Forced kiss

His lips crushed mine, his grip on my face became stronger. He was kissing me. Forcing his lips into mine, his hot breath mixed with my irregular one, my heart was palpitating wildly. My body shivered under his touch.

In a spur of a second, I lost every willpower I had, motionless, completely enthralled by his soft lips caressing my dry ones, he was savoring the taste, claiming every bit of them as his.

When awareness hits me back my hands settled on his torso, gripping on his shirt trying to push him away. But he did not budge by an inch.

His body trapped mine, there was no escape from his grasp, I felt his warmth encircling me, his scent hitting my nostrils, he smelled like the rain on a summer day, intoxicating and refreshing.

The war between my mind, yelling at me to push him harder, to escape, and my heart melting at this handsome man devouring my lips, will drive me crazy.

I let my heart guide me for a mere second, the sweetness of his lips was too enchanting to restrain myself any longer, my grip on his shirt tightened, the unknowing feeling building in me is scary yet captivating. I am getting under his spell, like magic he is pulling me to him.

His hand sought mine to halt my pushing and his other angled my face towards him to deepen the kiss, his tongue traced my lips, seeking refuge in my mouth but I denied it.

As much as my body begged to react and kiss him back, to give him access, to let him discover my mouth, to taste his tongue on mine, to get lost in his sweetness, I did not grant any of us this satisfaction, with all my remaining self-control, I restrained myself from kissing him, even though, I gave up my attempt to escape as there was no way out.

I felt angry, disappointed, and sad. Angry at myself for feeling this way towards him, for enjoying his lips, disappointed for desiring him, and sad for easily giving up and letting him use me.

How can someone enjoy a forced kiss this much? Something is definitely wrong with me.

"Kiss me back" he breathed looking at my eyes, his gaze penetrating my soul, reading the confusion and disgust all over my face.

"Never" I mumbled avoiding his eyes.

I am still astonished by the self-control I mastered in front of such a handsome man. He is just a pervert I reminded my heart which was still beating so fast that I am sure he can hear it.

His hold on me loosened, for an instant, his eyes showed a different emotion than the cold and angry one I am used to. Regret? hurt? I did not have enough time to decipher it, he is still a mystery to me.

He pulled away regaining his position and fastening his belt, ignoring my presence completely, my fingers traced my lips, the sweetness still lingering, and I bit my lip pushing away that desire to turn and pull him back. my nerves wrecked,

He drove in silence towards the penthouse and I just hugged my arms, aren't we supposed to stay in the presidential suite his mother reserved? Will I have to deal with her anger too?

My mind is a war zone. A war that will not end anytime soon, A war I'd have to live with, for now. I wanted to talk, to ask him to apologize, but my voice was long lost.

The drive was one of the longest and most stressful in my entire life, the car was so silent that you can hear a pin drop, and as soon as he reached the parking lot of the building where the penthouse is situated he yelled "Get out"

"Huh?" Still shaken by earlier events, I did not register his words.

"Step out of the car or do I have to push you out too?"

Discourteous as always.

I did not even respond, clumsily unfastening my belt and stepping out of the car. Panic filled me, he was radiating anger and I was scared for whatever he has reserved for me.

But before I could even close the passenger door, the car started and he drove off leaving me standing in the center of a dark parking lot in the middle of the night.

Frightened and alone, he just left me here. Is this how my life will be now? Thrown out on the street every time he gets annoyed?

What should I do? I did not have a phone to call someone, I did not know the passcode to access the building and I did not even know which bell I should ding. My eyes started getting blurry and I pushed the tears back. Be strong I reminded myself, Be strong.

Pacing left and right, thinking for any kind of solution and insulting all the specimens on this earth, however, half an hour passed, my legs started hurting, the cold breeze sprang through my body, and no solution to my misery.

Why did I dress like that? why did I even do to deserve this? Empty questions running through my head made me more and more irritated.

I ended up squatting next to the entrance door, wishing for anyone to walk in and out, praying for any kind of help to save me from this humiliating situation.

An hour or so passed and I lost hope, not a single soul passed by here.

What am I even waiting for? For him to regret his actions and come back? Serenity! he is not a prince and this is not a fairytale.

If I just focused enough to know how to get out of this parking area that looked more like a labyrinth for rich people. I could've been able to find a way out and just leave but to where? even my parents abandoned me. I did not have a home to run to or a friend in this city miles away from my place.

Lost in my thoughts, anxiety rising with every passing minute when a masked figure kneeled in front of me, it took me by surprise and I gasped my hands flying to my mouth. I already started overthinking my death.

"Serenity ?" The male questioned.


AN= Who do you think is it? I will let you guess or just discover in the upcoming chapter. One more time Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.