The meeting

***POV - Damion

It’s Thursday around 9 pm and we drive through giant steel gates entering the pier where we’re supposed to meet Scarface (the nickname we gave Harry). He’s chosen his location carefully, cause at the moment this whole place is closed down, though I’m not sure why exactly.

Dad and Uncle John are sitting at the back in a black bulletproof Chevy Suburban SUV driven by armed bodyguards. Us boys are on our Reaper dirt-bikes, dressed up in the same kind of clothes used by SWAT, thanks to Uncle John’s company, and we’re all connected by earpieces specifically designed for tactical, covert, direct-to-ear incoming and outgoing radio communications.

I salute the old guys and then we drive off to hide between the stacked shipping crates and wait to see what happens. The plan is for us to stay hidden and only come out when something goes wrong and if Scarface shows his ass, we’re going to take him down.