Drunken hate

***POV - Melaena

Logan brings some tequila shots and I down three before I realize just what I've done. Damion looks at me, those green eyes laughing openly. His hand is on my leg again, but this time I just ignore him, and down another tequila or two. Tequila shots and hate make a deadly potion it seems.

"Go slow, sis, or I’ll throw you out," Enrique teases.

"Is it just me or are you all assholes today?" They all just laugh at me like I'm a kitten hissing at a lion. It just stirs my hate-potion brew even more.

"So what were you up to?" Axel asks and Lucinda chirps away about our dress hunting expedition.

Damion smirks, "Mmm, are you going to look sexy for me," That's it. I've had it with this guy.

"Take your pissy attitude and your worthless opinion and shove it straight up your annoying ass!" The table goes silent for a bit and then they burst out in laughter. Lucinda, bless her naïve soul, continues oblivious to the eery tension.