Starting over

***POV - Melaena

He walks up the stairs and drops me unceremoniously onto a bed with a black and grey quilt. The grey walls are covered with black-and-white photos of people doing tricks on motorcycles and skateboards.

“Are you mentally crazy or don’t you have any brains? You can’t just run off like that! What if D got to you before I did? Are you trying to get raped or something?” I swallow down some spit. I never thought about that. But it’s his fault, not mine.

“Don’t you lecture me, bone-dick!” I point a finger at his nose, “If you were just 10% a decent person, I wouldn’t have to run.” He stays looking at me as if he wants to eat me alive. “You freaking laughed at me! I don’t listen to cocky, self-absorbed, social-malfunctioning devils with no hearts.”

He grabs me unexpectantly and kisses me so hard I swear my lips are bruised, and then he pushes me away.