Chapter 21

- King's Landing - At the Moment -

Varys walked with a purpose. He always did. But this time, there was more force in his steps. An increase in his drive. To orchestrate things to ensure the dragon sat on the Iron Throne once more. But he had to be cautious. More so then usual right now. Littlefinger was expanding his network, trying to make himself more valuable to the Crown. Given how the man's so called superior skills with numbers had put said Crown under the Stag deep in debt between the Iron Bank and Tywin Lannister, it was no surprise. Lord Arryn seemed to be aging faster with each passing glance while trying to fix the six million gold dragon debt his Master of Coin put them in.

Only recently did Varys receive a message from Aegon through one of his little birds not only a few moments ago. A single message that the Spider soon destroyed and paid said little bird with coin and sweets for a job well done.

"It is time Lord Varys."

That had been the message in the small scroll. A single message Varys knew was the sign of Aegon wanting him to reveal his presence to the enemies of the dragon.

And so he shall.

"Varys! Why in the bloody Seven Hells did you ask me attend this meeting? You and the other shits here can handle running the Seven Kingdoms in my stead. I basically told you as such the last time I was here. Anything Jon needs, I expected all of you to provide and give without me being here for every fucking thing," said Robert while drank some wine from his goblet.

Judging from the bloodshot look in his eyes, Varys knew the man was already drunk to a certain degree. But that would soon change once the Spider provided him with news from his web of spies.

"I apologize your Grace, but this cannot wait. Considering the sensitive topic, I felt you should be present to hear it," said Varys while sitting down near the King.

"And what could be so important that it requires my brother to come here over taking part in his usual delights?" asked Renly with Varys now looking a tad uncertain.

"Because of the information I have acquired is about the Targaryens your Grace. Namely one of them claiming to be...Aegon Targaryen," said Varys with the room now becoming deathly silent.

"Aegon Targaryen is dead. The babe was killed by Gregor Clegane. My brother saw the body when it was presented in the throne room," replied Stannis while glad he wasn't there to see the horror himself since killing children did not sit well with him.

"Damn dragonspawn. He was lucky to have died by the animal's hands or I would have done it with my war hammer," commented Robert while Varys had to hide his disgust with everyone else looking uncomfortable with hearing that.

"Nevertheless, this man is claiming to be a Targaryen and has been seen in the presence of one Daenerys Targaryen. The Mad King's daughter. Even if he is a mummer, the man could still claim it if he marries her," said Varys with Robert snarling in disgust.

"Mummer or not, incest with your own family. Its amazing they didn't kill each other off themselves with the madness. Anyone who does that shit should not be allowed to have any children at all!" stated Robert with the others agreeing.

"There is one more thing your Grace. Something even more...interesting to say the least about this whole situation," said Varys while playing the part of a nervous man, which he knew would catch their attention since few things made him nervous.

"And what could that be exactly?" asked Robert gruffly before drinking his wine.

"Apparently, they have dragons your Grace. Three dragons to be exact," answered Varys with his words having the desired effect.

Namely the King spitting out his wine and having a coughing fit. His bloodshot eyes widening in shock, hands gripping the table hard almost enough to make it crack under the pressure from his strength that in the man's prime would have broken it. Renly was at his side in an instant, patting his back and rubbing before Robert waved him off. Nearby, Grand Maester Pycelle looked ready to have a heart attack, Stannis's stony face became a boulder and was clenching his hands tightly. Lord Baelish was showing he was nervous and interested by this new development. No doubt scheming to make use of this situation to advance himself beyond his station as usual. But it was Jon Arryn's face that made it difficult for Varys to hold back his smirk.

The Falcon was nervous. Sweating heavily. Almost as much as Robert had been doing before from the wine he drank and after hearing this news about the dragons.

"Three dragons? Three of them?!" asked Grand Maester Pycelle while trying to take in as much air as possible.

"Yes Grand Maester. Three dragons. From what my sources tell me, each one is roughly the size of full grown horse. And that was sometime ago. I imagine they are even bigger now," said Varys with Grand Maester Pycelle making noise in the back of his throat he had never heard before today.

"Can they breathe fire?" asked Stannis with Varys nodding.

"Unfortunately, my sources they say yes. A healthy stream of fire from each dragon can be unleashed. They proved as much when this Aegon and Daenerys used the dragons to sack Astapor and take control of the Unsullied army there from the Wise Masters. Now both of them have three dragons and an army of 8,000 Unsullied, plus an additional 5,000 still in training they took with them to further bolster their ranks.

"By the Gods," said Jon Arryn while knowing three dragons could make many bend the knee, but an army such as the Unsullied made things worse.

"We need to act now! We need to strike hard and fast!" stated Stannis while slamming his fist into the table.

"With what resources? And with what army? If this information gets out to the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, loyalist of House Targaryen may rally their banners against us. They may join House Targaryen to help them in taking the Iron Throne. This could cause yet another war now with those Houses, which will only weaken our defenses when the time comes to fight the Targaryens," said Grand Maester Pycelle with fear on his face since it was because of his advice that the Mad King opened the gates for Tywin Lannister.

And the sacking of King's Landing.

"Are you actually suggesting we keep this important matter quiet from the other major Houses Grand Maester? And do...nothing?!" asked Lord Baelish while already scheming to let others know so the chaos could be unleashed in order to play all sides.

"No. Of course not. But the smallfolk and those we know who are loyal to the Targaryens should not be told. We must only send ravens to Houses we can trust to call their banners and meet this threat properly," said Grand Maester Pycelle with the others nodding.

"I will send a letter to Ned. He can prepare the North on his end. Jon, contact the Lords of the Vale. Pycelle, contact Tywin Lannister. I need him to come to King's Landing to help us prepare for what is to come with the dragonspawn in the next few years," said Robert while his bloodlust surged through him once more.

"I will have my forces ready should they be needed," said Stannis knowing the Royal Navy would be called upon for this.

"Along with mine," stated Renly while planning to one up his older brother when the time came.

"What do we do about the Tyrells or Dorne your Grace?" asked Lord Baelish while Varys glanced at the King.

"Keep them in the dark as much as possible. I trust you can do that Spider?" asked Robert with Varys nodding.

"Of course your Grace. I will ensure neither side is informed of the truth," replied Varys while thinking of who could be told about this without it being traced back to him.

And he had an idea of at least one person.