Chapter 215: Calling people over and Old Jin weird behaviour

When they arrived home, Bai Yi Chen immediately start making fire while Bai Yi Yang proceed with cleaning the big fishes and eel. As for Grandma Cui, she is now preparing the stuff for barbecue.

"Yang Yang, we are here." Zhou Zhu Yao come into the kitchen right after she and her family arrived.

"Ah, jie. Can you help with this?" Bai Yi Yang immediately ask her to do something. Even Bai Yi Ling is busy helping in the kitchen now.

"Roger that." Zhou Zhu Yao said and start getting busy too.

"What should I do with this meat inside the styrofoam box? So many." Zhou Zhu Yao said. She is referring to the box on the counter, there are many different types of meat inside, there are marinated one and non marinated one, seal in vacuum plastic packaging with ice around it.

"Ah that, maybe you can take out half of it and take it out from the packaging. They are ready to be grilled outside." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Ooh..premium beef." Zhou Zhu Yao read.

"Grandpa Cui's driver sent it over." Bai Yi Yang only smile. When they returned just now, in front of the gate is this styrofoam box. Grandpa Cui said that he told his driver to send it over especially for tonight's barbecue. Bai Yi Yang also saw it and know right away that they are good ingredients.

Zhou Zhu Yao also nod and read each different cuts of meat every time she took it out. Bai Yi Yang let her choose which one she wanted to eat.

"Hi Grandpa Jin!" Bai Yi Yang heard Bai Yi Mo and Bai Yi Fang voice from outside, she knows that Grandpa Jin is here immediately. Those two kids is really chaotic.

"Who else did you call over?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"Only us, there is no one else." Bai Yi Yang said.

"And this much food?!" Zhou Zhu Yao freeze, she stop taking more meat from the styrofoam box. Now she is worried if they can finish this food or not. Bai Yi Yang is now adding seasoning to 5 big fishes and 4 fat eels. Then she also saw Grandma Cui taking out 2 trays of different type of seafood, 1 tray of vegetables and mushrooms skewers, a tray with different type of sausages and a tray of marinated chicken wings. That's why she thought Bai Yi Yang called many people too.

"Too much?" Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"Yes! How about you call over your maternal uncle family too. Head Village Li too, and maybe Old Bo family." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Ah, okay. Let my gege go with Second Uncle." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good idea." Zhou Zhu Yao said before running outside, she talked with her second brother and Bai Yi Chen. Not long after that, Bai Yi Chen come into the kitchen.

"Yang Yang, I will also call Second uncle Li family over since their house is not far from ours." Bai Yi Chen said. The two closest house to them will be Old Bo house and Second Li house.

"En, fine with me." Bai Yi Yang agreed. Bai Yi Chen nod and went out with Second Zhou with his motorcycle. Like this, it will be faster.

Bai Yi Yang then start preparing more seriously, since they decided to invite a lot, then she must make sure that the food is enough.

"Xiao Ling, cook another batch of rice." Bai Yi Yang said when she saw Xiao Ling.

"Okay jie. Ah, I ask the children to watch TV inside, they are too noisy." Bai Yi Ling said.

"En, good job. Later when you are done, go take a bath with Xiao Mo and Fang Fang too. When the other children arrived, they may forget to take a bath." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Whose child?" Bai Yi Ling ask.

"Second Li family children, Ah Rui and Xiao Bo Yuan." Bai Yi Yang said. Now, Bai Yi Ling is not too opposed to Bo Yuan anymore and Bo Yuan actually change a bit too, when people talk about naughty children in the village, Bo Yuan name is not mentioned as much as before.

When done with preparation, Bai Yi Yang come outside with the ingredients. Old man Cui is the main chef outside after Bai Yi Chen left, Grandpa Zhou and Old Jin is also helping. Grandma Cui act as the instructor while they are grilling.

"Eldest yatou, look at my grilling skills, how is it?" Old man Cui said while he pointed out at the grilled sausages that looks quite appetising.

"Not bad ah." Bai Yi Yang praise.

"Yi Chen can quite his job, I heard he is the master in barbecue." Old Man Cui said.

"Grandpa Cui, you can say that when my gege returns." Bai Yi Yang laugh. When she is chatting happily with Old man Cui and the rest, she caught Old Jin looking at her differently, he is only like this towards her but he still treat the other as usual. At times, Bai Yi Yang can feel that he seems to be hiding something and wanted to avoid her

This is one thing that Bai Yi Yang had noticed for a while now. It's not the first time that Old Jin is behaving like this. There is also the time last weekend when they stroll around the village and stop by his house, Bai Yi Yang start noticing this since then. Then this evening he also doesn't dare to meet eyes with her, only with her. Making her become suspicious.

"Grandpa Jin, you walk all the way here. Why not have some drink in the kitchen first." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Ah.." Old Jin look up, he didn't think that Bai Yi Yang will call him.

"Right ah Old Jin, go inside first. We can handle the work here." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Go in, go in. Accompany the eldest yatou inside." Old man Cui also said. This Old Jin that the siblings take as their own grandfather like Old Zhou is quite close to the other siblings, but he can see that he and Bai Yi Yang is still quite awkward.

"Alright. Then, I will help out inside." Old Jin laugh lightly and follow Bai Yi Yang to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, there is also Zhou Zhu Yao who is busy at the sink, so he try to act less awkward.

"Grandpa, come sit here. I will bring over some drink? Do you have anything specific you wanted to drink?" Bai Yi Yang said as she open the floor to ceiling cabinet.

"No. Just some tea will be nice." Old Jin sat at the stool at the island counter and said. Well, this is the first time he chat with Bai Yi Yang without the other siblings around, as for Zhou Zhu Yao, she seems to be in her own world humming while washing the dishes.

"I have this nice tea. Try it." Bai Yi Yang said as she took out a tea that she bought from City Bei. In the house, only she drinks tea so the tea last for a long time.

"Good, good." Old Jin nod. Bai Yi Yang smile and start making the tea, there are no technique, just put hot water and let it sit for a while before serving.

"Thank you." Old Jin said when the tea is served.

"No problem. Grandpa Jin, when you are bored at home, come over more often. Xiao Mo and Fang Fang always talked about you." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"That two children, they must be making fun of me behind my back." Old Jin laugh when he heard Bai Yi Yang mention the two monkeys. Bai Yi Yang also smile, at least she knows that Old Jin is really sincere when it comes to her siblings, only with her did he become a bit different.

"No way, they like you their grandpa so much. If can, they will want to come over your house every day." Bai Yi Yang add.

"They only tease me all day long, my old bones can't catch up with them." Old Jin laugh aloud.

"That's what I am saying. Grandpa, you can't get any closer to them, but why does it seems different with me? Am I scary? Does Grandpa have anything that you can't talk to me about?" Bai Yi Yang said, making Old Jin expression change. Even Zhou Zhu Yao turn her head to look at Bai Yi Yang wide eyed. The atmosphere changed into a complete silence, only sound from outside can be heard.

"I am joking.." Bai Yi Yang immediately laugh when he saw Old Jin expression, his shocked expression is followed by guilt.

"Just take it as I am being jealous of my small siblings." Bai Yi Yang grinned. Old Jin also smile after that but the feeling of guilt shown on his face become much more apparent.

"You girl.." Zhou Zhu Yao also brush it off before continuing with dish washing.

Bai Yi Yang was half sure before but now she is completely sure. Old Jin is hiding something and she can see the guilt from him. Anyway, no matter what it is, at least she knows.

'Why do you think he is behaving like this?' It was TongTong who ask Bai Yi Yang.

'I also don't understand.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'When he first come, he was already suspicious. But, at that time he don't have any bad intention, he doesn't seems to be a bad guy too so we let it go. But, why did he suddenly have this reaction towards you recently?' TongTong analyse.

'Did he do something behind us? Such as talking bad about us to the villagers?' TongTong said.

'But, he still cares for the children. He is only like this to me.' Bai Yi Yang frown.

'Right. Only to you Host. He only talks bad about you.' TongTong said. Bai Yi Yang roll her eyes at the cat words.

'This Grandpa Jin is really a bit complicated.' Bai Yi Yang sigh.

After that short awkward episode, Bai Yi Yang pretend nothings happened, she start chatting about the paddy fields with Old Jin. She also shares some tips about paddy planting since Old Jin is also new in doing fieldwork. Old Jin is still awkward but it was better when they start talking about this stuff. When Old Bo family arrived and Grandpa Bo and Grandma Bo joined them in the kitchen, the awkwardness has totally disappeared.

As for Bai Yi Yang, she also start grilling the meat on the grill pan seriously. The fire pit outside won't be able to cook all the food. Grilling the premium beef inside is also another way.

"Can I have a taste?" Zhou Zhu Yao who is helping Bai Yi Yang drool over the food.

"Aah.." Bai Yi Yang cut a piece of meat and feed it to Zhou Zhu Yao.

"En, so delicious." Zhou Zhu Yao squealed happily. When Bai Yi Yang cook a different type of meat, she wanted to have a taste.

"You..I thought you are helping here.." Grandma Zhou who caught her daughter asking for food from the busy Bai Yi Yang immediately scold her. The ladies who is in the kitchen only laugh when they saw this.

"Yi Yang yatou and Zhu Yao is like real sisters." Grandma Bo said.

"That is right." Head Village Li's wife also nod. Head Village Li's wife is the person where Bai Yi Yang usually ordered the basket from. Even the one that is used in the orchard now is all made by Head Village Li's wife.

Like that, the cooking process only finished when it is 7.30 pm. Bai Yi Yang lights up all the lamps in the house and it didn't differ much inside. Jiang Yu Zan whole family came over including his mother in law, Head Village Li come with his wife only, everyone in Second Li family also come and lastly is Old Bo family.

The children is noisy, rather than the proper food, they are more excited about eating the delicious cold fruits slice and desserts, Bai Yi Yang let them have a taste of a few types of ice creams, of course that is only after they had their proper meal.

As for the adult, after having a full meal, everyone had 2-3 cups of wine, it was bought by Head Village Li. The wine is just for them to warm up, by the time the gathering ended, nobody is drunk.

There are many people called to eat but there are some leftovers, Bai Yi Yang divided it and ask the people to bring it back. Anyway they won't be able to finish it.

The last one who returned is Head Village Li and his wife and the Jiang family, they all ride Jiang Yu Zan old car together. Because the road is dark at night, everyone brought big torch light with them so there is nothing to worry. After everyone left, there were nothing much to clean because the women who came is all sensible, they already clean up most of it before leaving. However, tomorrow they still need to put back all the stuff into their places. Let the water dry overnight first.

Notes: Guys, i upload 5 chapters first ya..i have problem wth uploading…will try to upload more within this week💚💚💚