Hangover blues

***POV - Melaena

Kiara walks with me up to the impressive multi-storage building wrapped in a glass curtain wall with steel mullions that catch the sun, forming a breathtaking kaleidoscopic façade. I have a hell of a headache after last night’s episode and the sunglasses and pain killers are not helping, leaving me cranky and in serious need of my bed. She explained what happened with Damion and it feels as if I can just sink away into a hole and disappear.

He’s not going to let me forget that, like in ever. Kiara lets go of my hand when we reach the door. I plop another chocolate into my mouth. Apparently, the box of sweetness was waiting at our door when Kiara got home. The card is in the same style as the previous ones from D, but at least he has good taste, these chocolates are divine.

“I’ll see you for lunch on the grass, bitch.” She smiles when I groan and put my hands on the sides of my temples, squeezing them. Damn this headache.