A monster

As soon as I set a foot in the hallway, a hand catches my wrist making me curse under my breath, I might have only met him a few days ago but I can easily recognize the smell of spices and pines that filled my nostrils.

“I believe, I asked you to make me a coffee,” He said, causing me to jump at his strict tone.

“And I believe I ignored you” I replied trying to control my fear.

“Make me a coffee” He ordered again. His hand was still clasped on my wrist, not tight enough to hurt me but sufficient to leave me with no room for escape.

I tried to free myself, tugging on my wrist as he smirked with an amused look at my failed attempt.

“Go ask the one you spent the night with to do it” I glared at him.

“Are you jealous?” He mocked.

“Jealous? Of her? You are so funny, Now let go” I shook my hand again but he took a step closer, a move that urged me to step back yet I defied him by standing like a stone in my position. “ Let me remind you, I am the one who gives orders here, you have no say in what I do to you and with you, understood?”Skyler stated.

I took a deep breath before stomping on his foot making him let go and bend down holding his now injured toes. I used the chance to run to the room before he could catch me again.

Am I being childish? yes.

Am I going to continue acting this way? Also yes.

Why should I cry and be angry when I can just be a kid and piss him off until he cancels this stupid marriage.

“Serenity Sparks, Open the door right now” a yell came from the opposite side as I tried to catch my breath.

I will piss him off until every nerve in his body is irritated by my simple existence, for every tear I shed, for all the overthinking I had to go through, he will pay, I promised myself.

The knocking continued for a few minutes before silence reigned again, I relaxed slightly when minutes passed and no voices came from the outside, I took a moment to observe the room, it was a mess, pillows on the floor, stained sheets ripped from the bed, clothes scrapped in the closet, another reminder that yesterday was far from a shallow nightmare.

After picking a comfortable outfit, I showered as quickly as I could and as I stepped out of the bathtub fixing the towel around my body, I heard the small click of a door unlocking and I froze, no way he could have another key I told myself.

why not? My consciousness questioned, and uneasiness filled me again.

I walked back to the room grabbing the first thing I found which was a simple vase, big enough to hurt the intruder. “If you take one step back, I will make sure you spend the night in the emergency” I threatened as his face appeared in my vision.

“I’d love to see you try” He laughed at my situation, a towel barely covering my small silhouette, wet hair dumped on my shoulder, and horror painted on my features.

“I am not bluffing” I barked again.

“Well, go ahead then” He took two steps in my direction and I did not hesitate to throw the jar at him, but soon ended on the room floor shattered in a million pieces, debris flew in all direction and for a second I was scared by the idea of hurting him, I did not care for his well being but I knew physically hurting him was not a risk I am willing to take no matter how much I wanted to strangle him.

The whole atmosphere in the room, Skyler went from smirking at my empty threat to glaring at me. “Come here now” He ordered.

“You can spend an eternity ordering me around, I will not obey” I spoke.

“you will” He walked towards me as I made a run back to the bathroom, trying to find any sort of escape but before even reaching the handle of the door, he was behind me, hands around my waist lifting me, my feet slightly above the floor.

“Put me down” I yelped moving my body out of his embrace.

“My mother will be here soon little doll and I am afraid she will not appreciate seeing this”

“Do you think I care about you or your mother or anyone in this damn house?” I replied angrily

“You better do, Serenity ” He exhaled roughly

“I don’t have to do anything, I will not marry you even if I have to go to jail, I’d rather rot there than spend another day in the same space as you, I despise you, Skyler” I informed, hoping my voice sounded steadier than it felt.

“You make me look like a monster” His voice was quiet and cold, and yet it somehow still echoed.

“I have more respect towards a monster, and you know what? You may act like you have the upper hand but you are mistaken. You need me and you need this contract. I still don't know why but I will discover it. I-I I thought that jail was scary, but you are worse. You bought me as a toy or that's what you wanted it to seem like but you needed someone desperate for money, yet you made a wrong move, Your money, well, my family took it and I didn’t get a penny, so I have absolutely nothing to lose. My freedom, well, you are controlling it, and if there is still something I can protect it’s my respect and dignity. But what about you? Tell me" I tried pushing against his arms again, trying to loosen his hold on me, to free myself from this man.

In a spur of seconds, I was cage between his chest pressing on my back and the wall, the movement made my head spin as his smell infiltrated my nostrils and the warmth irradiating from his body engulfed me, I turned into a stone as his hands pinned mine under my head leaving me no room to move.

I wanted to scream, to hit him, to curse but my breath hitched as I felt his heartbeat on my back. His hot breath hitting my cheeks, he was angry, no smirk, no amusement in his eyes.

“My little doll, you are smart and feisty but your mouth will get you in trouble.” He whispered in my ears, sending shivers to my spine.

“Move” I pleaded my voice smaller and unsteady.

“You can fight me as much as you want later, but now, you will be a good doll and you will do whatever it takes to convince my mother, that this wedding is perfect for both of us, Jail? Baby girl, even if you beg me, I won’t let you go there, you amuse me and It’s rare to find such a toy, I am keeping you until I get bored.”

“Screw you” I mouthed as he trailed kisses along with my temple, sliding to my neck and collarbones, he found a spot and sucked hard on and I was sure it will be bruised later. My body was reacting against my thoughts, his lips were soft against my skin and as he nibbed, on my neck, a long breath escaped my mouth resembling a buried moan.

And then he stepped back, all the warmth was replaced my emptiness and for a second my body craved his presence. I could do not look at him, calming my breath, Anger, and embarrassment were a dangerous mix. I was furious over

being here and embarrassed by the knowledge that this man knew how to make my body yearn for him—how easily my body sang for him.

The feeling of his mouth on my neck still burning as my heavy chest served as a reminder that this monster still had the upper hand over my body even if I refuse to see it.

He was halfway out when I heard him say “ Behave, Little doll”.

Between my thumping heart and my messy mind, I didn’t know how long I stood there, could be minutes or seconds? Until another knock on the door was heard bringing me back to reality.

I sprung water on my face, staring at the red eyes fixing me in the mirror of the bathroom, my face flushing, a red mark on my neck getting darker, soon enough it will turn into a hickey. I shivered as I covered it with my hair walking to the entrance.

"Hello" I opened the door knowing exactly who was behind it from the voice I could detect.

"Oh dear, how are you? Are you ready for the big night?" She asked eyeing me with an unreadable look, I slid my head out trying to prevent her from walking in and I was glad I am still not dressed, a good excuse to compose myself a little bit more.

"Hey Mrs.Beckman, nice to see you again, I just finished showering so could you give me a few seconds to get dressed?" I asked and she nodded before turning on her heels and walking away without any comments except for her judgemental eyes.

I closed the door and pressed my forehead at it, tears started to blurry my vision, and frustration filled my soul. How much more could I endure? How much disrespect should I bear before it all ends?


Author Notes: I wish you are having a good time reading those chapters, your opinion, your comments, and your critics are my best motivation and my greatest source of improvement so don't hesitate. Thank you ^-^