Episode 11

Mr. Davis moves to and fro in his room looking disturbed. He could not stop thinking about the conversation. Linda watches him from the window, feeling quite disturbed and racking her own brain on why Mr. Davis is so bothered.

"Does she know any secret of his? Does it have anything to do with his past life? What should I do now?" She thought

Mr. Davis recollects the discussion he had with Mia.

"Ready to tell me what you want?" Mia asked

"Who are you?" Mr. Davis asked

"Mia" Mia replied

"Mia who?" Mr. Davis asked

"Just Mia" Mia replied

"I see. Which means you're just an ordinary human?"

"Stop asking stupid question when you know the truth"

Mr. Davis laughs maniacally but Mia does not flinch. Mr. Davis bends sideways staring at Mia with the corner of his eyes.

"What are you planning on doing?" Mia asked

Mr. Davis sat upright and gave her a death stare. It was the turn of Mia to laugh maniacally.

"Are you trying to intimidate me?" Mia asked