Chapter 20

The Free City of Yunkai was not like Astapor. Its design was meant to keep only those of elite status like the Wise Masters in a safe place from the outside world. High Walls with a decent number of guards, who were also slaves. However, these slave guards had been conditioned to be the muscle capable of defending them with the possible chance of being freed if they prove their worth when called upon. While rare, it happened where the slave guards had defended Wise Masters from other Wise Master rivals, against angry slaves, and other threats.

The increasingly large number of slaves, who served them one way or another, all totaled in a number that was more then the number of owners of said slaves. Now while this may seem strange to some people, the Wise Masters of Yunkai thought differently. They had trained all their slaves to serve them no matter what, pleasure them no matter the form, and to make them feel that their purpose in life was to serve the Wise Masters until death. They had instilled as sense of fear that one of them disobeying would result in mass execution of many to set an example.

Needless to say, it worked. Oh the slaves knew they outnumbered the Wise Masters 3 to 1 in terms of numbers, but each slave revolt that happened always failed. A slave loyal to the Wise Masters reveals a plot or a slave guard overhearing slaves planning things. The end result of both times caused the slave populated to be reduced to less than half. Men, women, and even children were killed by the Wise Masters after each failed revolt.

"High walls. No wonder the Wise Masters feel so invincible. It would take a large army with siege equipment to take this city. Add the desert behind us makes getting supplies difficult might make this increasingly harder. Provided we didn't have dragons or the Unsullied of course," commented Aegon while staring at the Free City of Yunkai with his hands behind his back in thought.

"Yunkai is not like Astapor your Grace. They deal in pleasure slaves for trade. It is a very profitable business. Even more so then selling a slave army," remarked Ser Jorah since he knew enough about Yunkai to provide some insight into it.

"The voice of experience Bear?" asked Jon Connington since Ser Jorah had revealed he had spent time with the Golden Company before being in contact with Westeros for his spying assignment.

"Perhaps. Are you jealous Rooster?" asked Ser Jorah with Jon grunting at the jab aimed at him.

"Enough. You two can jape at each other later until the Sun sets. It would seem we will soon be getting a Yunkai ambassador soon. Make sure the Unsullied know to get into formation. I want this fool to know just how muscle we possess," replied Aegon with Ser Jorah and Jon Connington bowing before they left.

"I'm surprised you wish to do this nephew. You have three dragons, a well trained army 8,000 strong with 5,000 being trained along the way. Yet you stay for this," commented Daenerys with Aegon glancing back.

"As if you wouldn't in my place. Look at the city Daenerys. It is a city filled with people in pain. Do you know how many slaves are in Yunkai alone? How many languish under the rule of the Wise Masters?" asked Aegon with Daenerys shaking her head.

"I believe you are going to tell me?" asked Daenerys with Aegon looking back at the city.

"200,000 slaves. 200,000 people languishing under the whip. Those who aren't slaves are suffering just as much. Some are so poor that they feel slavery is a step up from their own position. The Wise Masters care for nothing. Nothing but themselves. They all feel their lives compared to others are superior to everyone else. They are not superior. They are weak, yet they make everyone believe they are strong. They spend their coins on those who are strong in the belief money is power. It is not. It is a tool to be used for various things. Nothing more," said Aegon with Daenerys smirking.

"Some would say money is power because it can buy power," commented Daenerys with Aegon shrugging.

"Perhaps. But the Wise Masters of Yunkai do not buy power. They rent it. And those they rent won't fight if the coin they are offered can't be collected if they are dead. As we all know, corpses cannot collect coin," said Aegon before they walked toward their war tent.

They had a Wise Master to humble.

- Short Time Later -

The Wise Master who would be visiting them was an arrogant man, believing his birth had been some wonderful thing since his House was wealthy. He had his slaves carrying him in an open carriage while the slaves themselves looking tired, whipped, and clearly nervous to be around so many men with spears. The man slowly got out of his carriage and made his way to the war tent, looking all prim and proper, as if it was some glorious honor to be near him. Of course, the sight of so many Unsullied around him, standing at attention did unnerve the man, but it was clear the man did his best to hide it.

It also didn't help that three large dragons were looming over the tent with their angry gazes looking down at him like he was nothing but food.

"Now comes the noble Razdal Mo Eraz of that ancient and honorable House, Master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace," said Missandei when the Wise Master entered the tent to see Aegon sitting down in the center, Daenerys sitting beside him on his right while Jon Connington and Ser Jorah stood on either side of the tent.

"Welcome into my tent Lord Eraz. Sit," commanded Aegon with his motioning to the seat across from him.

"Noble Lord of Yunkai, you currently stand before one Aegon of House Targaryen and his Aunt Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Breaker of Chains. The Life Givers of Dragons," said Missandei while Lord Eraz sat down and looked calm once more.

Though Aegon knew the man was nervous on the inside.

"Ancient and glorious is Yunkai. Our Empire was considered old before dragons even stirred in Old Valyria. Many and army has broken against our strong high walls. You shall find no conquest here Life Givers of Dragons," said Razdal while Aegon nodding.

"You are right. I won't find conquest here. Just an easy victory. Your 'strong high walls' mean nothing to me. Not when the three dragons you saw outside can kind fly high into the sky. Dragons, which can bring down streams of fire and death upon your city. Do you think your high walls will be your ally when the fire starts coming down? No. These city walls you are so proud of will become your tomb," countered Aegon with Razdal looking slightly perturbed since he knew this masked man was right.

Though he would never admit it.

"But we are not here to start a war Lord Eraz. Such things are violent and pointless. We are prepared to discuss terms like civilized people," added Daenerys knowing it would help speed things along.

"I'm glad. Word of House Targaryen's actions at Astapor have reached the Wise Masters ears, but Yunkai are a forgiving and generous people," said Razdal before clapping his hands and two slaves came in carrying heavy chests filled to the brim with gold bars.

"Generous indeed," commented Daenerys while knowing this gift was impressive.

"The Wise Masters have sent this as a gift to the Lord and Lady of Dragons. There is even more waiting for you on your personal ship," added Razdal with Daenerys and the other looking surprised.

"Our personal ship?" asked Daenerys curiously while Aegon remained silent.

"Yes. As I said, we are a generous people. Your ship will be available to you whenever you wish," explained Razdal confidently.

"And what do you ask of us in return for taking my new ship and newly acquired wealth the Wise Masters have given us?" asked Aegon since no one gave this much to others out of sheer generosity.

"All we ask is you use your ship. Sail back to Westeros were you both belong and leave us alone to conduct our business here in peace," offered Razdal while Daenerys frowned at him.

"And what about my army? Will the Yunkai be so generous to give me ships to take them with us? Or our dragons" asked Aegon since he knew what his Aunt was wondering.

"Unfortunately, your Unsullied cannot accompany you back home. They have killed their Masters and have laid siege to Astapor. While they may have been ordered by you, the Unsullied must pay for their crimes. They are the property of Essos through and through. Just like your dragons," said Razdal with Aegon narrowing his eyes behind his mask and Daenerys had a scowl on her face.

"A dragon is not and never will be a slave," commented Aegon.

"Everything born in the domain of Essos is a slave to the Wise Masters. The old. The young. Men. Women. Children. The Unsullied. Dragons are no different. Both of you may leave with the wealth we give you. Everything else is ours and will be branded as ours to make it known for all time," said Razdal while the room suddenly got colder.

"We thank you for your generous offer Lord Eraz. Unfortunately, your terms are not what we consider to be acceptable. So I make a counteroffer. You will relinquish the city and all of its slaves to us. In return, I offer you one thing that is most valuable to someone like yourself. Your life," said Aegon with Razdal looking surprised.

"My life?" asked Razdal in disbelief.

"Yes. Your life. And the life of the other Wise Masters. They can relocate to another Free City. You can take whatever wealth you can carry and leave everything else for us. You will not take any of your slaves. If you do, your life is forfeit. If you decide to kill any of the slaves, your life is forfeit. If you reject this offer, your life and the lives of the Wise Masters behind those strong high walls of Yunkai will be forfeit," replied Aegon with the Wise Master looking insulted and angry before standing up quickly.

"You are mad! Both of you! We are not Astapor with the naive Wise Masters or those in Qarth with their Warlocks! We are Yunkai and we have powerful friends! Friends who will take great pleasure in destroying you! Those who survive your defeat will be ours once more. Maybe we will make slaves of you just like we will your dragons!" exclaimed Razdal while glaring at both Targaryens.

Only to be Force pushed violently out of the tent. Just barely missing the surprised and startled slaves. When the Wise Master got to his feet, sputtering and cursing as he did, the man found himself staring into the masked face of Aegon Targaryen. His three dragons looming over them, growling at the Wise Master with burning hate in their eyes. Razdal tried to back away, but Aegon quickly grabbed him by the throat and pulled him closer until they were eye level.

"You think because you have wealth that you're special. That you have these slaves, who lifted your carriage and carry you makes your life special. You are not special. You are weak. I know what you and the Wise Masters planned to do if we were stupid enough to accept your offer. Our own personal ship you mentioned has been sabotaged with various weak spots in it that can't take the ocean currents. It would quickly sink to the bottom of the ocean floor within mere moments of water filling the ship," said Aegon with Razdal's eyes widening at the plot they schemed being found out.

"How do you know that?" asked Razdal while Aegon's grip tightening.

"Your mind is an open book to me. I know everything you have ever done. I know about the men you have killed, all your rivals you poisoned, the women you violated, and the children you ripped from their parents to be sold to those who prefer the pleasure of their company over adults. You are a wretched thing and its only fitting you die by fire. Don't worry. My dragons won't eat you cooked or raw. Filth like you would only make their stomach ache from the rot," replied Aegon before throwing the man a good distance away from him.

"You have no idea what power Yunkai wields. You may possess potent dragon's blood, but there are way to kill those with it. If the dragons will not be our slaves, then all those of the dragon will die!" exclaimed Razdal angrily in defiance.

"Your foolish friends are welcome to try Razdal, but in end...they will all die. Just like you. Dracarys!" commanded Aegon with all three of his dragon unleashing their fire on the man who screamed out in pain before falling over dead as a burned corpse.

"What about them?" asked Daenerys while looking at the scared slaves who bowed in their presence.

"Tell them they have a choice. Go back to the Wise Masters and be punished simply for returning without the one they carried here. Or they can stay here, be given food, water, clean clothes, and a place to sleep without fear of being beaten. Let them know that by choosing the former, they will not be slaves, but free men, and when Yunkai is taken, no one will be slave again," answered Aegon with Missandei deciding to carry out the order since seeing someone like herself explain it would make things easier.

Who better to explain it to these poor souls then a former slave?

"What of the corpse your Grace?" asked Ser Jorah curiously.

"The Wise Masters are waiting for my response. Drogon, send them back by response," said Aegon with the dragon almost smiling and picked up the burned body of the dead Wise Master before taking to the air.

"The Wise Master mentioned they had powerful friends. Once they get the body back, they will contact those powerful friends," commented Daenerys and getting everyone's attention.

"The Yunkai are a proud people Princess. They do not bend," commented Ser Jorah in a knowing tone.

"What doesn't bend from the pressure will break. Perhaps seeing their so called powerful friends dying will make these Wise Masters understand significance of their stupidity. Ser Jorah, find out who their powerful friends are and report back. The Wise Master we killed was not as high up as he made himself out to be when boasting about Yunkai. He knows the city has Sell Sword company friends, but not their names. I want to know their names," said Aegon with Ser Jorah nodding and leaving to carry out the order.

"You fear they might have a means to kill our dragons?" asked Daenerys with Aegon shaking his head.

"No. But it doesn't hurt to inquire about just who or what we will face should there be a battle," replied Aegon with Daenerys nodding and saw Drogon return moments later.

- Days Later -

Sure enough, Ser Jorah had found out who the Yunkai's powerful friends were and Aegon was not impressed. The Second Sons, who were a Sell Sword company that had helped Yunkai in the past had answered the call to defend the city. In exchange, the men in the Sell Sword company got to have their choice in pleasure slaves when they visited and a sizable sum of gold for their time.

Aegon wasn't impressed. The number people under the banner of the Second Sons totaled around 2,000 strong. Given Aegon had 8,000 Unsullied with an additional 5,000 more in training and three deadly dragons, it was laughable. Did the Wise Masters of Yunkai truly believe 2,000 Sell Swords would be able to challenge him? Maybe if it was the Second Sons standing in front of the walls of Yunkai and Aegon didn't have so many men or his three dragons at the ready.

No. There is something else. Something that made the Yunkai rely on the Second Sons over other Sell Sword companies.

"What are the stories about the Second Sons? Their reputation in terms of how they fight their enemies of great numbers?" asked Aegon to Ser Jorah since the man was good at finding things out.

"They complete any contract given to them your Grace. Once taken, they do not break it no matter the counter offer. I have also heard that when facing greater numbers, one of their more skilled men will seek to remove the loyalty of the opposition by going after the leader. Without a leader, their enemy scatters and can be picked off easier," answered Ser Jorah with Aegon thinking things over.

"There no Moon out tonight, is there?" asked Aegon with Ser Jorah nodding.

"No your Grace. Tonight is a night where the Moon will not appear in the sky," answered Ser Jorah with Aegon thinking things over.

"A perfect time for one of them to strike. Either myself of my Aunt. Or maybe even my dragons if they were feeling bold," commented Aegon in thought.

"Should we double the guards your Grace?" asked Jon Connington this time.

"No. Double the guards now tips off our enemy that we suspect something. I want this assassin to come into our camp. He'll come for me. If he has time, my Aunt. I'll make sure my three children are with her tonight so he doesn't attack her," replied Aegon with Jorah and Jon both looking nervous.

"You want the assassin to get close your Grace?" asked Jon curiously.

"Yes. Let him get close. Cut off his retreat. This assassin thinks he can sneak through my camp without getting caught. I intend to prove him wrong," replied Aegon with a smirk behind his mask.