The sun rays slowly hit the girls face making her groan. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar room. Her belongings scattered around the floor made her wonder "what happened." The only thought that come through her mind was getting out of there. She tried her best to stand up and collect her belongings on the floor but the pain in her lower abdomen was menacing. After a few minutes, she managed to get out of the room slowly making her way to the lobby of the hotel t grab a taxi.
As she got in the taxi her mother sent her message stating "Zhao ai we need to talk. Please come some as soon as possible," seeing the message the girl got worried but put it aside.
At home
When she got side the house she was greeted by the sight of her mother and grandparents. To Zhao ai this was rare because her grandparents only come when something tragic happens. Without a second thought, she made her way to her parents and grandparents.
"Hello mom, dad, grandpa and grandma," said Zhao ai in a tired tone while looking at them.
"Zhao a, your back where were you," said her mother as she scanned her from head to toe.
Trying not to remember what happened Zhao ai just smiled. "How are you grandpa and grandma, it been a while since you guys came to visit," quickly said Zhao ai as she tried to change to conversation
" Good," replied her grandma without looking at her.
Zhao ai relationship with the rest of her family wasn't great due to fact that she was born through a so-called " pact with the devil," which Zaho ai didn't mind. After their small conversation, Zhao ai headed upstairs to her room, which was difficult because of what happened last night. When she got in her room she quickly made herself comfortable trying to recall what happened last night. The only thing she could remember was those scarlet eyes glimmering in the dark.
Later on, she slowly drifted into a deep sleep but what suddenly woken by the sound of glass shattering, screaming, and crying. Hearing that she instantly headed downstairs to find her mother's lifeless body laying on the ground. When she looked to the left she saw her grandmother crying and begging her grandfather to not leave.
Before she could even comprehend what was happening her vision was slowly becoming blurry yet again and her eyes closing.