.D. Well, his voice is too loud and even the two people at the sink also heard it. Oops!

D.D look at Bai Yi Chen awkwardly. These guys, can't they discuss somewhere else?

"Yi Chen. I think we are done. Let's go find Yi Yang." D.D try to make the atmosphere less awkward. She push him out of the kitchen towards the Main house, leaving the rest of the team members at the kitchen feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry.." D.D said to the handsome guy next to her as they head to the Main house.

"It's nothing." Bai Yi Chen smile lightly. They were talking about stuff to apply after graduation, D.D is quite decisive about what she wanted to pursue so Bai Yi Chen admire her very much. So they have been talking about this stuff basically.

When they enter the Main house, Bai Yi Yang is cleaning, and a small girl is lying on the sofa still not fully awake. Bai Yi Chen didn't see Bai Yi Mo so he excuse himself to the East house to wake him up. D.D enter and chat with Bai Yi Yang, state their plan for today.

Today is easier than last time. The difficult work is done, only some more things like painting, making small props and decorating.

"It's too hot outside. Why don't we ask the guys to move the furniture aside and spread canvas on the floor, then we can do the painting job here. Other than the structure that is too big to bring inside, then the rest can be done here." Bai Yi Yang said.

"That is also fine if you don't mind. I just don't want to ruin any of your furniture, they look..expensive." D.D said. She glance at the traditional furniture made of good woods.

"No problem. I will cover them." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, then we will trouble you." D.D smile.

So, when the plan is told to the team. Shai Ming is devastated because he need to work outside with Wu Zhou, Wu Zhou is cool with it though. The two girls cheer and become more friendly to Bai Yi Yang. XingXing also stated that he will join to do the work inside, so he received sharp glare from the jealous Shai Ming.

Since they have decided, they carefully move the furniture in the middle aside. Its quite heavy, the guys feels that they need to be more careful. After that, Bai Yi Yang cover the furniture with big cloths, the carpet at that area are also moved, then they spread the canvas onto the floor, two layers of canvas to make sure that they won't stain the floor at all. Then they bring in the paints.

Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo is very interested at first, so they ask the people around what they are doing. But then Bai Yi Yang bring them to the kitchen and made them some simple sandwich for breakfast.

[1 point earned. Total points: 1,923]

"What is your plan?" Bai Yi Yang ask the two small guys.

"I have a busy schedule, I have plan with Shitou and the rest." Bai Yi Mo said as he bite into the sandwich.

"En, delicious. Jie, can you make more, let Shitou and the rest have a taste." Bai Yi Mo said. Bai Yi Yang nod so she stood up to make a few more and put it inside two food container.

"This is for Grandpa Jin. You send it over after dropping off Fang Fang." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Fang also told her that she have made plans with her friends. This two children, their job is only to play, when they are in the mood, they will volunteer to work at the vegetables field. But, most of the time they will end up playing too.

"Okay." Bai Yi Mo nod, quickly finishing his breakfast.

After that, the two kids said goodbye to their older brother and sister and the guests, after that they head to the village. As for Bai Yi Chen, he head out to the orchard after that, leaving Bai Yi Yang with the props team.

Bai Yi Yang doesn't have much work too, she just casually joined them paint the props and chat. They also turn on the TV as they do their work, Shai Ming really feel bitter outside, he will sometimes enter the cool air conditioned living room just to sit around. D.D's older brother and XingXing also leave to the school not long after. They still need someone to handle the things there. They also need to bring lunch later.