Chapter 6

This could not possibly be happening right about now. How was it possible that this man was my English teacher?

"Is he seriously the teacher?" Amanda who happened to be sitting next to me asked.

"Why are you asking me?" She was seeing exactly what I was seeing, of course he was the teacher.

As if sensing my unease Travis' eyes immediately found their way to me and I swear to god just a look from him sent shivers throughout my entire body.

"Is he smiling at you?" Amanda asked.

She was eyeing me suspiciously and I was pretty sure that meant she had begun to catch on.

I needed to distract her from me and soon. "I'm sure he is looking at someone behind me."

There were quite a few cute girls sitting in the seat behind me, why wouldn't a handsome young teacher be interested in some of his students? After all this was college, it wasn't like it was high school. It wasn't against the law for adults to be with adults.

"I don't think so." Amanda had begun to smirk. It seemed that she definitely wasn't falling for any of my crap today.

"Just shut up." I growled.

The conversation ended there as class had started and we had to pay attention to the introduction and lecture that Travis was giving.

Even though I didn't want to admit it he looked damn good sitting up there riveting the class. It was honestly a sin for a man to look that good.

"Marissa you're drooling." Amanda whispered giggling as she shoved a shoulder against me.

"What?" Was I drooling? Maybe, who knew, I most certainly didn't. "Who would drool over that man?"

Right on cue he looked up at us and smiled sending my heart into a panic attack before turning his attention back to the board behind him. Even his handwriting was amazing and that was saying something.

I don't quite know how it happened but class came to an end and I was the only left in my seat. Even that traitor Amanda had left me. Making a mental note, I swore that I would deal with her later.

"Was the lecture that riveting?" Travis had somehow appeared beside me, I mean why wouldn't he right?

"You wish." I couldn't allow him to know that I was mesmorized by his attractive self, absolutely not. "I gotta get to my next class."

"So soon?" Travis was beginning to move in close to me, again.

I didn't get what it was about this guy and personal space, but I wasn't going to let him get the best of me this time around.

"Move." I growled slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"You're the one that stuck around after the lesson in my class." Travis pointed out. He had a point, but I wasn't about to let him win.

"I was deep in thought." It was a ridiculous lie. "Now, if you will excuse me."

"Marissa." His voice was low and close to my ear. I could feel his heat against my body.

That intoxicating smell had begun to permeate from his body and it was driving me mad. I knew that I should definitely get out of there but my feet weren't listening to me. Even Chloe who had been snoozing all through the English lesson was now wide awake, and she was getting in the mood.

"You can pretend that you aren't effected by me, but your scent says otherwise." Travis whispered sweetly into my ear.

This was the moment where I should have made a run for it, however I just couldn't control my legs. I knew it was time to get the hell out of dodge, but my body was saying stay with this man.

"What are you even trying to do?" I growled. I couldn't let him continue to have such a hold on me. "Do you really think that you're all that great?"

Travis laughed that sexy laugh of his. "You know, you can try to act tough and aloof, but I am well aware of what you're really all about."

Excuse me? What the hell was he going on about?

"Who do you think you are?" I demanded jabbing a finger against his chest, which on my part was a bad idea.

The minute I allowed myself to touch him all I could feel was a gentle tingle running from the spot I touched to my heart and down to my nether regions.

This was definitely not good, if I didn't get out of here soon there was a good chance he was going to cause me to go into my first ever heat and then it would be game over.

"I think I am your mate." He whispered grabbing my wrist.

Where his skin touched mine set me off. I knew that it was wrong, but at that moment all I wanted to do was jump the man in front of me and I knew he was feeling the same way too.

Unable to control myself I pulled my wrist away and wrapped my arms around his neck as my mouth found his.

Fireworks, that was all I could say I felt when our lips touched. And for this to be the first time either of us had interacted with each other it was almost like it wasn't. Everything was natural, the way I moved against him, the way he moved against me. The way our lips danced together, how our tongues entwined.

All of it was absolutely amazing and mind blowing. However, this just wasn't enough for me, I wanted more. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, I didn't want these annoying clothes to be in the way.

Growling against my mouth Travis began tugging at my shirt, it seemed that he was feeling what I was at that moment.

Removing his shirt was easy and DAMN that sight was absolutely something to behold. Pulling away I couldn't help but lick my lips as I took him in. He was one fine specimen and he was all mine...


No, I wasn't supposed to be feeling this. What was I even thinking?

Breathing heavily I grabbed my bag and made a beeline out of the classroom. This had been a mistake and it would never, NEVER happen again.