The pervert husband

“You look so ..unsophisticated” she expressed with a very cold tone and I just stood up greeting her. She has a way to make me lose my smile.

And as always, her dear son appeared out of nowhere, standing beside me with a hand dropped over my shoulder and I did my best to not squeal. His manly smell is addicting and I do not want that.

“Mother, I did not expect you this early”

“You know that we have a wedding to plan and only a few days left, let’s sit down and talk and you, darling, get me an iced coffee” she ordered me walking towards the couch.

The boys already left and I didn't even notice. Are they vampires to move that fast? or am I in the clouds?

He buried his face in my neck and I yelped from surprise “Listen, my little toy, act like a loving girlfriend and get this scowl out of your face if you want to have a bed by the end of the day” He murmured in my ear before following his mother.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm my nerves, I am frustrated and angry. Do they think I am a slave? Technically, I was but my patience has limits too.

After a few minutes, I joined them, placing her coffee in front of her and she did not even spare me a look. Looks like a thank you might kill her.

Before even sitting, I was pulled in his lap, his thighs were thick, he was warm despite his cold eyes and scary aura.

The feeling of being trapped in between his hands so close to his body made me tingle, it felt strange to hate someone and enjoy his closeness this much. I am going crazy and overthinking will worsen it, focus on the conversation, I pleaded with myself.

“So since you are both here, I wanted to tell you a surprise”

“There is more?” I mumbled before thinking, I swear my tongue will get me killed one day.

“Excited as always Serenity, I love that, I am here to give you, the wedding gift, I reserved the presidential floor for you at my friend’s hotel, it’s rated 6 stars so I am sure you will like it, you will have dinner there and you can enjoy the rest of the night to relax”

“Mother, I have practice tonight” Skyler argued and I was glad he rejected the offer. For once we agree.

“Well, you can reschedule it, Sky, I do not care what you have to do, we had a deal and you better keep it” she ordered.

“But is it ok for the guys to tag along?” He asked again and by the look on her face, I already knew it’s a NO but the shocking part is hearing her calling him pathetic and inconsiderate for thinking to bring his friends. My parents were bad but I feel like his mother is worse, why would she react that way for a simple question?

"Go get ready, we are leaving in 30"

We walked to the bedroom, his hands still around my waist guiding me slowly. "It is all because of you" he yelled as soon as I closed the door.

"Why? You are the one who chose me. You wanted a toy and now you blame me. Be a man and assume your shitty decisions"

The few inches that were separating us are non-existent anymore. His hand enrolled around my neck. If he squeezed a little more, I would lose my breath and not from excitement.

"Talk to me again like that, I dare you"

His pupil delighted, his eyes were burning into my soul and I could feel his anger and his will to restrain it. I knew that my mouth would be my free ticket to death.

I was slowly losing my voice so I just nodded, my hand around his wrists begging silently for him to let go, I needed air.

And before I could talk again, he already walked to the shower leaving me catching the oxygen that flowed in suddenly. Minutes later he headed out, I ran inside the bathroom with only one wish. I want to run away from this whole mess.

After showering, I realized that I did not take clothes with me. Typically me, Walking out with a towel tightly tied around my body.

I found him in bed half-naked. With only a pair of jeans, his body is well built, one of his hands is filled with different tattoos, I admired his body and wondered about their meaning, He was fumbling with something that looked like a bracelet. I moved quickly to the closet searching for something to put. When you have a new wardrobe that you did not get an opinion in choosing. It's hard to find something you want.

It took some reflection to decide on a simple black dress, with a low V cut and a pair of black heels. When in doubt, choose black.

I tried to change fast but of course, he will not miss this opportunity to watch me naked. He was already standing at the door with a smirk on his face. Lust dripped from his eyes.

"Can I have some privacy to get dressed?" I asked.

"No, You have no idea how much I can't wait to destroy that body," he remarked and I tried my best to disregard him. There is no need to test his boundaries, I am already walking on thin ice.

It took me a few minutes to get ready and tame my hair. I was not an enthusiast of makeup so I just put on some mascara and red lipstick. while his eyes followed me with every movement, he was observing every single detail. He is a pervert.

"I am ready" I notified looking at him.

"Finally, now come to assist me"


He looked at his pants and I could see a tent formed under his tight jeans. He must be kidding. though he has a way to make me immobile, he walked towards me and extended his hand laughing. "With the bracelet, little toy, other things will have to wait for later, my mom is outside"

"Oh" This feeling is it relief or disappointment?

"You go from a brat to a mute in a matter of seconds, I will have fun with you, by the way, make sure to keep up your act"


"Because I said so and don't try to disobey"

He left me standing and moved to put on his shirt and then guided us outside.

His mother was nowhere to be seen but her assistant was waiting, he guided us to a car waiting for us after giving us some information about where we were going.

This evening will be long and draining.