The night is not over

"Serenity?" He pulled down his mask, still kneeling in front of me.

"Oh Kyle" My body relaxed slightly realizing that there was no danger in proximity.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be at the hotel ?" The grey-haired male asked but I was afraid if I utter a word, my tears will drop, From the look in his eyes, he could tell that speaking was currently a struggle for me, gazing into him with dried tears in the corner of my eyes, I was embarrassed, so he just waited for me to reply.

When He reached out for the phone that was in one of the front pockets, I snapped back to reality, I don’t want him to call my arsehole of husband or anyone for that matter.

"Change of plans, don’t worry?” I answered quickly.

"But why are you outside? Where is Skyler?"

"He ditched me here like a bag of trash and left. where? well, I don’t know and I don’t need to” my mouth betrayed me, and words spilled from my mouth before I could even register.

Get a grip Serenity, stop embarrassing yourself.

"Ok, let us move inside and we can discuss that" he stood up offering his hand and I hesitated before grabbing it.

Did I really want to go back to this house? Did I want to tell him what happened? Absolutely no, He is someone I hardly know.

"I don't want to talk" I disagreed standing up but my feet gave up on me and I found myself leaning on the wall for any balance. "Those stupid heels" I mumbled to myself.

"Should I carry you?"

"N-No I am fine, just give me a second, p-please" I stuttered, struggling to stand up correctly but no energy was found on my body. It was cold, my legs were hurting from the heels and kneeling, my whole body ached and I knew I needed to lean on someone but I was too stubborn to ask for it or allow myself.

After a few minutes of being immobile, he decided to ignore my denial and placed his hand behind my back while the other was arranged behind my knees, he leaned down and lifted me like I weighed zero. I gasped but kept my mouth shut.

I was too flustered to look at his face or hold onto him, so my arms simply laid lazily on my lap and my face hang down.

Stupid questions were running through my head, why is he helping me? Why did he carry me? I am not even his friend so why is he being nice to me?

Soon, we reached the door of the penthouse, I knew, it will not be an easy task to open the door when I am in his arms and I did not want anyone to see me like that so I implored " Can you put me down now?"

"Are you uncomfortable to this extent?"

" I am sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Honestly, I am really grateful, you've only been kind to me and I just don't to abuse your kindness and the whole situation it's kind of weird, so please don't take it badly" I apologized.

"No worries, I will just put you down inside"

As soon as the door closed behind us, I wriggled out of his arms falling to my jelly legs and he snorted behind me. I kneeled taking off those heels making a mental note to never wear those horrible shoes ever again.

I was ashamed, tired and I could see in the back of the brown-haired man sitting comfortably in the living room. Why do I have to live with 5 people? Did I not have enough humiliation for a night?

"You sure don't want to talk?" Kyle asked again.

"Mmh, Have a good evening" I nodded and walked away waving my hand at him. I barely had enough energy to walk to the room holding my heels between my fingers with only one desire, sleep and erase this night from my memories.

As soon as I was out of sight, I could hear a muffled voice coming from the living room. "Be careful, she is Skyler's" The brown-haired man voiced.

"I know my limits Brian, she was unable to walk and I helped her. I don't see any problem here"

"Whatever, she is sly as a fox"

More insults, perfect.

I shut the door forcefully walking inside the room, and I could hear it resonates in the whole house.

“What am I doing?” I asked myself as I stripped out of my clothes, stepping into the shower. My feet are hurting, my body is cold and I feel lost and lonely. No family, no friends, nothing.

After a well deserved shower, my mind felt lighter, I stepped out and walked to the closet searching for something comfortable and decent to put. I ended up with a big sweatshirt and a pair of shorts and strolled to the bed.

I wanted to sleep and forget about today but my insomnia was taking over, so I enrolled myself in bed with the fluffy blanket and scrolled through the channels on the giant TV situated at the opposite wall.

Finally, a movie that stole my interest, an hour or so passed but no matter how much I strived to focus on something, my mind went back to today’s events. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I shook my head regaining my composure. I will talk with him. This can’t go on forever, we are getting married.

Suddenly, the high-pitched voice that was coming from behind the door grabbed my attention and before I could react, I saw two silhouettes stumbling inside the room, a woman who had her hands around the neck of a man and his were enrolled on her waist. I could recognize this form from a mile away now. Skyler!

The scene unfolding in front of my eyes was my cracking point, Tears clouded my vision, I was frustrated, I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to wake me up from this torture and tell it’s over and everything is back to normal.

The man I lost my life because he choose me as a toy, the man I was supposed to bear his child, was having fun kissing another girl in our conjectured room, in front of my eyes. “Are you kidding me?” my jaw clenched as I jumped from the bed.

Skyler s eyes widened for a brief second before he ignored me, his face sunk in her neck, "Baby who is she?" The girl urged and I stood there bewildered.

"Just a slave" he blurted making my blood boil and my face contorted with rage.

"You are just a disrespectful asshole," I said venom dripping from my whole being walking towards the door.

"Where are you going Slave?" His words were directed to me and everything shifted black.

He pushed all my buttons and I spun around walking toward him impetuously, my self-control is long lost. My hand landed hard on his face and I could feel it sting from the strength applied. Yet I was not satisfied so I hit his leg violently "What a disgrace to humanity"

He was yelping in pain and I raced out of the room in a spur of a second running away for my life, I only comprehended the impact of my actions when I was in the kitchen staring at my reflection on the metallic fridge. My eyes were red from tears of anger and sadness, my breath hitching and my soul burning. YET, The night is not over.