My queen

"Hey, I am taking your car to the uni," I said as I got dressed for my classes, in proper clothes.

"you haven't attended classes for more than a month, shouldn't you have some problems?"

"Nah, the chancellor is one of my minio- I mean subordinates."

Caitlin raised her eyebrow hearing that "you just said minion, didn't you, lovey?"

I avoided making eye contact "it's just your imagination."

Caitlin walked over to me, "if you call him your minion, what would you call me?" she asked as she leaned closer to my face.

I looked into her eyes "probably my queen." I said as I grabbed her waist and pulled her for a kiss.

Caitlin continued sitting on my lap. "I just have a meeting at work today, I will get home early, so why don't I pick you up today?"

"well, you gotta drop me off too then."

she pinched my nose "of course I know lovey"

I completed dressing up, and we got into Cait's Kesla Roadster, which was very recently released and she had bought it the very day it was available. she seems to be a sucker for Kesla. I don't know if she knows that Kesla is also under the K.I. group, well I guess she knows cuz it's too obvious.

Caitlin looked at my outfit for a few minutes when she got into the car.

"are you sure you want to attend your classes in that?"

"huh, something wrong?"

she shook her head " just that fact that you wearing a pajama, a hoodie, and Krocs?"

I nodded my head "well, you see I am the trendsetter in the uni."

"no you are not," she said in a monotone.

I sighed "fine, it's just more comfortable!"

she facepalmed hearing that "all alright, but you are never, ever dressing like that on a date with me"

I made a thumbs up and then picked up the call from Mike who probably wanted to report me the daily report and schedule.


we reached the uni and when people saw me getting out of the new Kesla, naturally they were curious, coincidentally, Nolan (Cait's brother) walked out of the Zolls Zoyce, his family gifted him on his birthday last year. he came out wearing a proper suit, like always. I always cringe out when I see him in a suit and tie and attending classes. he could be easily mistaken for some assistant professor or something, though even they don't wear suits of that high quality. apparently, he has to act like a proper heir.

but that doesn't stop him from getting along with me. as soon as he saw me get out of the car and talking to the person who was in the driver's seat. he rushed up to me and slammed my back with his hand, with all his strength, he likes to call it a friendly pat, but it's more like a wrestler's slam to me.

"Who are you talking to, with such a smile?" Nolan asked curiously as he bent down to look inside the car.

"s-s-sis!? what are you doing in there!?" Nolan said with a shock.

he stood straight up, rubbed his eyes for a minute, and then bent down again to see the person inside.

I smacked him on the back of his head "yes, it's Caitlin, your sister! now calm down"

Caitlin and Nolan don't have that deep of a relationship, but Nolan is very proud of his sister, they were very close as kids but then the gap grew as they grew up, Nolan was brought up as an heir while Caitlin, was forced to be a proper lady, but her parent's plan backfired and she became the rebellious kind, started getting piercings, and later even a tattoo. i thought maybe the slut and whore tattoo had something to do with the rebellious phase but she just brushed off the question and I decided not to pry deeper.

Nolan's jaw was hanging open, to him his sister was the cold badass type, but when he heard her say "lovey, take care of Nolan for me" in a purely affectionate voice, his brain probably lost a few brain cells due to the shock.

Caitlin drove off since she knew that her brother will take some time to recover from that shock.

once she was gone Nolan came back to his senses, grabbed my shoulders, and shook me violently. "what black magic did you use on my sister!! I will never forgive you for that, i know that she looks good and that many people will do anything for her! but why did you use curses on-"

well, Nolan actually is a bit weird, but it's the good kind of weird. but don't take him as the naive kind because I have seen him do business negotiations, he is a pro at that.

"stop your fantasy train right there," I said as I got out of his grip. "we just started dating a month ago and it's going pretty good."

Nolan put his head in his hands and then shook his head wildly, "my sister got a boyfriend!!!? how is that even possible!? maybe the chances that she will die single have been lessened!"

I tilted my head "what are you talking about didn't she date-" before I could finish the sentence I got a call from Cait, i picked it up and it was Cait who was in a panic, apparently, she forgot to tell me that no one knew that she was dating Ian, Ian asked her to keep it a secret because it would be a being deal if everyone knew Ian Hoyle had a girlfriend. but I guess he asked her to do that so that he could cheat on her with other women who didn't know that he was cheating.

"never mind, Cait is a pretty cool person I am not gonna lie," I said as I crossed my arms and nodded thoughtfully.

Nolan put his hand over my shoulder and we started walking to our class " don't make her sad bro, she has been through a lot." he said with a serious tone.

I nodded, "don't worry, I won't"

Nolan was even more shocked that his sister had already shared her past with adam, how much does she even trust him.


the day went by pretty slow, I have a very niche friend circle so I don't have many people to talk to sometimes, Nolan has different courses so we barely met during the class times. not surprisingly at all, I met Ella in the second course I was attending, she greeted me and acted all friendly as if she had already forgotten what she had done. we only had normal convos, since she and I have the same friends, Ella told them about our break up, but what was surprising was that she did tell everyone that it was her mistake and that she had done something unforgivable, I was pretty glad to hear that from Stacy (Ella's BFF). well, I guess they don't know how bad it was, but it was more than enough for me. apart from talking when we were with our friends, I tried my best to avoid her.

but for some reason, she disappeared mid-day

~~~ Ella's POV~~~

how cute... he has been trying to avoid me the whole day, does that mean he still has feelings for me.... well if he really wants to get back together I won't say 'no'.

he is just too shy... awww.....

fine, I will leave early today, maybe that will make him desperate to look for me.

~~~MC's POV~~~

Caitlin was already at the road to pick him up, he was walking with his friends when everyone saw that super hot woman, in the new Kesla calling, me " lovey, get in."

Nolan face palmed hearing that and I just grinned, "bye guys, my girlfriend's here to pick me up" I said as I gave them the final two-finger salute and got in the car.

everyone was still in shock, digesting what had just happened, a super hot woman in a Kesla called Adam the guy who comes to classes in his PJs 'lovey', and then Adam said that she was her girlfriend. everyone thought that they were hallucinating but only Nolan knew that his sister was indeed tamed by a Krocs over sneakers guy.