Chapter 74

Too bright of sun disturbed my dreamless sleep, drawing me to reality where my entire body was aching.

Wincing, I opened my eyes and glared at the damned sun. I wanted to sleep a little longer, but the damn thing decided that it wasn't in the cards.

Grumbling to myself, I turned over to find Travis still fast asleep.

"Lazy." I mumbled, lifting a hand and poking the tip of his nose, earning myself a low growl.

Reaching out, Travis wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close against him as he nuzzled my neck, nipping it lightly.

Shivering I placed my hands on his chest, shoving lightly.

"We've got that meeting today." I reminded him that I wasn't totally opposed to staying in bed together all day. "Unless..." Trailing off, I pushed my hips against him so he would get my point.

"Later." He assured me, leaning forward and kissing my forehead. "This meeting is too important to skip out on."