Chapter 224: Sunday market shopping

The next morning, as they had planned last night, Zhang Yong and Bai Yi Chen come out to the town early to do some shopping. Since Zhang Yong have the transport, he volunteered to do so. They can also return early after doing some shopping.

"You are the one who do shopping most of the time?" Zhang Yong ask Bai Yi Chen.

"Yes. On Sunday morning I do shopping for wet food. As for the other, Yang Yang buy it online at G Supermarket, it's quite complete." Bai Yi Chen answer, now they are on the way don the mountain.

"It must be quite difficult, the town is still half an hour away from your house." Zhang Yong comment again.

To put Bai Yi Chen and Zhang Yong level of closeness now, it can be said to be quite good. Bai Yi Chen can sense that Zhang Yong has a thing on Bai Yi Yang but Zhang Yong also never cross the line. What more, Zhang Yong and his twin really get along well, it's like how Bai Yi Yang is with Zhang Ming Ming, so he actually accepted the fact that he will interact a lot with Zhang Yong in the future, why not just tolerate him.

"It's okay, I am used to it." Bai Yi Chen smile.

When they arrived at the village road, they passed by a few villagers who is heading to the bus stop. Now is still very early, 7.25 am. The earlier they are the better it is because the market won't be crowded yet and there will be a lot of choices.

Along the way, Zhang Yong also ask about school. Zhang Yong is also a smart person, he knew that Bai Yi Chen can sense his special treatment towards Bai Yi Yang, so when he is curious about Bai Yi Yang, he will also ask things in general, let the conversation flows naturally. Because of this, they had a good conversation. Bai Yi Chen is someone who is quite smart, he can converse well with adult, maybe because he is the head of the family, so Zhang Yong found that the twins is a bit similar.

When they arrived in town, Bai Yi Chen point at the butcher store then they stopped by at the market. Zhang Yong who have stayed in the small town for a while was amazed, he usually never go to this market so when he saw variety of food, he become excited thinking that the children will love it and bought two big box of egg tarts for Bai Yi Yang when he heard that Bai Yi Yang loves it.

"Who is this with you today? I didn't see any of your siblings." The seafood seller said to Bai Yi Chen while packing the seafood in the styrofoam box as usual.

"A friend who came over to visit." Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Hello, hello. I see you bought the same egg tart again today, that stall sells delicious egg tarts." The seafood seller said.

"The one at home like it." Bai Yi Chen smile. Bai Yi Yang is really a tart lover, other dessert she won't be interested, only tarts. Only that in their small town, the options is limited.

"Do you often buy from him?" Zhang Yong ask when they walk away from that stall.

"Yes. He sells many seafood and the quality is good, Yang Yang said to buy there. Brother Zhang, your luck is good today, they have mud crab. Yang Yang is very good in cooking mud crabs." Bai Yi Chen smile.

"Really? Then we should buy more." Zhang Yong wanted to return back to the stall, this is a golden opportunity to eat Bai Yi Yang's cooking.

"We can't buy more. They all have been reserved." Bai Yi Chen smile.

"That's bad. Then, let's look for other seafood, my treat." Zhang Yong said. Bai Yi Chen can't reject it when Zhang Yong is this enthusiastic, so this time they visited almost all the seafood stall. And they bought another box full of seafood, only then did Zhang Yong feel satisfied.

"Brother Zhang, Yang Yang may get angry since we bought too much." Bai Yi Chen said when three boxes of seafood and meat was placed in the trunk. Not including the food that Zhang Yong purchased from the snack stalls.

"No problem, if they can't fit in the fridge, give some to your Grandpa Jin and Old Zhou house." Zhang Yong said.

Zhang Yong drive back at 9.10 and they arrive home at 9.37 pm. Zhang Yong driving is quite fast, compared to the more careful Zhou Zhu Yao driving style.

When they arrived home, Bai Yi Yang is already awake and watching TV, she seems to just woke up not too long, Zhang Yong found it quite adorable that she still look a bit dazed until she scolded them for buying too much food what more when she saw the 3 big boxes of wet food.

"Where are we supposed to stuff all of this?" Bai Yi Yang feel a headache. Seems like this two boys bought every different type of seafood they saw.

"Zhang Yong, if you didn't finish this before you go home, then you return them back to the sea." Bai Yi Yang said angrily. Sometimes she will just called Zhang Yong with his name, Zhang Yong like it better like that since they sounds closer that way.

"I will eat, I will eat." Zhang Yong grinned. Bai Yi Yang glared at him and didn't pursue the matter anymore. While Bai Yi Chen is waking up the other siblings and eat breakfast together, Bai Yi Yang order Zhang Yong around in the kitchen such as cleaning the seafood and arranging them in the fridge. Even when the other siblings come, they still haven't finished because there are just too many.

They had their breakfast with the various food that Zhang Yong bought. Even when they are full, there are still half of it untouched.

"See, I told you it's too much." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright, send it over to Old Zhou house bah." Bai Yi Chen suggest.

"Don't worry, I can drive." Zhang Yong quickly volunteered so that Bai Yi Yang won't get angry anymore.

"Wait for a while, let me pack some portion of seafood too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I will help you." Zhang Yong quickly get up and follow Bai Yi Yang around. When Bai Yi Yang need plastic, he will fetch it. The children had fun watching Zhang Yong all jittery, they will giggle and said that Zhang Yong is afraid of Bai Yi Yang.

Zhang Yong who volunteer to become the delivery guy drive down to the village with the three children with him. Bai Yi Ling was also send out by Bai Yi Yang because she is the most dependable amongst the children, she is afraid that the two small one will be too wild if there is no one who control them.

"Oh yeah! Let's go for a drive!" Bai Yi Mo cheer.

"Big brother Zhang, can we stop by Aunt Mu house to buy ice cream?" Bai Yi Fang ask.

"Don't talk nonsense. The freezer has many different ice creams." Bai Yi Ling said. They all are heading out of the house now.

"It's different." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Alright, you can show me later." Zhang Yong easily agree.

"Yes!" Bai Yi Fang also cheer. They all were quite noisy as they head out. Even when they are outside, Bai Yi Yang can still hear them.

After they left, Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen get busy cleaning and storing the food, as for the one that Bai Yi Yang is going to cook, she didn't put them inside the fridge. Later for lunch, she is going to cook chilli crabs and black pepper crabs, butter prawn, deep fried squid, stir fry scallops with vegetables, oyster omelette, clams in Salsa Verde and lastly simple clam soup. It's a full on seafood feast again. There is no problem, Zhang Yong rarely come so let him eat a lot while he is here.

As for Zhang Yong and the kids at the village, they first stop by Old Zhou house to drop off the food. Bai Yi Ling immediately introduced the two of them, her older sister remind her to do this just now.

"Hello Boss Zhang, when did you come to our village?" Grandpa Zhou was the one who greet them first.

"Last night. How are you Uncle Zhou?" Zhang Yong said, addressing Grandpa Zhou as uncle. Actually they never meet each other, in Old Zhou family, Zhang Yong know their name but never meet, even Second Zhou who is employed by Bai Yi Yang under Natural Grocery is not familiar. So basically he only know Zhou Zhu Yao.

"Good, good." Grandpa Zhou is happy with Zhang Yong humble personality. He have heard about how close the Bai siblings is with this young boss but he didn't think that they are this close, just look at the children comfortably holding onto this handsome young man.

"Ah, you children are also here." Grandma Zhou also come out not long after. Bai Yi Mo quickly come up the stairs to pass over the plastic bags to Grandma Zhou.

"This are some snacks and seafood that Big Brother Zhang bought from the town, my jiejie ask us to bring it over." Bai Yi Mo said. Grandma Zhou look over once again at Zhang Yong and she seems to realise who this young man is.

"Ah, it's Boss Zhang. Old man, why didn't you invite them inside?" Grandma Zhou said.

"No need grandma, we also need to go to Grandpa Jin house later. Big brother Zhang also need to meet his staffs later." Bai Yi Ling cleverly said. Her oldest sister said not to dilly dally so she said this. Zhang Yong also think that this Bai Yi Ling is very smart.

"Look at me. Then, go on your way, don't bee delayed." Grandma Zhou said.

"Uncle, Aunt, we will leave first." Zhang Yong politely said and call over the children to get on the car.

"Who knows that such a young man is so competent." Grandma Zhou said to her husband when they left.

"Boss Zhang has a good character." Grandpa Zhou also praised.

Zhang Yong and the children proceed to go to Old Jin house. When the Bai Yi Mo saw Old Jin in the paddy field, he ask Zhang Yong's permission to open the window. Zhang Yong open it for him and Bai Yi Mo quickly called Old Jin in loud voice. The old man wave back at them and walk back to the house.

Zhang Yong parked the car and they all come out of the car with the stuff. Bai Yi Mo didn't wait for Old Jin to arrive and come up the stairs on his own, even opening the door.

"Xiao Mo.." Zhang Yong wanted to stop him but Bai Yi Ling said that they often put stuff into Old Jin refrigerator if he is not in. Zhang Yong immediately understand the closeness of this children to Old Jin, it's just that Bai Yi Yang didn't really talk much about Old Jin, that's why he didn't know.

"Grandpa, we bought delicious food for you, there is snacks, clams, crabs and fish. My gege and Big brother Zhang bought it." Bai Yi Fang run to Old Jin who is only wearing a slipper now, he seems to have just wash his feet.

"Thank you." Old Jin laugh and hold Bai Yi Fang hand.

"Grandpa, this is Big brother Zhang, we came over to send some stuff. Xiao Mo has put it inside." Bai Yi Lin said. She is the biggest kid here, she need to introduce the two people.

"Hello Uncle Jin, how are you?" Zhang Yong smile.

"Good, good. I have heard a lot about you young man." Old Jin said, both of them shake hand.

"When did you arrive?" Old Jin also ask the same question. If this Zhang Yong even went to the market together with Yi Chen, then he must have stayed at their house last night right.

"I arrived last night." Zhang Yong answer.

"En, driving is difficult at night, it's better to stay. Did you come over from City Nan last night? Is there something regarding your business with the eldest yatou?" Old Jin ask again.

"There is nothing, all is good. It's just that it has been a while since I come over to visit them." Zhang Yong answer.

Don't know if it is only his feeling, but Old Jin way of asking him make him a bit conscious about his action. Like how he is willing to drive at night to this small village and even stay over for a night when his relationship with Bai Yi Yang is at most only friends. It hasn't been that long either. Of course he often talk with Bai Yi Yang but other people don't know that. It's natural that they are curious

"Good, good. Why don't you come in first?" Old Jin finally invite when Bai Yi Mo climb down the stairs.

"Grandpa, we need to return now. Big brother Zhang also need to meet his staff." Bai Yi Ling use the same excuse.

"Alright, then I won't keep you. Zhang young lad, be careful on your way back to City Nan later." Old Jin smile.

Zhang Yong nod and help the children open the door. See, Old Jin words really leave an effect on him. Even when he is only wishing him safety, it still remind him that he can't stay here very long and need to go back to City Nan.

"Goodbye Uncle Jin." Zhang Yong wave and drive away. Even when he already drive away, he can't get rid of the odd feeling that he is having now. What more, under Old Jin friendly smile, he have a feeling that he don't really like him. He can't pinpoint which part, but that's just how it feels.