Wedding dinner

The ceremony went so fast, I don’t recall when we moved from the haul to the dining place. A dance space was provided in the middle of the room, people filling the empty chairs, waves of laughter and music engulfing us, and at the head of the big table, We were seated like a pair of porcelain dolls.

I was picking on my food watching the individuals around me talking and discussing different subjects, music, politics, and other stuff I had no desire to focus on, I felt out of place between them, we belong to different worlds after all

The few familiar faces were so far from me so I just sat there spacing and imagining if I was a superhero who could destroy all of that and disappear forever, I was thankful focalized on Skyler, the perfect groom, as an old lady described.

"I need to use the bathroom" I whispered to Skyler but he seemed too focused on the blonde girl who joined us a few minutes ago, to hear me so I opted for the best method. Hit him, my conscience said and I obliged.

"What? "He says angrily as soon as my feet touch his.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I ask hoping he doesn't offer to accompany me because I had no desire to pee, I only wanted to escape this

"Why are you asking me? Just go " He replied with a hint of frustration.

I raise my eyebrows at his annoyed face, I want to strangle this man, literally!

But I decide against it and push the chair leaving the table, the dress was heavy and restricting as if I needed more reminders that my freedom is out of view.

I wanted to ask him for directions, I wanted to let myself lean on someone even for such an easy task as finding the bathroom in this massive hotel but decided against it. I don't need his or anyone's help.

Lost in thought as I looked at the diamond shining as bright as a star on my finger yet suffocating like a leash, the ultimate proof that this is my reality now, the wife of a rich man, the slave of a powerful family, I am now tied by a single ring.

Moving through the corridor of this extensive hotel, I ended up lost on a large balcony with no one around, the faint sound of music can still be heard. The fresh wave of air mixed with the sweet smell of jasmine filled my nostrils allowing my limbs to breathe, an inhale of fresh air, I so much needed.

I wandered around the balcony admiring the city view displayed in front of me, to my surprise I was not the only one trying to find a quiet place tonight, one of the guys watching the stars and holding a bottle of alcohol was leaning on the railing “Mind sharing?” I asked as I approached him and he suddenly curses frightened by my appearance.

“Didn’t know we were friends" He replied as he regain his composure.

“Well, we obviously aren’t. You despise me and I don’t like the way you always glare at me, Theo” I don’t care how snide I sound. I’m feeling snarky, and my nerves are shot.

“That answers your question then,” He asks staring at my face bluntly.

“It’s my wedding, So the bottle is from my party, Technically, it’s mine”

“As you said, it’s YOUR wedding, why would you be drinking with a stranger when your husband is inside looking for you” He countered.

“I don’t see anyone looking” I shrugged leaning on the railing at a safe distance from him.

“If I share it, will you answer my question truthfully?” He asks again instantly.

“Depends on the question but go on” I shrug watching him take a sip of his bottle.

“Why don’t you run away?”

“Because I signed a contract to get married to him” My throat catches on a lump that appears out of nowhere, and a choked almost-sob squeezes past it. I was too tired to think of my situation and I did not want to elaborate.

He did not comment, only waved the bottle in my direction and I grabbed it shrugging half of whatever this shit was. The burning in my throat made me feel alive again. The pain that was suffocating me rushed to my heart and I felt it sting.

We did not talk much after that, silence filled the space around us, both lost in his mind and sincerely, I was glad.

He doesn't like my presence so I am not going to start talking nonsense and put it all out as I did with Cody, even though he never speaks to me and he had this permanent glare on his eyes, being here with him felt comfortable.

A few minutes passed or maybe more when he placed the bottle we've been passing back and forth, with the little alcohol left next to me, and walked away.

One thing is for sure, we are far from being friends but this is ok for me. At least I am not hearing any hurtful comments or stupid questions from strangers.

The empty bottle in my arms, my body trembling from the cold air and my feet hurt from those stupid heels, It's funny how they dragged me here by force as if I was the most important person at this wedding and now, hours later no one appeared to notice I was no longer there.

I guess I was not as significant as that. No, that the whole world knows about the new doll, no need to keep it around anymore.

"Get down" A voice startled me.

"Skyler, nice to see you" I mocked turning my face to look at him.

"Serenity come here right now" He ordered with a harder tone and I just shrugged looking up again.

The stars are beautiful tonight, Even though, the city was bright, up here the stars were still visible. A picture I want to crave in my memory forever. I was standing on the railing of the balcony, I don't know what urged me to get up here but when the idea came to my mind a few minutes ago, I did not think twice.

"It's dangerous, get down here" his voice made me sigh and I looked down, It was the 4th or 5th level, the fountain seemed so small from here, I never was scared of height, actually, it gave me a thrilling feeling, a rush of adrenaline that I enjoyed mixed with the alcohol filling my system, it's now even better.

"Too scared, I'd fall to my death?" I joked looking at him but his eyebrows frowned further and his whole stance changed.

"It's not funny, so get your ass down here, Don't make me repeat myself"

"So what if? I am sure, I am expandable as you said, millions are willing to throw themselves at your feet so there will be no loss" I purse my lips trying to hold on to the sting building in my eyes.

"Please Serenity" He extended his hand towards me and for the first time, I saw something in his eyes, fear, vulnerability, gentleness. I can't put my finger on it but it was a warmth I've never received from him and my body reacted before my mind could register.

I took his hand and he pulled me towards him making us both land on the floor. I expected pain or any kind of feeling but nothing came. Either the marble under me was warm and soft or I am too drunk to feel the pain.

"Are you ok?" Sky questioned caressing my face softly, his thumb wiping a tear I did not know escaped my eyes. I leaned into his touch before darkness took over.