
Skyler POV

She was laying on top of me on the floor of the balcony, my back throbbed from the slight pain caused by the fall but she was out of consciousness as she curled up seeking warmth when a chilly breeze overwhelmed us.

“Serenity” I called again, shaking her slightly and I received some incoherent words as a response, when a few seconds passed and she did not move, I realized she is wasted.

she looked like a little girl seeking protection and my heart accelerated, I could hear it thumping like a drum in the middle of the night. Why am I feeling this way? I am not supposed to like her or even find her cute.

I moved her slightly so I could sit up, scooping her in my arms as I tried to stand up which was not an easy mission, her sweet scent filled my nostril, her small frame was perfect between my arms. she was shivering from the weather that dropped slightly and I could only admire her peaceful face as she cuddled in my shoulder.

I am far from being the best man in her life, hell, I might be the shittiest one she met, with what I put her through from the second we met. I thought she will be a docile obedient deer yet every time I pushed her limits, she fought back harder. She is so small but her presence is astonishing and it was so attractive. Without any effort, she is pulling me to her and I found myself thinking about her more than necessary the last few days.

So I throw my anger and frustration at her because I was a coward who couldn't take responsibility for his emotions. “ Feisty girl” I mumbled to her as I walked to our in-suite. It was our wedding night and I felt sorry that she has been mingled in our family dilemma.

As soon as I placed her in the bed, I kneeled at the edge of the bed to take off her shoes and I was pained by the bruise formed around the back of her feet from the heels she’s been on for the last hours.

“Skyler” she whispered, opening her eyes and leaning on her forearms as she looked at me with the softest gaze she ever threw in my direction making grabby hands and pouting, and for a second I felt my heart stop and my breathing speed.

A death sentence, that’s exactly what she bought on me at this moment.

The short white dress that she put on before the dinner ceremony rode up showing the silky skin of her upper thighs and her intense gaze was so tempting, it took every little control in me to not jump on her.

“Mmm,” I hummed as I continued my work on her other shoe.

“I am tired” she whispered her voice cracked slightly and when I stood up to look at her, she was already laid on her back and had her wet eyes on the dangling crystalline lamp.

“Come on sit up so I can help you with your dress,” I asked her gently but my voice came out huskier than intended.

“Stop ordering me, I don’t like it” she pouted, crossing her arms around her chest pushing it up giving me the perfect view of her curves.

“I am not ordering you, let me help you change because I want to sleep and you are too drunk to move.” I corrected.

“You want to fuck me and get over with it, right? You are always arrogant and bossy, I don't like you so I will not help you" She pouted more like a child who did not get what he wants.

“Princess, please” I pleaded again as I held her gaze with a glare. She is irritating me and at the same time tempting me. She ignored my request turning over and curling on herself so I crawled to her side and tried to sit her up but she resisted. “For fuck sake, I want to rest too” I yelled.

“Don’t care,” she mumbled again.

“Serenity, it’s been a long day and the last thing I want to deal with is a crying baby, so you either sit up and help me or I will rip this dress off you”

“Rip it” she defied turning slightly to match my angry gaze. With all the strength I had left on me, I tore the front of the dress and pulled it down from her body making her squawk and I laughed at her surprised face, but my lips tipped down as I took her figure in, She was in the middle of the bed with nothing but lacy white lingerie. She looked so soft and innocent. She looked like an angel I wanted to corrupt, to taint and make mine.

I resisted the lust growing in me. She was never mine and with everything that happened, I lost the chance to seduce her or even to make her like me, that if I even had a chance, to begin with. She was not like most of the women in my life who threw themselves at me, either for fame or money, she was immune to everything I have. I know that she check me out sometimes but it's nothing close to like or love.

She watched my every move as I leaned onto her pushing the cover away and manhandling her body under them. “Aren’t we…?” She asked as I tucked the blanket under her chin and leaned back untying my tie.

“Sleep Serenity, Just close your eyes and sleep”

“Asshole” she cursed pushing the cover away and I couldn’t deal with her anymore, I pulled them over her again harsher than wanted and hovered over her holding her face between my thumb and pointer “Listen to me very carefully, I have no energy left to deal with you, so close your eyes and go back to sleep before I show what an asshole would do in this situation, and believe me when I say, you’d never get close to any form of alcohol anymore” I brushed my lips over the corner of her mouth before standing up and walking to the shower. As much as I wanted to taste her sweet rosy lips, I was afraid to get addicted.

When I came back from the shower, a soft snore was filling the room and I enjoyed the moment of peace I finally got to experience today. My head is pounding and this little devil enrolled in our bed will make me go crazy if I stay close but I have no strength to stay away. She is a mystery I decided to solve.

Author note :

I am really sorry for the delay, a lot was happening and I couldn't find the right space of mind to write the way I desire. Thank you for your love, for reading, and for voting Xoxo <3