Chapter 223: Zhang Yong sudden visit

Because it was too late when she finished, Bai Yi Yang cannot take the 1.30 pm bus, she decided to buy the one at 3.30 pm. After lunch, she had a quick nap after chatting with the couple. Grandma Cui has really recovered miraculously, the doctor said that it was something that he himself never witnessed in his life.

The old couple sent Bai Yi Yang to the bus terminal, they even stopped by a dessert shop for Bai Yi Yang to bring home for her siblings. They waited until she got on the bus and her bus leave before leaving.

Not only Bai Yi Yang, TongTong is exhausted too. While they were looking at the houses, TongTong wander around to look at the surrounding. It also tried to look into their future neighbours, so now both of them don't have the energy and just take a rest.

Bai Yi Yang automatically woke up 30 minutes before arriving at their town. She texted Driver Tang and ask him if he is still in town. Driver Tang didn't take long to replied her, saying that he will wait for her.

A few minutes passed 5.00 pm, Bai Yi Yang finally arrived. Then, she immediately saw Driver Tang amongst the people, she came over and follow him to the van.

"Uncle, this is for you and aunt." Bai Yi Yang gave a paper bag. She especially bought this for Driver Tang and his wife.

"Actually there is no need for this." Driver Tang said but he is still smiling widely as he accepted the gift.

"I also bought some for my siblings, so bought it along the way, no trouble at all." Bai Yi Yang smile back. After that, they passed by the town's bus stop and pick up some people who is waiting there. Bai Yi Yang is sitting at the front sit so even though she have stuff with her, it's not crowded.

Some of the passengers recognise Bai Yi Yang and some who recognise Bai Yi Ling become very interested chatting with her after knowing her relationship with Bai Yi Ling.

"I only have seen Yi Ling yatou before, today it is her older sister." An old aunt said.

"You girls are all pretty and polite." Another aunt praise. Driver Tang laugh and brag about the siblings, he told his passengers about the other siblings, all good things about them.

When it was Bai Yi Yang stop, Bai Yi Chen is already there waiting for Bai Yi Yang. He opened the door and help carry her stuff before thanking Driver Tang.

"Uncle Tang, when you have a day off, come over with aunt to eat at our house." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then we will do that when we are free." Driver Tang grinned. His wife at home is also a bit lonely, the Bai siblings is so good, she will surely like them.

The twins bid goodbye and Bai Yi Yang sat behind Bai Yi Chen's bike. They first head to Old Zhou house and Bai Yi Yang take out a bunch of pastries for the children and adults to eat, then they head to Old Jin house as usual.

"You bought a house in City Nan? That's good, that's good. Hotel is not safe to stay, what more, when both of you are going to university, a house there will be better." Old Jin smile and nod. Bai Yi Yang really can't continue being suspicious of him, this Old Jin is really sincere when it comes to the siblings.

"We just bought it, it's still a while before we can stay there." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"No rush. Eldest yatou, when you go next time bring Yi Chen along, the children I can help look after them. You are a girl, it's not safe to travel alone." Old Jin add.

"Grandpa, you talk a bit with Yang Yang, I told her a few times about this but she wouldn't listen." Bai Yi Chen agreed with Old Jin.

"Listen to your brother." Old Jin frown a bit.

"Alright. I will do that next time." Bai Yi Yang smile. See, this Old Jin is really quite good, Bai Yi Yang really can't dislike him, even TongTong is convinced when it comes to Old Jin.

After that, the siblings went home. Bai Yi Chen left the siblings at home on their own, it almost 6.00 pm, they must have been waiting. Bai Yi Yang was welcomed with hugs from her siblings, they are so hyped up even when they only been separated for 1 day, as if it has been a long time, the children actually have a lot of stories to tell.

Bai Yi Yang cook 3 dishes for dinner, pan fried fish with sour and spicy sauce, orange chicken and lastly is a simple vegetable dish.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,488]

The siblings eat deliciously while chatting. After that they had some cakes that Bai Yi Yang brought back. Only after that did Bai Yi Yang have the chance to wash up, she took her time with it, seems like she will fall asleep easily tonight since she is a bit tired.

After shower, Bai Yi Yang decided to catch up with homework that she haven't started with. She plan to do homework and go in to sleep before 10.00 pm. Even TongTong has settled down on its bed. But who knows that at around 9.00 pm, they will receive a guest.

"Zhang Yong?!" Bai Yi Yang said when Zhang Yong step out of his car, still in his work clothes.

The Bai siblings heard cars stopping in front of their house and Bai Yi Yang receive a text from Zhang Yong saying that he is in front of their house. So everyone come out to see him.

"Big brother Zhang!" The children called out and ran to Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong grinned widely and pat each of their head.

"Hello." Zhang Yong finally got in front of Bai Yi Yang after the small ones is done greeting him enthusiastically.

"Are you crazy?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Bai Yi Yang ask. It's already passed 9.00 pm which means it was already night when he drive here. Their town is small, even the road light is not very bright like in City Nan, what more when it enter their village.

"I am upset that you just leave like that. If I don have important meetings today, I would have send you back." Zhang Yong said.

"Who need you to send me? I can go back alone. Come inside first." Bai Yi Yang laugh, she pat his shoulder.

"Wait, I bought some food on the way, I haven had dinner. And, can I stay over tonight, it's already late." Zhang Yong said as he open the backseat door.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Then why did you bother to rush here, you didn't even had dinner first." Bai Yi Yang said. Since there seems to be a few more stuff, Bai Yi Yang let the children to bring it inside,

"Big brother Zhang, I will send your bag to Xiao Mo room, stay there today." Bai Yi Chen who just came said. He took the backpack from Bai Yi Yang.

"Thanks Yi Chen." Zhang Yong smile. Bai Yi Chen nod and went inside first.

As for Zhang Yong, he follow Bai Yi Yang inside after locking his car. When he step inside, now he understands why his staff keep praising their house, it is really too different from when he first come here. Time flies very fast, it has been a few months since he came here, even the puppies is not puppies anymore.

"Come to the kitchen first." Bai Yi Yang call him to enter the kitchen. Since he haven't had dinner, let him have dinner first. Zhang Yong look around the kitchen and nod a few times, the Bai siblings house is really complete now.

"What did you bought? I can heat it up or do you want some rice? I can cook some simple soup and vegetables." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Some pizza. No need to cook, it's already late, I can eat that." Zhang Yong grinned.

"Big brother Zhang, sit here." Bai Yi Fang pointed at the seat next to her. In this family, their seating arrangement is usually fixed, the extra 3 seats are for any guests. Zhang Yong smile and sat.

"I will heat this up and steamed some dim sums, is that okay?" Bai Yi Yang busy around and start taking out the two pizza boxes, mushrooms soup and other sides. She took out two pizza pans and transferred the now cold pizza and pop it into the oven to be heated. Then, she also took out some frozen dim sums and set up the steamer, Bai Yi Chen who came into the kitchen took over after that and ask Bai Yi Yang to sit.

The children are asking Zhang Yong about travelling at night and Zhang Yong patiently answer that. Bai Yi Ling who have bring some drinks for Zhang Yong also sit to listen.

"Going back tomorrow?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She have brought over the two heated pizza on the table. Seeing that Zhang Yong and her siblings enjoying it, Bai Yi Yang also grab a slice. Don't know when, TongTong also have a slice on its plate now.

"En, in the evening." Zhang Yong answer with a smile. Don't know why the simple pizza taste very delicious today, maybe because he is hungry or maybe because he like the company of Bai Yi Yang and her siblings.

"Alright. Eat more." Bai Yi Yang nod and take her second slice as she push the food towards Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong nod and smile, he noticed that Bai Yi Yang appetite has increased too, it's a good choice that he bought some food.

Not long after, Bai Yi Chen serve the dim sums in front of Zhang Yong and Zhang Yong immediately abandoned the pizza as he attacked the plate of dim sums.

"Poor Big brother Zhang, he must be hungry on the way." Bai Yi Fang comment. Zhang Yong is embarrassed and quickly slow down.

After dinner, Bai Yi Chen as usual clean up and put the leftover pizza into the fridge. As for Bai Yi Yang and the other, they show Zhang Yong around the house and finally to Bai Yi Mo's bedroom that he is going to use.

"Thanks little buddy." Zhang Yong pat Bai Yi Mo small shoulder.

"No problem." Bai Yi Mo grinned.

Bai Yi Yang told Zhang Yong that he can use the West bathroom, the towels and everything is there, as for laundry, he can wash it himself. Bai Yi Yang is quite candid with Zhang Yong since she treat him as her friend like Zhang Ming Ming, unlike their other guests. Zhang Yong knows what to do as long as he knows where and where. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings then leave him alone.

Since there is someone at their house, Bai Yi Yang plan to sleep early was delayed. In the living room, they chat about a lot of things until passed midnight. The children already come in to sleep after watching TV and the twins and Zhang Yong was still chatting. It was when Bai Yi Yang repeatedly yawn did they all come inside to sleep.