"You don't know how I imagined you like this- under me- every single night, Bertha," Gerald whispered, staring down at Bertha.

Bertha gulped, inhaling his masculine scent.

To be honest, she used to think of them in that position, just like Gerald.

"This... this is w-wrong Gerald. We shouldn't-"

She didn't get a chance to complete her sentence as he drank her words with a kiss. Bertha's whole body felt electrocuted with the touch of his lips on hers.

She moaned loudly, arching her back while their lips moved against each other. She had missed him so much all this time. She wished to see him every day, talk to him at least once a day and if possible, touch him even slightly.

But the thought of Theodora kept nagging at the back of her mind. Her hands froze before they reached him and her moans paused.

Gerald must have sensed her inner battle. But he was clear in what he wanted and needed. And the answer was Bertha!