The afternoon breeze was salty yet refreshing. The warm sunlight covered their bodies like a blanket, luring them to sleep. 

Gerald yawned, fighting back his drooping eyelids. The boat swayed on the waves of the ocean and all he wanted to do was for this day to never end while he take a leisurely nap on the boat.

Contrary to him, Theodora was bubbling with excitement, and her face hadn't left that look of awe and wonderment even for a mere minute since she had stepped her first step on this magical land.

She was at the edge, watching the mountains full of green and the crystal blue water underneath. She even spotted some dolphins around and waved at them in hope of befriending them.

Her greenish hazel eyes were drinking in the beauty of the place and how surreal everything felt here. The peaceful quietness and the eye-soothing play of colours gave her an outwardly feeling.

She wished she could stay there forever!