It's almost been a month since I and Caitlin started living together.
we still sleep together, in the literal sense. we haven't had sex yet since we still think it's too fast.
all we have done is hold hands, hugs, and kisses. sometimes we even hug while half of our bodies are naked. there has definitely been some progress on the intimate part.
also, Caitlin's assistant was caught 2 weeks ago, well not caught exactly. he turned himself in.
and even more surprisingly he turned in the loan he took and admitted that it was all his doing.
yeah well, it's obvious why he did this. now he is in jail and debt. sadly Ian was not apprehended due to lack of evidence, but we both agreed that him losing one of his testicles is more than enough revenge.
Caitlin got her company shares and personal property back but she still chose to continue living with me. oh, and she bought a new car for me, just to keep her end of the deal. while I appreciate the gesture it still ended up in a garage with 20 of my other cars which I purchased because they looked cool, and some of them were gifts.
we also started playing Kinecraft together, surprisingly enough she knew how to play it perfectly, apparently, she used to play Kinecraft a few years ago. well, it did take some time to explain why the fudge are there trees in nether now.
we play together on the same server as my meeting buds, but she doesn't know that they are CEOs for multi-billion dollar companies.
we were planning to get a maid of sorts but decided against it after we tried cooking one day and it turned out pretty fun.
so... we now cook breakfast and dinner together. it's fun for now but I don't know how long it will last.
it's been pretty fun living together with Caitlin. I have lived together with my first girlfriend but we broke up just a few weeks after I told her how I was gonna cut my ties with my family, I did rely on her for the first few days to survive but she decided to break up soon after, it was after that, that I pulled myself up and truly started working hard for my company.
during the month we were living together:-
Caitlin was casually scrolling through something on her phone while I was on a call with mike.
what Caitlin did while I was on call was amusing, to say the least.
she first pulled out her tongue, then stretched it with her fingers, then squished it and continued playing with it till the time I got off the call and asked her
"uhh Cait, something wrong with your tongue?"
she released her tongue
"lovey, do you think I should get my tongue split?" oh yea and she now calls me lovey, while I call her Cait. I believe calling her Cait is better than any weird nickname.
I didn't have the slightest idea what did she even mean.
"what do you mean by 'get my tounge split'?"
she held out her phone's screen towards my face and showed me googled images of 'split tongue'
it was literally what the name said 'split tongue' a tongue split down from the middle. I am not gonna lie but that legit looked cool.
"is that even legal?" I asked her since that was the first question I had.
"yea, in some states"
"ahh, so why do you even want to get it?"
"I honestly don't know, I started getting piercings in high school and since then I haven't been able to stop, I like them for some reason," she said that so casually and with a smile that I almost forgot that getting a piercing involves a needle going in from one side and out the other of your skin.
"a piercing is a single needle, while a split tongue is cutting your tongue in half!"
"but, lovey think of all the things I could do with a split tongue, like how different will be the feeling when we kiss."
the second she said that multiple wild imaginations went through my head, not just kissing with a split tongue but some hella more erotic stuff.
a shiver went down my spine.
I sighed "if you want to get it, I pose no opposition, just be aware of the fact that I might develop a split tongue fetish due to that."
"so... I am getting it done on my birthday!" she said cheerfully
her birthday still had a few months to go, so I thought that she would probably forget about it by that time.
"hey, lovey let's get matching tattoos on my birthday too"
just the sheer fact that a needle with ink will pierce my skin multiple times in a single second just to leave a permanent mark on my untouched body made me feel pain, but maybe having small matching tattoos isn't something bad.
"sure thing, Cait, anything for you" I said as I kissed her forehead.
Caitlin smirked hearing that "give me your company then"
I chuckled "yeah maybe later..."
she awwed and then looked at me with puppy dog eyes but then started laughing. "I was just kidding, I want to take my company to the peak, myself!"
she said with a firm resolve.
well, Caitlin did come off as a sadist to me when I first met her, but slowly I started noticing how she even though loves teasing me, she has her own cute moments.
when I woke up in the morning and found myself using caitlin's thigh as a pillow and drooling on it, I was literally latched on to her leg, like a koala sticking on a tree. I quickly wiped off the drool from her thigh, but the second I looked behind, I found Caitlin with open eyes just smirking at me.
"good morning, lovey, you really do love my thighs, huh?" she said in her super sexy morning voice, she almost sounds like a cat purring in the morning.
I nodded as I rubbed my cheek against her thighs "I definitely love them"
Caitlin continued smirking at me "it's alright lovey, I get your thigh fetish. but I do hope you wipe your drool off."
I sighed, she already knew I was drooling, of course, she did, after all, it was her thigh "already did."
I got up, and like every morning I picked up my phone and when I saw the date, the realization hit me.
"shit!" I screamed
Caitlin looked at me and yanked the phone out of my hands "how many times do I have to tell you, don't look at your phone the first thing in the morning."
I turned to Caitlin in a state of panic.
Caitlin looked at my expression and knew it wasn't something that simple.
"what's wrong?" she asked with a serious expression
"The month has come!"
"what month are you talking about?"
"the month where my parents hire someone to tail me for a week and report every single movement I make to them, this month is precisely the month why is still go to a uni and was renting an apartment, once I even was working a part-time job just to fool them"
Caitlin chuckled hearing that "at least your parents still care about you."
"hell, they do. they just suddenly remember this month that they had a second kid too some years ago, lets see how he is doing"
"so what will you do now?"
"move back to my apartment of course!"
Caitlin's expression turned serious "lovey, I think you should let your parents know what you truly are now. why should you hide it anymore?"
I just realized that that is indeed true I don't need to hide my company from them anymore, the reason I hid it from them at the beginning was that if they found out that I have started a company they would do everything to crush it so that they can make me come back. but now my company could crush their company like an ant, there was no need to be afraid of them anymore, it was time to face my parents.
"yea that's true, but what if they find out I am living with you"
she just shrugged "doesn't matter, I don't really care like they can do anything when I am under the protection of the best boyfriend ever" as soon as she finished saying that she tossed me a mint, and a few seconds later she pulled me in for a kiss. her and my tongue now move in sync, we have kissed each other just too much yet we never get tired of each other.
also, we started taking mints every morning before kissing because we both have super bad morning breaths.
I pulled away from the kiss and got up. Caitlin looked down at my crotch and didn't see what she usually saw.
"huh, how come you don't have your that up yet," she said as she pointed to my crotch.
"oh that..." there was no way I could tell her that I masturbated like four times in a row yesterday.
"I don't know" I tried to shrug it off.
she got up and walked up to me "that isn't healthy"
she then slowly started nibbling on my left ear. her teeth nibbling my cartilage with perfect softness while her tongue delicately licking it. it sent shivers, from my ear to my crotch and I felt my flag rise up again. as Caitlin was hugging me she also felt the flag rise and stopped nibbling and sat down on the bed. "see, much better" she said with a smirk while I was blushing like crazy.
who would have known that licking and nibbling ears could be that good! I bet I am going to develop an ear kink for sure.