"Zerith? Zer- ZERITH!!! Oh my God! What were you trying to do? How did you get down on the floor?" Bertha shrieked as she ran to help Zerith, who lay on the ground, his face contorted in discomfort.

He was heavy, too heavy for her to pick up. Yet she somehow managed to drag him back to the bed and made him sit on it.

Pulling back, bertha stood straight to glower at him.

"Would you explain what was that?" She demanded.

Zerith scratched his head, giving her a sheepish smile. "I will die out of boredom, Bertha. I am getting sick of spending my time in this bed. I want to walk, go out in the garden, ride a horse and roam the streets of the town." He complained.

Bertha's face softened a little. She knew how frustrating it must be for him. He was not used to spending his time lethargically. He had always been a busy man, engrossed in doing one thing or another.