Trying something new

***POV - Melaena

"You ok?" He walks up to me and I bite my lower lip. He cocks his head to the side when I don’t answer but just keeps on staring at that perfectly sculpted chest. He puckers up a smile and I feel a blush rush to my cheeks and I quickly turn my head feeling slightly embarrassed for being caught drooling.

"Maybe you should get cleaned up too. I'll put some clothes for you on my bed." He walks to the cupboard and drops the towel, exposing his blessedly naked bums of steel. This man is not shy, and with a body like that, why should he be? He pulls on some grey tracksuit pants, hanging low around his waist. His skin is still damp and I swallow my desire back. Why couldn't I feel like this about Ren or Alejandro or anybody else for that matter? Why him? He puts some clothes on the bed and hands me a clean towel.