CHAPTER 74: Her conjecture

Once they leave the black forest yu yue noticed that those people aren't around anymore, everyone heaved a sigh when she told them.

They have been traveling on edge this past few days because of those people.

Since there are many of them heading to the black forest yu yue have a terrifying guess why they were heading in that direction.

'sure enough it's a hot potato' she muttered deep in thought as she cursed snow fairy's slyness.

She hides the real temple in the outer area of the black forest and build a fake temple in the depeest part full of traps and demonic beasts.

Those people must have been searching for the inheritance temple long ago but the fake temple only appeared about almost two years ago when she steps near the forest.

Many people must have died in the fake temple that's why those people are sending many experts at once.

Seems like they haven't successfully entered the fake temple yet.

Yu yue contemplated about it and decided to share her conjecture to everyone.

"yu yue, you're saying those people are looking for the inheritance temple?" tian wuxian furrowed his brows. He too noticed the abnormality in black forest but he didn't think much of it.

They thought it's none of their business since it doesn't involve them. But now it seems things aren't that simple.

Yu yue didn't asnwer as she cast a spirit barrier and brought everyone inside the space.

Now that she reached foundation establishment she can cast spirit barriers easily.

Their eyes opened wide in astonishment when in a flash their surroundings change.

"yu yue what is this place?" little fatty squeled in excitement when he saw tall trees of fruits and medicines were growing like grass in the field. There are also vegetables inside.

"this is butler white's space…" she explained to them a little and their face lit up in amazement.

Their hearts warmed seeing how yu yue trusted them so much and even let them enter this place.

With a wave of her hand a table large enough for them appeared, there are also some chairs so they sat down.

Butler white wave his paws and fresh fruits appeared. Yu yue wave her hand and a meat appeared on her hands.

She decided to cook and eat dinner first, before talking about serious matters.

Everyone help out and they started eating soon enough.

"so yu yue what's with those people?" xiao xiao asked with a frown. Despite the excitement at the treasures inside the mythical space they haven't forgotten the seriousness of this matter so they quickly settled down and talk about it.

"I have no idea of their objective, but to think about it the inheritance temple is the only thing that could attract those people's attention. I suspect they aren't from this realm given their levels of cultivation." She started.

"Did snow fairy didn't tell you anything?" tian wuxian frowned solemnly.

"That scheming fairy didn't say anything----" yu yue haven't completed her words yet when she saw butler white trying to ran away.

With a thought he catched him.

Butler white struggled but yungue didn't let her go.

"What do you know?" Yu yue interrogated him with a threatening look.

Butler white feared this expression so much because yu yue would mess with his lovely fur again.

He shrinks his neck and told yu yue about their objective roughly.