Chapter 7

As soon as the bell rang indicating that class was over for the day, you bet your ass I hauled tail out of there and did not bother looking back at all.

The day had been much too long and stressful, and I had spent most of it acting like a ninja in the hallways to make sure I didn't run into that Travis.

Though everyone had been looking at me like I was insane the entire time, I truly didn't care. I was bond determined to not let that man find me and if it left me looking like a complete fool so be it.

"Marissa!" Shit, he found me!

Not turning I pretended that I hadn't heard him. If I don't pay him attention he can't determine that I heard right?

"I know you heard me!" He called as the sound of footsteps grew closer.

"I didn't." I called, damnit! Why did I bother responding?

"You didn't yet you're responding!" He laughed while finally catching up.

Immediately I could smell that intoxicating scent of his and it was already starting to drive me wild.

"Can you go away?" I growled keeping my eyes directly ahead. I would not look at him, if I did then it would be game over and we just couldn't have that.

"When are you going to stop playing hard to get Marissa?" Travis asked conversationally like this was no big deal and he was enjoying himself.

I couldn't help but rolling my eyes, no matter how harsh I was with this guy he just kept up and wasn't phased in the slightest.

"Are you just mentally unstable?" He was driving me crazy! "How hard is it to understand that I don't want you around me?"

Travis let out a hearty laugh that reverberated throughout my heart sending it skipping, heart you need to keep it together!

"You're pretty funny, did you know that Marissa?" See unphased I tell you! He didn't care at all.

Well if he thought I was funny I could show him just how funny I was, funny in the way of kicking his ass, maybe then he would be willing to leave me alone.

Turning I charged towards him before pulling back my fist and letting it fly straight towards his nose, only he managed to catch it and even smirked.

"Oh ho, so now you're going to get violent, huh?" He asked smiling from ear to ear. "Do you really think I'm afraid of a little girl like you?"

Growling I yanked my fist back before throwing my backpack on the ground. I needed all hinderance's out of the way.

"Lets see what you got big guy." I cooed beckoning him forward.

A small crowd had started to gather around at seeing us square off, I had to admit that I loved the feel of being able to go up against him. Something within me wanted to see exactly what my so-called mate was capable of.

"So, should I not hold back?" Travis asked. "Or should I go easy on you because you're a girl."

"That's your mistake!" I yelled running forward and jumping, if I couldn't take him by fighting in general then I needed to attempt to to try to knock him down and then try to overpower him that way.

It seemed that he hadn't been expecting me to do this because I managed to catch him off guard as I landed on him and quickly swung myself around his back so I could plant my feet on the ground and yank.

"Sneaky." He growled as he tried to stay standing.

"Thank you." Of course I was sneaky, he had no idea who he was messing with.

The crowd around us had begun to cheer and some were even telling me to take him down. Trust me, I wanted to take him down too, but he was not making it easy. Within a second he had managed to break free and we were right back to squaring off.

"I'm glad to see that you aren't some weakling, I would hate if you weren't at least interesting." Travis said giving me a wink. "The moon goddess knew what she was doing when she gave me you as a mate."

Was he kidding? Did this mean that if I didn't entertain him in some way then he would be disappointed with this mate thing?

"So, if I prove I'm boring you'll leave me alone?" Was that honestly the key to getting rid of this guy, because honestly I would happily do it. "I can grant you that wish."

Giving him the sweetest smile that I could possibly muster I ducked a swept out with a kick taking Travis' feet out from underneath him. Standing I gave him a smirk, it seemed that I had won this and now I was done playing with him.

Around the crowd clapped as I picked up my backpack and brushed the dirt and grass off of it. Bowing I went on my way.

"You've drawn my interest even more!" Travis called from behind me. He hadn't bothered getting up from where he fell.

Let me draw your interest, didn't mean anything to me. It most certainly did not mean that I would suddenly fall for him.

Lifting a hand and flipping him off I continued heading back home. If I hung around too long there was a possibility that my parents would begin to question and then if my mom assumed that I was somewhere with Travis that would be the end of it.

Picking up speed I began to jog the rest of the way home.

Mom was in the living room knitting when I arrived home and she looked extremely excited when I stepped inside.

"What's with that creepy smile?" I asked giving her a look.

"Go and get yourself washed up and changed." She said sitting her knitting down.

"Why what's up?" What was going on, she was starting to freak my out with that look.

"Your sister will be home tomorrow!" My mother responded happily.

So my sister was coming home? Great could things get any better?