Chapter 5

After spending most of the night running through the woods, Monday came much too early and when that alarm clock broke me from my sleep I was ready to go 50 shades of insane on the entire world.

I hadn't been able to sleep well due to the fact my brain was filled with images of Travis. As much as I wanted to deny it, the man had possessed some part of me and I couldn't get him to go away.

Sighing I pushed my hair out of my face before getting up. It was the first day back to school after Spring vacation and I found myself wondering....why the hell was I even bothering to attend college?

Because you want to try to be normal, that's why, I told myself as I quickly ran a brush through my hair and changed.

"Marissa are you awake?" My mother called from downstairs. As always she was as punctual as ever. "Hurry and come eat before you leave for school!"

"Sure." I called quickly throwing on a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top.

Slipping on my sandals I quickly exited the room and ran downstairs.

"Are you going out dressed like that?" My mother asked looking me over with disapproval.

"Of course I am." What was wrong with the way I was dressed? I had all the major parts covered, wasn't that good enough?

Sighing she just kept quiet, which was a blessing as I hadn't had my coffee yet and the urge to kill everyone due to being up early hadn't quite passed yet.

"Are you walking to school with Amanda?" She asked conversationally handing me my gogo juice.

"Bless you." Taking a huge whiff of the contents of my cup I couldn't stop the chills of pleasure that ran through me.

"Must you be so dramatic." Leave it to my mother to not understand how important that first cup of joe was at the start of your day.

"Too early." Taking a sip of my coffee I let out a happy sigh, now that hit the spot. "And yes, I am walking to school with Amanda."

As if on cue a knock sounded from the door, if Amanda was anything it was always on time. Jumping up I headed to the door and let her in.

"Good morning!" Amanda chirped bouncing into the house.

"Girl, it is way too early for all that." I pointed out flinching at Amanda's much too energetic self.

"It is the first day back to school after Spring break what is not to be excited about?" Aamanda asked smiling. "Good morning Mrs. Holland!" She called to my mother in the process.

"Good morning sweetheart." My mother responded smiling. "How are your parents?"

"Doing fantastic as always Mrs. Holland." Amanda beamed.

Always the suck up, rolling my eyes I linked my arm with Amanda's. "We gotta get going mom!"

I didn't bother waiting for a response before quickly pulling Amanda along. I needed to talk to her and I couldn't do it in front of my mother.

Making sure we were fully out of ear shot since my mother had super sonic hearing I stopped and glared at Amanda.

"How could you have brought me to that party!" I growled. Because of her forcing me to go I had met Travis and now my whole world was flipped.

"What's wrong with you?" Amanda asked crossing her arms.

"I met my mate." I might as well tell her, she was going to hear it from my mother at some point anyway.

Amanda's eyes grew wide as she took in my words. Of course she would act all shocked.

"You did say what?" She stammered trying not to laugh.

Of course she would laugh. She knew how against finding my mate I was, that was part of the reason I never went to social gatherings. Less chances of encounters the better.

"So, how do you plan on making this up to me?" I demanded. "If you hadn't forced me to go to that party this wouldn't have happened!"

"Miss I don't want a mate, I'm happy being independent found her mate." Amanda was laughing hysterically. I really wanted to slap her right about now. "I can't believe this, this is great!"

"What is so great about it?" She was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Come on Marissa, why are you so sour about something so great happening to you?" Amanda was finally done with her laughing fit. "Is it really that bad?"

"Of course it is bad! He has already appeared at my house to meet my parents, unannounced mind you, and he is planning on driving me crazy!"

What was so good about something like that happening? Honestly thinking on it maybe running away wasn't that bad of an idea right about now.

"Is he at least good looking?" Amanda asked. It was clear that she was beginning to grow bored with my whining.

Was he good looking? Hell yes he was! Those eyes and those tattoos, he was every girls wet dream. But Amanda would never hear that from me.

"I guess so." I needed to play it cool otherwise I would never hear to end of it.

"Oh come on." Amanda huffed throwing her hands in the air. "You could at least try to lie better."

Turning she began to walk forward leaving me to catch up.

The school we were both currently attending wasn't too far away from my home, so the walk only lasted about five minutes, which was good because we had wasted time talking about my problems.

Running I had managed to make it to my English class right when the bell rang. I had heard from some friends that our new English professor was a stickler about being on time and I didn't want to get on his bad side on the first day back.

Busying myself taking out my notebooks and pencils I didn't really pay attention as the professor walked in, that was of course until he spoke.

Eyes wide I looked up in time to find none other than Travis standing at the head of the classroom clipboard in hand.

It seemed that the moon goddess had even more tricks to play on me, not only was Travis my mate, but now it seemed he was also my new English professor.