Best of both worlds

~~~ Back to MC's POV ~~~

"so then?" the suspense was craving, although his night wasn't explained in a lot of detail to me, it felt like someone was reading to me a plot for some adult one-shot drama.

he sighed "I explained everything to her, from start to finish, and she just left me hanging. she didn't speak a single word to me while we ate breakfast when I tried to hold her hand she back away, no matter what I said to her, she didn't budge and then she left for work a whole hour early!" he spoke in so much frustration that the speed at which he was speaking almost sounded like someone was rapping at a pretty good pace.

"well- just give her some space alright, no need to rush, let her process everything," I explained trying to calm him down. "or- go down the overly obsessed route and pester her till she agrees-"

"I guess I will just take the 'give her space' route and maybe call her a few times."

I raised my eyebrows "very well, I guess you get the best of both worlds."

"The best of both worlds, yeah" he replied.

"anyways- now that we are done with that part, what's the progress on that dead man?"

"it's tough- we still haven't got the body yet, the truck belonged to a very new express courier service, after investigating a bit the hiring process for the guy is- not there- it is completely unknown how this man even got hired. the cops have started inquiring so we still haven't got any decent info. but we did try and trace the guy before he got into the truck, and surprisingly enough we have no frickin idea about how he got into the truck, there's practically footage of the same truck being driven in and out by another driver for the past month, but yesterday, no one got into it from the outside, it was as if he was already sitting in the truck."

"is the footage not tampered with at all? and what about the guy who drove the truck before?"

"nope, the footage is probably not tampered with, and the guy who drove the truck before him is missing, his family filed a missing report last week."

"interesting enough-" I said as I wondered about a solution or something similar.

"you know what this is gonna take a whole lot of brainpower, so I got this super-easy way to solve most of our problems."

"what's that?" he said in a hopeful voice.

"do you know why North Korea gets away with doing inhumane stuff?"

"uhh, why?"

"cuz they have goddam nukes! let's get some nukes and then we can do whatever we want!" I said, cuz honestly as crazy as it sounds, threatening countries with a nuke is legit easy.

mike took a long deep breath before finally answering "it's practically illegal-"

"come on man, just get a few scientists and some other people, we already have places where we know we can find radioactive stuff if we even need it, once we have a nuke we can always threaten the whole country with it."

"it's good that we are conversing on a secure line otherwise I wonder what would have happened, well I shall put the nuke plan on hiatus and continue the investigation. see ya boss."

"aight, good luck then," I said as I hung up the phone.

I already had plans to go sightseeing with Phoebe, Cait, and potentially her Lil sis, Ellis.

after breakfast, we met up with Ellis who did not agree to come with us, since she wanted to take some time off to relax, and why go outside when you have got a VIP suite in a 5-star hotel.

her reasoning was quite solid, to be honest, and I would have almost agreed with her if both Phoebe and Cait wouldn't have grabbed my hands and dragged me to the elevator.

Phoebe had already made a whole bunch of plans since she was super excited as this would technically count as our first date together.

we headed to the national gallery of art. I had been there before with my parents when I was a kid so I could barely remember a few details. but a revisit made me realize how much things had now changed. Alright, I lied, out of what I remembered not a lot had changed, a few new interesting sections were now up which were more felt more connected to this generation.

the gallery still was pretty enjoyable for both me and Caitlin, thanks to the special exhibitions and some new stuff, but for Phoebe it was paradise, unlike me and Cait, she somehow understands paintings, specifically the modern arts.

personally, most modern arts, to me feel like someone just ate a whole bunch of colors and then vomited on the canvas then took a paintbrush to make some weird shapes on it, and in some cases, they don't even make those shapes they are just blobs of paint.

well, Phoebe was enjoying it and Caitlin didn't really seem to mind, so I couldn't say much. Caitlin would take 5 whole minutes explaining a painting we saw and the meaning behind it, which I legit couldn't see.

it was almost like, how in literature. if you read a line ' the door was black.' and then when the teacher tells you the meaning, that the character is going to something dark-natured, or that his end is nearing him or some other shit. but then you meet the author and he tells you that he never meant that, all he wanted to convey was that 'the door was fucking black.'

I couldn't stop Phoebe from geeking out, I knew she wanted to be an artist when she was in high school, guess she still loves painting, huh.


well, really sorry, had to take a break for a week because of something personal.

but I am back now, and

thanks for reading!