Chapter 216: Choosing houses

The next morning, it was Bai Yi Chen who woke up the earliest. He still need to go to buy some grocery, he leave the house at 8.00 am.

Not long after that, Bai Yi Ling woke up and start sorting out the orders for her succulents so that she can post it tomorrow. Her succulents store has very good reviews, that is because her plants are healthy, their leaves is thick and the colour is vibrant. Just like their orchard and vegetables field, Bai Yi Ling think that the soil in their mountain is really good for plants.

Have to say, Bai Yi Ling is very passionate about this. After sorting them out, she start checking the succulents one by one. Not only taking care of her small patches of succulents near the vegetable field, she also take care of the succulent plants at their central courtyard.

"Eh, TongTong, you awake?" Bai Yi Ling said when she saw TongTong following her around as she water the plant.

"Meow." TongTong who wanted to say that it is hungry can only produce this sound. Well, the siblings usually understand each type of 'meow' now.

"Hungry? Wait for jiejie to woke up, I don't know what she wanted to cook for breakfast. Or I can make some instant noodle for you." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Meow." TongTong replied and roll on the grass

'Nah..I rather wait then.' This is what her meow means. Bai Yi Ling only laugh and continue doing her work.

As for the puppies, Bai Yi Chen already fill up their bowl before leaving. Every morning during the weekend, taking care of the puppies food and water in the morning is usually done by Bai Yi Chen. During the weekdays they will stay at Old Zhou house so there is no worries.

Bai Yi Yang only woke up at 8.30 am. Clinging onto her is Bai Yi Fang on the left and the still sleepy Bai Yi Mo on the right. She lifted them up and bring them into the bathroom to wash their face. Because they are children, they get excited every time they met water, so the bathroom is a bit noisy while they were lightly washing up.

"Fang Fang, don't splash on your xiao gege." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Wake up, wake up!" Bai Yi Fang continue to laugh aloud in an attempt to let her xiao gege totally wake up.

Because of this noise, the two elderly couple also finally come out of the bedroom. They doesn't seems to have just woken up especially Grandma Cui, she immediately go outside to watch Bai Yi Ling take care of her succulents. They then start chatting lightly. As for Old man Cui, he head straight to the West house bathroom. So when Bai Yi Yang is heading to the kitchen, she cross path with him.

"Good morning Grandpa Cui." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Morning. Making breakfast?" Old man Cui ask excitedly.

"Yeah. Do you have anything you wanted to eat today?" Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Some warm food will be nice." Old man Cui also follow Bai Yi Yang to the kitchen.

Bai Yi Yang decided to make some plain rice congee, stir fry snow pea and shrimp, wonton soup and steamed xiao long bao. While making the breakfast, she chat lightly with Old man Cui, since there is only two of them in the kitchen now, they chat like friends, like they used too. Bai Yi Yang made him some warm tea as she cook breakfast.

"That Old Jin doesn't seems to be a regular retired driver." Old man Cui said when they come to a topic about the villagers.

"Grandpa, you noticed it too." Bai Yi Yang turn her back as she look at Old man Cui, finally she found a like minded person.

"Yeah. My driver for years is not like that, to say it..he have a different aura to him." Old man Cui continue.

"Actually, I also noticed it when he come for the first time. But, he treats us siblings sincerely, so I stopped minding about that." Bai Yi Yang said.

"You did well. He doesn't have bad intentions towards all of you, he treat the kids very good. But, you should never let your guard entirely, people like him is not that simple." Old man Cui said.

"En, got it. I don't really mind him having secrets, everyone have their own secrets. As long as he means no harm." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good. Good mentality." Old man Cui laugh.

The two of them chat a little bit more. Old man Cui talked about his company, his old job, family and friends. Bai Yi Yang also talked about what she have been doing recently.

So, when Grandma Cui came into the kitchen and saw this sight of one old and one young chatting like same age friends, she look a few more times at Bai Yi Yang. She knows her husband very well. How Old man Cui treat the younger generation, she have seen it. But with Bai Yi Yang, why does it feels like he is chatting with those old friends of him? Grandma Cui smile, well, she should have noticed it from the beginning.

[4 points earned. Total points: 1,462]

Bai Yi Yang helped by Grandma Cui start serving the dishes. As for the children and Old man Cui, they are already waiting at the table. Everyone is a bit hungry since it is already 9.00 am now. When the food is served, they immediately start eating, TongTong is already halfway finished, it started eating earlier.

"What time will Yi Chen be back?" Grandma Cui ask as she is washing the dishes. Here, Grandma Cui is just a common grandmother, unlike the Old Madam in City Nan. So she will wash dishes, help the children wash their hands and so on. She haven't been like this for so long, so she quite enjoy this simple life.

"Usually around 11.00 am." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"It's really difficult since you all don't have transportation, when you turns 18, you should immediately get a driving licence." Old man Cui said.

"If can I wanted to get one right now." Bai Yi Yang said jokingly.

"Bear with it for 2 years." Old man Cui laugh.

"Oh right, your Grandma had asked around. We have pictures of the new apartments at the university area. Based on your criteria, we found 3 houses. Wanted to take a look at it?" Old man Cui said. Grandma Cui family is also not small figures in City Nan, once she asked around, finding places like this is very easy.

"Really?" Bai Yi Yang said excitedly.

"Yeah. Come." Old man Cui said. He briefly ask his old wife where the tablet are before heading to the Main house. He enters the bedroom and bring out a tablet with him, this is Grandma Cui's tablet. Old man Cui set the tablet on the table and start searching the tablet.

"This is the first one, it is 90 square meter on the 14th floor and 17th floor, 2 rooms, 1 master bedroom and 1 smaller room and 1 shared bathroom. As for the kitchen and living room design, they look like this." Old man Cui show Bai Yi Yang one by one. Bai Yi Yang look at each one picture and nod.

"This is also in the same condominium complex on the 21st floor, it's a 120 square meter house, there are 2 big bedrooms with build in bathrooms. The living room and kitchen area is also bigger. To be honest, they are much more better in my eyes. The view is also better." Old man Cui said.

"They also looks better to me. For now let's keep this one." Bai Yi Yang like this 120 square meter very much, the floor plan is much neater compared to the other one. She also like the fact that there is build in bathroom, the bedroom is bigger and the view is much better.

"This condominium is only 15 minutes walk from City Nan university. As for the centre of City Nan, it will take about 30 minutes car ride. As for other thing, since there is an condominium complex and there are a lot of university in this area, there is nothing to be worried about. There are a total of 7 buildings. This area is basically complete. Each house is provided with one parking space but basically parking space is not a problem. There is a one high school and one primary school nearby, a few nursery and kindergartens." Old man Cui explain again with a map picture.

"They are quite good. What about the other one?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Ah, this is a bit more at the centre of City Nan. The place is good. Houses in this area is usually sold before it even finished construction, but there is this condominium was sold by someone who wanted to move overseas and sold their house. This place is basically new, it is left empty for more than 1 year now with no renovation and so on. It's a 135 square meter house. Look at this, they are quite good, my granddaughter also have a house in this condominium complex." Old man Cui said. Bai Yi Yang look at the pictures and feel amazed. This place is like another world in the middle of the city, the whole complex is surrounded by greenery and they look quite luxurious.

"I think this place is also nice if you and your siblings ever come to City Nan you can stay here rather than stay in the hotel. The children love the swimming pool, they also have it, the garden is big and there are playground, gymnasium is also available. Your own house will be safer to stay rather than hotel too." Old man Cui add. Bai Yi Yang nod.

Bai Yi Yang contemplate within the three house. Actually, out of the three, her favourite will be the third house. She like big space and the third house is the biggest, what more, the basic amenities there is also quite complete, it is even at the centre of City Nan. Of course the price is much more higher at 29,150 yuan per square meter. This is actually cheaper because of the reduced house price this few years. As for the condominium complex at the university area, it is priced at 20,650 yuan per square meter, not cheap too.

"I like two of them, the 120 and 135." Bai Yi Yang told Old man Cui about her opinion. The bigger one will be 3.9 million yuan, almost 4 million and the 120 square meter is about 2.5 million yuan. Her money is enough but does it really worth it?

'Host, based on my data and prediction. The house will surely goes up, now is the best time you buy it. In another few years, even with all our money, we may only afford a smaller one.' TongTong said.

'Yeah, I am thinking the same, but, that's not a small amount we are talking about.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Host, money can be earned but this low price won't last long.' TongTong said.

'Alright, we buy!' Bai Yi Yang is determined.

"Grandpa, we will take both the 135 and 120 square meter one." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Both?!" Grandma Cui who just finished cleaning up heard this and got shocked. This siblings, she doesn't know their financial situation but buying two house at once is courageous. The property price has decreased this past years, people are wary to buy property now since they are not sure if the price will continue to decrease and they will lose money.

"Yes. I have enough money for 2 houses for now. I think it is convenient, we often come to City Nan, having a house there is better and one near the university for future use." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I also think you should buy this." Old man Cui agree.

"Old man, don't influence the children. We never know if the price will increase or not in the future." Grandma Cui is a bit worried. No matter what, this will involves millions.

"Grandma, I think the houses is good. Even if their price doesn't increase, we are staying there anyway." Bai Yi Yang smile. Old man Cui also support this. Grandma Cui sigh helplessly.

"Alright. I will try asking for a lower price. The asking price for the new condominium complex at the university area is fixed, but the other one is privately owned, it is still negotiable." Grandma Cui said.

"Thank you grandma." Bai Yi Yang grinned at her and hug her arm.

"Silly child, no need to say thank you amongst family. Actually we prefer all of you staying at our house during your visit." Grandma Cui smile widely.

"We would love to do that but sometimes there are people with us too, that may be a bit inconvenient." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I understand." Grandma Cui said. After that, Grandma Cui said that she will style it as soon as possible so that they can immediately plan for the renovation and buying furniture and so on.

Bai Yi Yang grinned, seems like she will have another big project, this way, she will be able to earn more points while making the furniture for this two houses.