The first horrible date

The restaurant was extravagant. as soon as we walked in eyes were watching us from every corner. A server guided us to our table. It was in a more shielded area.

Sky pulled the chair for me and I was surprised by his acting. From the second we stepped outside of the penthouse, he's been a gentleman. As soon as I sat, He took place in front of me.

Not even a second later, the server came with a bottle of wine, from the smell, I could tell it was an expensive wine, When did we even order that?

After serving both of us and giving us space to check the menu, Sky grabbed his cup and guided it towards mine."Cheers to a long marriage and a happy life" He expressed with a lot of sarcasm.

"Hopefully, it will end with divorce the next day"

He ignored my comment and took a sip from his cup while I just played with mine.

"Aren't you going to drink ?" He quired.

"I am not good at holding my alcohol and I am afraid to become too blunt for you to handle"

"Don't worry, I will take care of you little toy"

"No thank you and I have a name"

"Serenity," He said seductively

Hearing my name called for the first time by him made me blush, butterflies erupted in my stomach, and tingles spread all over my body. Without a second thought, I shrugged the cup down. Regretting my actions the second wine hit my throat.

"You changed your mind quite fast"

"Well, I was thirsty"

"Yeah yeah" He hummed looking at the city displaying in front of us, the big windows offered an intense image of the river and the neon lights looked like stars from this distance.

I grabbed this chance to look at him for the 1st time, without any distraction, he had long lashes, a perfect jawline, plump rosé lips, and the small mole under his left eye made him cuter in a new way.

"Like what you see" He cut short my trance and I could feel my face getting redder.

"Yes, huh No, I mean I was not looking at you, I was enjoying the restaurant, we are not all like you"

"Like me? What do you mean ?"

"I am allowed to be honest sir," I asked sarcasm filling my voice.

"Since you are so polite, Go ahead"

"Rich, pretentious, creepy, arrogant, pervert and the list is long so I will stop here I am not sure if you can handle the truth"

"You forgot handsome"

"Ah yeah, narcissistic too"

"If you only think that of me, why did you accept the arrangement?"

"Have it occurred to you that I did not have a choice, or that I did not know you but the question is why did YOU choose me?"

Before he can answer, we were interpreted by a young woman, dressed in a very short red dress, her face was painted perfectly, her blond hair cascading on her shoulder, standing at our girl, she was ignoring my whole presence and batting her lashes at him.

"Sky, I missed you, where have you been ?"

"Lucy, what brought you here ?" He stood up greeting her.

"I heard you will be in the restaurant so I stopped by and she is ?" she pointed at me.

"Oh, Serenity my fiancee"

I smiled at her but she just looked away and continued asked: "Can I talk to you in private?"

"Of course, we can meet tomorrow if you are free"

"Now, if it is possible?" Her request sounded more like an order.

"Is it ok for you, Serenity?" Sky asked. I felt it was just an act, whether I accept or reject, he will do it anyway so why argue.

"Of course"

And like that he left with her. They walked to the corner and I was fuming with anger. What did I expect from him? More respect maybe as I am his date. Expectations lead to disappointment.

Minutes and minutes passed and there was no sign of him, I ordered food for us and I made sure to get him the worst item on the menu. I was so bored, angry, and lonely.

The first part of the night was more tolerable than expected and I had hope that maybe we could have a decent conversation and build a better relationship since we are trapped in this whole mess together.

Playing with my utensils, when someone tapped my shoulder and I yelped in surprise, “ Serenity Sparks?” The guy who is now bent down studying my face asked.

“Yes, and you are?” I tried to look more intensely at him.” Wait, Baby Tommy, is it you? Oh my god,” I yelled standing and hugging him so tightly.

“Ser, I can’t believe you are here, that’s a surprise” He squeezed me tightly returning the hug.

“A happy surprise I wish”

“Of course, my angel guardian is in front of me after all these years and she is a beautiful woman now, mind if I join you?”

Before I can respond, Skyler appeared behind him, eyes glaring at both of us and I could feel his anger from a mile away. The rest of the clients seemed to notice us, eyes and ears focusing on the scene.

“Babe, I am sorry for the wait, it was a little urgent” He stated taking place next to me with a hand at my back, everything in him was screaming rage and possessiveness. “ Who is this gentleman?”

“Oh, Tommy my long-lost best friend, we grew up together but they moved away and we lost contact and this is Skyler, my fiancee” I introduced and they shook hands. Tommy kept his warm smile while Skyler was cold.

“Nice to meet you, You are Skyler Beckman from the boy-band E.B.S right?”

“Indeed, a pleasure to meet you too, anyway we have to leave now, so till next time” Skyler announced and I was getting confused, is he jealous or is he just arrogant to everyone?

“Oh, It was nice to see you again Ser, here is my card call me to catch up”

“Thank you Tommy” I took his card and untangled myself from Skyler’s hold to hug my old best friend before going. It was a big mistake, a mistake I didn't know will be this bad.

As soon as we made it to the car, I was thrown in the passenger seat while Skyler took place in the driver’s seat.

“You drunk, you can’t drive” I stated

“I do whatever the fuck I want”

“I don’t want to die”

“You will not die before I teach you how to act”

“What did I do for you to be so angry? If I didn’t know, I would say you are jealous” I asked again

“Jealous? Funny, I would call it being disrespect by my fiancee, you were hugging another man, in the middle of a restaurant while you were with me”

“Says the man who left me to go have some fun with his wench”

“Say one more word and I will make sure you have your first time right here, right now”

“Who told you it will be my first time?” I countered trying to sound confident. Where did this courage to speak up came from, I was trembling inside.

“ Serenity Sparks” He yelled

“Skyler Beckman, I can yell too”

It was my last strike, suddenly he untangled the belt seat he had earlier fastened and in mere seconds, his face was in front of mine, caging me between him and the seat. His hands holding my face still.

“ I warned you” He mumbled before crashing his lips on mine.