A new friend

I opened the fridge trying to regain my composure, I was neither hungry nor thirsty but the bottle of alcohol displayed in front of me was tempting enough to make my throat dry. Besides who am I to resist this temptation? Especially now.

I grabbed the bottle, I was looking for a cup but after a few attempts of searching in that big cupboard, I settled on drinking from the bottle.

Taking a seat on the island staring at the city shining in front of me, drowning my sorrow in this whiskey bottle. “Slow down, young lady” Cody’s voice startled me and I did not know when he even got here.

“Leave me alone” I stated irked.

“What happened?” He queried getting closer to my side.

“Nothing” I dismissed again, not sparing him a glance.

“I am sure there is something, or else how would you handle this whiskey so easily?”

“I am an alcoholic, So can you please ignore me and continue with your life?”

He disregarded my harshness and stared at me before stealing the bottle as I was returning it to my lips.

"Serenity, Are you alright? " And that was the only question I needed to just bend hiding my face on the kitchen island and commence crying, tears flooding out of my eyes like a cascade.

"No I am not, I am genuinely tired. I have been disrespected the entire day, before even waking up. I am a human too, you know? I have feelings and I possess a soul. What did I do to deserve all of that? I have no one to turn to, no friend, no family, I did not choose this, I did not want this and yet here I am trying to accept it and even work on it, but every time, I take a step forward I am tossed back even harder."

He let me rumble and rumble. vomiting nonsense words and inconsistent phrases. He did not utter a word, only patted my back until I couldn't breathe anymore, hiccuping and snorting.

It took me a long time to calm down and that's when it hit me, I never cried this much in front of people and even fewer strangers, embarrassment filling my whole soul "I am sorry," I muttered.

"You don't have to apologize, I wanted to hear you and I am glad you talked. Aren't we friends?"

"I don't… want to b" I tried to justify myself but he cut my sentence short "Before you continue, no you are not bothering me and you are not a burden, I offered to listen, ok? and let’s share the bottle, it’s my precious whisky"

“Oh sorry” I apologized again handing him the bottle from which he took a sip and handed it back.

Silence filled the room before moaning voices started reverberating.

“Kyle can’t keep it in his pants, I am sorry” He clarified embarrassingly, yet he was wrong. Kyle has nothing to do with that.

“it’s not his fault” I corrected biting my lip to keep myself from tearing up again as the sounds became louder.

We did not dwell more on the subject as he pulled his phone putting some music before another grouchy voice echoed in the entrance of the kitchen “They are quite noisy upstairs, I thought she is more discreet”

“Kyle!” Cody reprimanded. I turned to look at the man standing at the entrance of the kitchen, and for a second he looked surprised and embarrassed as he took notice of my presence “Oups” He asked again “ wait, what are you doing here?”

“What about you? Can’t you keep your mouth shut?” Cody commented irritated by his friend's imprudence.

“Someone can explain what’s happening in this house? Brian and Theo went out and Cody is standing here, so who is having s-”

I interrupted before he can finish, “Skyler, and yeah, she has a very high-pitched voice and no self-respect, hopefully, you will be able to sleep tonight"

I was numb, I did not feel jealous or angry. Just numb, I guess the alcohol is working. pondering in deep thought. I just scoffed at the look in their eyes. I did not need their pity, I have enough of it for myself already.

“Aren’t you getting married tomorrow?” Cody questioned.

“I guess I am a lucky bride to be, I got myself a cheating husband or maybe he is celebrating his last night as a bachelor” I laughed at their disbeliefs. and continued drinking.

Kyle excused himself walking back to his room and I was left with Cody, who just let me finish the bottle.

Silence settled between us again, I imagine he decided it was better to not investigate more, yet he did not leave pretending to be on his phone but for the first time in days, I did not feel alone, I had a sort of a friend and I was grateful.

As they say, actions speak louder than words most of the time.

Minutes or hours passed as I laid my head on the table playing with the empty bottle, I could feel my vision fading slowly and my head getting heavier. A faint voice calling for my name could be heard but I was too tired to reply before darkness took me in.

“Serenity?” Cody called again “ You can’t sleep here, Serenity!”


But no reply was heard just her steady breathing, she was already passed out, on the kitchen island, tears filling her closed eyes, stained her rosy cheeks.

Cody felt sympathy towards her more than pity, she was quite different from the girls Skyler usually hangs out with and he knew there was a hidden story behind this abrupt arranger wedding.

He usually doesn’t interfere in his bandmate’s business, especially when it involves girls. Yet he felt protective over her, her smile was sincere, and she shined so brightly when she laughed so seeing her cry was stinging. He did not have an ulterior motive, he only wanted to protect her as she reminded him of his years of loneliness, he wanted to be a friend. Just a friend to her.

He tried to move her to the living room, it’s not as comfortable as a bed but better than the kitchen, he was willing to give up his bed if necessary but some boundaries should never be crossed. She was not a fling for his bandmate but a future wife.

He tried to steady her on her feet but she was too wasted to even stand up so he picked her up slowly and placed her on the couch putting a blanket over her petite frame unaware of the eyes watching him at the end of the hallway with rage and regret.


The rays of sun hit me directly pulling me out of my slumber, and my stiff body started aching as I moved my legs to the floor, I could hear shuffling and the smell of browed coffee hit my nose. I opened my eyes, it took them a few seconds to adjust to the lighted room as the sun hit the large windows.

I pushed the blanket stretching my body barely remembering the night before. And suddenly like a truck, everything hit me at once, especially the headache issued from my unnatural drinking. I need to apologize to Cody for my yesterday tantrum and to find a solution for this miserable wedding but first, I needed caffeine.

I walked to the kitchen to be greeted by the back of Kyle scrolling on his phone with funny pajamas filled with cute pandas.

"Morning Panda" I greeted as I reached him with a small smile on my face.

"Good morning, Feeling good? Hangover?" He questioned with a slight worry in his eyes that I could not understand.

"Seen better days and yes, my head is going to explode" I joked avoiding any serious subject this early and I am glad he took the hint "A coffee?"

"Yes please," I thanked him as he handed me the cup leaning on the island next to me.

We stood there me enjoying the warmth of the bitter coffee on my tongue and the extraordinary view of the city displayed in front of my eyes.

Yet before I could enjoy the calmness of the morning, a figure was already shading my view, a grumpy bruised face, a naked torso stained with marks serving as proof that yesterday was real. "Make me a coffee" He ordered but I was lost in him to respond,

Not because he destroyed my view, nor because he ordered, the worse part in this situation is that my inner self was admiring the breathtaking sculpted body in front of me, the perfectly toned abdominal displayed for everyone to admire.

I slapped myself internally to regain my composure disgusted with myself, I placed the cup of coffee to the side and walked away.

I am undoubtedly getting mad.