Chapter 174: Expansion plan and Afternoon break

At 10.30 am, Mr.Feng and someone else come to discuss about the vegetables expansion with Bai Yi Yang. So, Bai Yi Yang excuse herself from the team and bring the guest to discuss in the kitchen. Bai Yi Yang serve them with some drinks and fruits before they start discussing.

Bai Yi Yang already talked with Bai Yi Chen, and she also tell Zhang Yong about this. Since she is going to collaborate with Zhang Yong for a long time, she need to tell him about her stand. She didn't do this solely for money, and she certainly won't transform their mountain into a commercial place.

"Miss Bai, we are aware of your requirements and idea. My boss also think that what you said is right, but can't we expand a bit more? Just a bit more. I have bring this master to survey the land, and actually there are still a large area of flat land." Mr. Feng trying to persuade.

"Yes. Miss Bai, I fully understand what you are thinking. I also find it a pity to clear more area of the original vegetation, but actually you can expand a bit more, just about 1,000 square meter more. You can also build a greenhouse or something with this extra area." The person in charge of the clearing said. He is a man in his 50s, he is very calm when he said this.

"Since master has said this, then we can expand a bit more. A greenhouse is a good idea." Bai Yi Yang smile and agree with this.

"My worker will try to make less damage as much as they can so Miss Bai can be at ease." The master add again.

"En, fine with me." Bai Yi Yang nod.

Prior to this, they already made an agreement that the trees cannot be damaged. The people will just need to cut it, whereas they will use big machine to clean the area and roots. As for the logs, Bai Yi Yang will process it herself.

Since the discussion is made, the workers will start working this evening. Since the work will be a bit more meticulous, they may or may not be able to finished by today. As for the payment, bai Yi Yang will settle it. Zhang Yong wanted to pay at least half since this is his idea, but Bai Yi Yang don't agree. No matter what, the land is theirs. At most, Zhang Yong already help her find people to work on it.

The agreed price is not expensive, about 10,000 yuan. Well, there weren't much to do to begin with, it's just cutting trees and cleaning the area. The price is reasonable.

Bai Yi Yang return to her team and they continue doing their work until 12.00 pm. Other than Shai Ming and Wu Zhou who mainly work outside, the rest is not that tired and sweaty. So only the two boys is eager to take a bath. D.D also wanted to do so since she also sweated quite a lot, she often goes back and forth form outside to help Shai Ming too.

Bai Yi Yang let the girls settle inside her bedroom while the guys temporarily settled in Bai Yi Mo's bedroom. Of course, they only put their stuff there. They weren't as free as the girls who have lied on the soft carpet in Bai Yi Yang's bedroom.

"How much do you think the electric bills is?" The two girls chat and enjoy the cool air while lying down.

"More than 200 yuan?" The other girl guessed. A common household bills is usually around that price or less.

"I don't think so, at least 500 yuan." The other answer.

"That expensive? Then I won't be able to convince my parents to install air conditioning in the near future. They will become hysterical when they see the bills." The girl said.

"We can't compare to Yi Yang's family. My guess is that their parents must be working somewhere in the city, a really good job or maybe even own some business. What more, they seems to have orchard and vegetables field." They deduct.

"I think it is the first one. How much can fruits and vegetables be sold? This house is reeking money everywhere." The other girl said.

"You never know? You also saw the viral fruits from Bai Mountain." The other girl chuckled.


"Bai Mountain?! Don't tell me.." The two girls have a sudden realisation, they sat up and look at each other. This is a mountain and the siblings is surname Bai, maybe it's really their orchard.

"What with the two of you?" D.D saw the two girls acting like this after she returned from the shower with slightly damp hair.

"Senior D.D. Bai Yi Yang family..what do they do?" They ask eagerly.

"I also don't really know. But they have an orchard on the top of the mountain." D.D said casually. She is now using Bai Yi Yang's hairdryer, she already ask for permission just now.

"Then..their orchard, is it the one called Bai Mountain. The viral fruits?" They ask again.

"That..I also don't know. Ask her yourself." D.D said but she also have slight suspicion now. She also know about the viral fruits. Last time, Bai Yi Yang gave them a bunch of fruits, she also think that if it is really the same one, then it's only right that they sell it at that price.

"Okay. We will go ask.." The two girls think that Bai Yi Yang is likeable. They also chat a lot and she is very nice. So they think they can go ask this.

Bai Yi Yang who is cooking lunch in the kitchen saw the two girls coming from outside. She is now braising a whole red snapper fish, last time, Bai Yi Chen bought a big one from the market.

"Yi Yang, can we ask something." The two girls came closer and sat at the bar stool.

"Ask away." Bai Yi Yang smile. She knows what they are going to ask, TongTong told her about it in advance.

"Is the Bai Mountain fruits from your orchard?" The braver one ask.

"Yes, it is indeed the same one. My brother already picked some, later everyone can bring some home." Bai Yi Yang said. The two girls look at each other and their eyes widened. Indeed, when Bai Yi Chen return just how, they saw him bringing a big basket of fragrant fruits.

"Can we really do that..I heard they are expensive.." The girls said, this is really conflicting, they wanted it but they also feel that it is inappropriate.

"En, you can do that. We always give our guests some to bring home." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, we won't be polite." The two girls grinned and after getting their answer fro Bai Yi Yang, they excused themselves. Doesn't want to disturb Bai Yi Yang anymore. When they return to the bedroom, they tell this to D.D.

"I see.." D.D nod. She remember that they take quite a lot with them last time. How much is that if they bought it from the store? Next time, she need to tell Bai Yi Yang in advance not to give them too much. Having a taste is enough.

Bai Yi Yang continue cooking in the kitchen. Other than the braised red snapper, she is also making sweet and sour fish fillet, then broccoli and shrimp in brown sauce. It's only that Shai Ming seems to be a bit hungry, so he linger around while Bai Yi Yang is cooking in the kitchen and watch her cook.

"You must be lying when you said that you never took a master class before." Shai Ming said. Bai Yi Yang let him taste some cooked food and he have been full of praise since the food enter his mouth.

"Senior Shai, you are just hungry." Bai Yi Yang said with a small laugh.

"This is not hunger, no matter how hungry I am now, I already tasted your cooking three times." Shai Ming said.

Bai Yi Yang just go along with him and they chat about food. That's when D.D's older brother and XingXing arrive with a bunch of people, but they are not from the props team, they are from the performance team. Shai Ming have an impending headache when he saw Yu BoQin who plays Romeo and two other supporting actors.

"Senior Shai, you don't have to feel stress. Didn't they come to help our props team, this is your time to boss him around." Bai Yi Yang said mischievously.

"Eh Yi Yang..your words is correct. See how I tire them out after this." Shai Ming is enlightened. He quickly finished the food in his small plate and wink at Bai Yi Yang before calling the people to the kitchen, as if he is the host of the house.

Other than Yu BoQin and the two supporting actors, there is also 'Juliet' and another pretty girl and of course their director Hua Chang Yin.

They enter the kitchen and say hi to Bai Yi Yang, Bai Yi Yang is still cooking so she let Shai Ming settle them down. Shai Ming know where to find the plates, bowls and utensils. Bai Yi Chen is still not back, he went to pick Bai Yi Ling and the two kids. The new people is very curious of everything, Shai Ming will answer them. Since the props team from the morning need to eat their lunch, the extras were send to the living room and some linger at the kitchen counter.

"You haven't had your lunch yet?" Hua Chang Ying is one of the people who stay in the kitchen. She chat with Bai Yi Yang while sitting at the counter.

"En, not yet. My siblings haven't returned." Bai Yi Yang answer while she scoop out a plate of sweet and sour fish fillet and send it to the dining table. This plate is for the props team to eat with their lunchbox.

"Oh yeah!" XingXing shamelessly joined the bunch and start eating with the other 5 people. D.D brother has returned after sending the people, he will return again in the evening.

Bai Yi Yang braised fish is almost cooked too, it just took a while more. Bai Yi Yang is quite free so she made some strawberry ade from real strawberry that is lying around in their fridge then topped it with fresh mint. She made two glass for Hua Chang Ying and Guan Yu Bi while half a glass for herself to try.

Guan Yu Bi is playing 'Juliet' in their play. She and Hua Chang Ying is sitting at the bar counter now. She is very pretty and tall, she suit the charismatic Juliet in their play. That is everyone's opinion. They picked the right person.

[1 point earned. Total points: 1,924]

"Taste good!" Guan Yu Bi said as she took a sip.

She is not really close to Bai Yi Yang compared to the director and the props team, she come today because of curiosity. Words from the props team make the rest of the theatre club members become very curious, so today she follow Hua Chang Ying after practice and everything the props team said is really not exaggerated. Bai Yi Yang treat her guests well, just look at D.D and her team of 5, they are really having a good time here.

"I don't know what you like. If you want to drink something else, there are other things in the fridge." Bai Yi Yang said.

"When we go home, we will settle the tab individually okay." Hua Chang Ying said jokingly in the end. Bai Yi Yang laugh at this.

"Really?" Guan Yu Bi ask. Well, she didn't bring much money.

"Senior Hua is kidding. Make yourself comfortable Senior Guan." Bai Yi Yang said before turning towards the stove to turn off the gas, the braised fish is cooked.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,927]

After cooking, Bai Yi Yang turn on the air conditioning and the kitchen immediately become very cool. The teams who have done eating stay in the kitchen for a bit more before cleaning up. They then head to the living room when Bai Yi Chen and the small siblings returned.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings finally have their lunch after the children wash their hands. They act like usual, not really affected by the more than 10 people in their house. They still chat as usual, Bai Yi Chen still do the dish as usual. It's just that, since Bai Yi Yang let the girls use her bedroom to take a rest, she bring her siblings changing clothes into Bai Yi Fang bedroom. The boys is gathering in the sofa area so its better to use Bai Yi Fang bedroom to take a rest.

Bai Yi Yang also take a bath, but she used the one at West house instead of the Main house bathroom. Only after that did Bai Yi Yang bring her siblings for afternoon nap. Bai Yi Chen the unbothered king also just stay at the living room to talk with Bai Yi Yang's theatre club members before returning to his room not long after.