Wedding Day

It was early afternoon when we reached the hotel where the wedding, MY wedding, will be celebrated.

'You needs to look perfect' Mrs. Beckman said before sending me away with one large man dressed in black. I guess I can't even consider escaping with this hulk walking by my side.

When we arrived at the in-suite room, he just pushed me inside closing the door behind me, and soon after I was sat down in front of a large mirror with makeup artists, stylists, and many people, luxury was dripping from every corner yet a cage is a cage whether is it's a dark grey room or one of the nicest hotel room I'd seen in my life.

An emptiness filled me as I looked at myself, my soul left my body, I was an exhausted shell.

I signed this contract, I was stupid enough to put myself in this position and now, I am only collecting the consequences of my actions, I want to blame Skyler for choosing me, on his mother for offering such a deal, on my parents for accepting to sell me off, but at the end of the day, it is my fault. If I was careful, if I stopped only for one second to read it before signing, I wouldn’t be here now and all the tears I shed would've never fallen.

My make-up was simple with a healthy tone, a smokey eye with shades of grey and black, a red lipstick making my lips look bigger, my hair sliding on my shoulder with perfect curls, and a crown of white roses perfectly fixed over my head.

I was asked to put on a magnificent pink dress, it was a strapless wedding gown with embroidery on the bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads were sewn on the gown.

After putting on the dress, I was redirected to a large mirror and my reflection was stunning, I never felt this beautiful in my life, everything was flawlessly done, from the mascara on my eyes to the nail polish on my fingers, I felt like a model out of wedding magazines.

The gown hugged my upper body making my chest looks a size bigger, I had a simple diamond necklace around my neck drawing more attention to my neckline and my bared collarbones.

A mixture of strange feelings made tears rush to the back of my eyes and I tried to push them back, I always dreamed about a wedding like in the fairytales I used to read younger, I always craved a big love story where I can have my happy ever after. I pictured myself with a caring man who would only love me and whom I'd cherish forever.

But tonight, it was everything but that, It may look like a grand wedding to a rich and famous person who can compete with a prince in every aspect from looks, to power, but if he was a prince, he would be the villain.

As much as I want to find the best in this situation, I couldn’t. He is famous, rich, handsome, yes he is all that and I have to be blind to not see it but he also was arrogant, disrespectful, and cocky.

I was sitting on a large chair waiting for my parents who did not even bother to contact me once in the last few days, I was expecting my father to walk in when a knock came from the entrance and again, my expectations led to disappointment when the leader of the band walked in.

“You are stunning, Serenity” Kyle exclaimed as he walked in, his eyes in awe and it made me smile, I could feel the sincerity in his comments and I was glad to see a face I know.

“Thank you, and you too”

“Are you ready?” He asked as he walked towards me extending a hand.

“Will I ever be?” I remarked rhetorically eyeing his outspread hand before I ask again “What brings you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the hall”

“Change of plans at the last minute, I will walk you down the aisle” He managed to inform without breaking eye contact and I could see him shift his weight from side to side.

“What? Why would you? Where is my father?” I yelled standing up.

“I don’t know how to tell you that but Skyler informed me that they will not be coming and it was decided it will be me because I am the leader of the group and I volunteered thinking you could use a friend” He reasoned.

Frustration burst out of me and I approached him angrily “What do you mean they are not coming? Give me a phone, I need to talk to them”

“Serenity, they must have their reason, please” He begged to calm me down as I span into the room searching for any kind of phone.

“Kyle, It’s my wedding, it’s their only daughter’s damn marriage and you tell me they had a reason. What reason can that be? Your phone, now” I ordered and he did not argue anymore handing me his cellphone.

I tried calling my father but no reply, I tried my mother’s number but it led to the same effects after my 4th attempt, panic started rising on me and breathing started to be difficult, when suddenly, his phone started ringing in my hand, showing a text from my dad’s number.

‘My daughter, we are sorry we will not be able to make it because we have a meeting and right now we are on the plane to our destination, we will contact you when we have time, from mom and dad’

A text message, they sent me a text message with no explanation, no details, a fucking test message to tell me they are throwing me away one more time. I started laughing hysterically, holding onto the phone so tightly that I could almost feel it crack on my palm.

I wanted to cry but no tears came, I wanted to yell but my voice was lost, my jaw tightened and my head started pounding.

“Hey, Serenity, it’s ok I am here, we are here, you can send them pictures later and you can always celebrate again with them, they might be far but I am sure they love you, believe me,” Kyle said as he placed his hand on my arm trying to comfort me, trying to sound as honest as possible

No. I wasn’t believing that at all. Maybe I should be, but I wasn’t.

A fire ignited inside of me, a desire to tear this place and everyone inside to pieces, to make every single soul feel the pain that filled my heart, but how? when I am so powerless and abandoned. Crying or throwing a tantrum will not do me any good. Running away will make it worse once they found me.

Revenge is a dish best served cold and I will make sure they have a taste of it soon. For now, I will take a deep breath and walk to hell with my head held high. "Let's go, Kyle"

A pleasant smell from the room hit my face as soon as the door of the aisle opened in front of us, my eyes admiring the guests and family members as they took their seats on either side of the walk leading to the gazebo. Sweet strains of classical music drifted through the crowd. I couldn't believe it; I am walking towards my soon-to-be husband.

For the first time, the look in his eyes was different, I could see the warmth radiating from them, his jaw hardened when he catches my hand placed on the arm of his friend, his palms must be sweaty as I could see him wiping them slightly on his side. As our gaze met, everything surrounding us evaporated as if we were the only ones in the hall.

Kyle’s steps slowed down as we reached the podium and he moved my hand delicately placing it on top of the palm of Skyler “She is my friend, Be good to her” he whispered to Sky before stepping back.

As I met Skyler’s eyes, I felt a shock of electricity run through me, his eyes were warm, his black hair styled back and I could see the new undercut on his left head. His touch was warm and gentle. The small smile painted on his face was encouraging and confusing.

The man I got to know during the few past days and the one guiding me to the front of the preacher can not be the same. this one is vibrating with emotions and even with the emptiness in my heart, I could still feel the affection directed towards me.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the soul I have on display is too sincere and empathetic to be his.

Does his mask fall? Or is this another one he mastered?

The music faded, and the clergyman stepped up to the microphone. He smiled at the assembly. "Cherished family members and honored guests, I would like to thank each of you for coming out this today," he said.

The sound carried well from the small speakers to either side of the podium. "Let us begin”

The preacher led us through the process, omitting the parts of the vow from it and I was glad considering I vow nothing to this stranger.

It was now time for the exchange of rings, an adorable little boy dressed in a blue tuxedo walked up and handed Skyler a ring after he answered the preacher, he slipped it on my finger. The pastor smiled and turned to me. He repeated the question and received the same reply. Sky watched me take his ring from a small girl dressed in pink and place it on his finger. "By the power vested unto me, I now proclaim you husband and wife." "You may now kiss your bride."

And here comes the worst part. I closed my eyes and leaned in slightly but to my surprise, I felt his lips on my forehead, “Thank you” He mumbled into my ear before pulling back. The kiss was the least expected move and now I am sure he is under some spell, He never missed a second to mess with me in the short time we spend together and now when he had his chance, he did not kiss me. I am frustrated and baffled.