The rhythmic thumping of hearts and the sounds of breaths were the only sounds that echoed around the cottage as two naked bodies lay on the mattress entangled with each other.

They both faced the thatched roof of the cottage while their chests rose and fell gently. Bertha's head rested on Gerald's bicep while his other hand was busy drawing random patterns on her belly.

The movements of his fingers sent tingles all over her body, and to suppress the moan and the giggles, she bit her lower lip between her teeth.

When she couldn't hold back anymore, she turned to her right to face him. The sight of his bare body reminded her of the moment they had just shared. Heat crept up her neck to burn her cheeks in flushed pink.

She hid her face in his neck with a small smile playing on her lips.

Gerald noticed the tingles of her breath on his neck. Smiling down at her, he placed his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.