CHAPTER 75: Runaway assassins

He already knows this little girl would soon find out about it but he didn't want to be the one to tell her because she might vent her anger to snow fairy on him.

"Why are they after the inheritance?" she asked questioningly.

Butler white hungs his head and answered timidly.

"Those people want the inheritance because it's heaven defying, it could help them ascend to the god realm, that's what I only know" he said in surrender. What he didn't told yu yue is that there are two groups of people after her now, those after the inheritance and those after the mythical space. He didn't tell her because she might not want him anymore base on her character.

"Didn't snow fairy says only the successors like me could have it?" she asked in a frown.

"Well they must have found a way, snow fairy didn't know much as well. Even me, I have few successor masters but they didn't even know about those people's existence. Only snow fairy's time when they started pursuing her because she made too many enemies and accidentally exposed herself. But it seems like those people already knows long ago the purpose of the inheritance." Butler white said in puzzlement as well.

"Ah seems like we can't find a clue as of yet yu yue. We should just be careful not to expose ourselves" xiao xiao said heavily.

The others also nodded and they decided to keep it to themselves for now. They talk more about this topic. When they're about to rest, Yu yue's expression change.

They all look at her in unison. "what's wrong yu yue?" wuxian asked with a frown.

Yu yue didn't answer him as butler white wave it's paws and the scene from outside appeared before them in a hologram like feature.

Everyone admired it but their expressions changed when they saw a black robe man covered from head to toe, only his sharp cold eyes were visible.

He was protecting four kids around 6 and 7 to 8 years old while on the run as dozens of men with the same attire chase after them.

The black robe man protecting the kids was heavily injured but he managed to persist and delay the other black robe men.

"a runaway assassin?" tian wuxian's eyes flashed in astonishment as they could hear what those people are saying.

"Kill that traitor, don't let him and those kids escape" shouted by a man who appeared to be the group's leader.

"Heh, you all have to pased over my dead body first" the black robe man said coldly.

From what they heard this people were kidnapping children and forcibly train them to become an assassin. Their trainings are unlike the practitioners it's survival at the fittest.

They were feed with a poison pill so they can't betray the organization, however this man didn't hesitate to help these children escape.

Kids on training haven't taken the poison pill yet because they can't even escape and they aren't let outside if they haven't completed the training.

He can't bear it anymore doing something so unconscientious, so he takes it to his own hands.

He was the one who brought this kids to those people, his mind took a change as his guilty conscience eat him away and before he knew it he acts rashly.

Like them, he too was taken in there when he was just a kid. He thought he won't feel anything if it's his turn to bring children to be trained.

This is not his first time doing this but he still can't bear the guilt. He killed people before, during his missions and he's the best at that, he didn't even bat an eye but he didn't know why he saved these kids after bringing them in.

He thought his guilt was too late already and it's pointless but he didn't care anymore even if he died just to free them, he knows too well what kind of hell that place is.

One of the black robe men slashed his chest in a sneaked attack. He falls backwards weakly coughing up blood.

The black robe men once again attack him; he looks at the kids who ran back to help him so he shouted anxiously for them to escape. He was even now feeling more remorseful that these kids are trying to help him even after all he'd done.

He just stared at them bitterly waiting for death. He thought even if he died he would be able to save these kids, but who would have thought they would came running back to him. Though he was disappointed his heart felt warm for the first time.