Host squid games

We didn't realize how quickly the time went by as that place was enormous, and we had to stop at every exhibition for at least 2 minutes. it was annoying, but I and Caitlin were mostly talking about how it is indeed annoying and non-understandable.

By the time we left the building, it was already closing time. Caitlin's stomach was growling for food and even I felt hungry.

Caitlin remembered a Thai restaurant from her younger years, so she made a quick google search and started the navigation. Phoebe and I didn't mind Thai cuisine today since sometimes it's nice to try different flavors.

Although I know that it was directly the Thailand government who started funding the Thai restaurants in the US, so that they can get better export deals and standardize their food worldwide, I cannot disagree with the fact that Thai food does taste good.

The restaurant was still as how Caitlin remembered it. not much had changed except the wallpaper apparently, and the tables and chairs.

We had a dump load of random shit on the menu, from fried noodles to tendons, literally everything which felt, 'interesting'. this was a mistake if you didn't realize it.

the food even though it was not "very" spicy, it was spicy and very heavy. so once we got out of the car, Phoebe practically begged to take her back to the hotel. it didn't take us long to realize why she did that because a few minutes later there was a weird smell in the car and Phoebe was like "really sorry-" with a smirking face. I had to roll down the windows just to get some fresh air.

I sighed, even though she was embarrassed she was still childish. She could have just used a public restroom, but she didn't want to, because.....

She left her to answer at because.

I sighed, well we did have fun, so it's fine I guess and maybe even I could use the restroom for a bit, especially that heated seat and the foot and back massager built right into the toilet seat.

Who wouldn't want that stuff and now that I have experienced massagers in a toilet, there is no going back.

Once we got back into the hotel, Caitlin rushed to her room at the speed of flash, and while we're walking slowly we were greeted by Ellis. Who was carrying two plates full of a variety of dishes to her room?

"eh?" Caitlin said as she saw the gluttonous side of her sister.

Ellis turned back reluctantly as she saw her sister "well, there was a buffet-"

Caitlin sighed, while I chuckled a bit.

Caitlin casually picked up a drumstick, and took a bite out of it, "this ain't bad-" she said after she gulped down the bite. "here try it." she held out the drumstick right under my nose.

Even though I was full, I had no choice but to take a bite out of it, since the smell was overwhelming my nose.

The second I took a bite of it, the meat practically melted in my mouth as the flavors dissolved in my tongue, it had that classic drumstick sort of taste, but with somewhat of an Indian flavor mixed into it.

"This is really good," I said while I still had my mouth full of it.

"But I still need the room first." I waved and left for my room.

once I was out of the restroom. Caitlin greeted me by waving a drumstick.

she was holding onto a plate full of drumsticks. I legit wondered how she was even able to fit it all into her stomach. her sister wasn't much different from her after all.

I pulled up my phone and the first thing I saw was a text from Mike saying that Steans have done what they were asked to do.

I confirmed this with Caitlin and Ellis a few minutes later and it turns out that they have kept their promise.

I called up Nolan just to be sure, and well it turns out the only person they left out was Nolan. I guess they thought that I didn't know Nolan or didn't care about him.

So that meant they were still holding onto a third of their shares.

It would be better to wait for a few hours so that I could confirm that Nolan won't receive his part.

but I thought it would be more interesting if I gave them some hope. I quickly called up the Steans and the one who picked up the call was Mr. Stean. He picked up the call almost instantaneously.

"hey, Mr. Stean, we got the shares, so thanks," I said as quickly as possible and then hung up on him not giving him a chance to speak.

this should be enough to seed him with the idea, that I think all the shares have been distributed. If I would have given him the chance to speak he might have said something about the work being incomplete and then there would have been no return for him, but now that he thinks I don't know about Nolan, things might get interesting.

Caitlin pouted when she heard that "stop playing with my parents."

"come on- just a tad bit of fun."

"yea- why don't you just host squid games or hunger games for fun?"

"oooh- that isn't a bad idea at all" I sighed "but I will probably need nukes for it."

"wait- why nukes?"

"well, you don't think that the government will just overlook hundreds of people dying-"

Caitlin raised her eyebrows "oh my god- I meant not real games where people die, just a knockoff where they get the money but don't die-"

"yea- no, a whole bunch of people did that already, imma do the real thing."

Caitlin couldn't help but just sigh.