CHAPTER 324: Phantom mirror (1)

"who was that?" yu yue raised the corner of her lips as she asked after entering their room.

"master, that woman is liu yan the eldest young lady of liu clan." Hua ling replied briefly, with a tone of disgust. She could also smell that unpleasant smell.

"you can also smell that unpleasant thing from her?" yu yue smiled when she asked that.

"yeah, If I'm not wrong that woman must be cultivating something evil" hua ling said after giving it some thought.

"indeed, that woman is cultivating a powerful poison gu. The powerful it is the more unpleasant it smells but ordinary humans can't smell anything" sheng shi jie's eyes flashed when he talks about it. Something flashed in his mind but he didn't say anything.

"oh that's interesting, is the man with him the crown prince?" yu yue couldn't see that person earlier as he's already inside the room when they arrived.

"it must be the crown prince" hua ling replied positively when she saw those guards just now.

"yu yue, why don't we play with them tonight." Si xiao xiao beamed with maliciousness.

"We should collect some interest for sister xue'er" tian wuxian agreed.

"alright, I'll leave it to you then" yu yue chuckled, she also has the same intention but since her friends wants to have some fun then let them be.

Unbeknownst to them, on the other room the crown prince is already eyeing them.

"who are they?" he asked his shadow guard.

"reporting to the crown prince, the lady in white with black smiling mask is the overseer of jade moon palace. But she's been addressing the young lady with white rabbit mask as master." The shadow guard reported respectfully.

"what? As far as we know the black mask holders are the highest in ranking? but there are many more types appearing now…" liu yan frowned as she thought of something, naturally the crown prince also noticed the oddity so he warned her.

"don't provoke them at this moment, we are here to get that thing" he looks at her sharply, making liu yan shuddered but she swallowed her saliva while nodding her head.

"I know senior brother" liu yan nodded cooperatively.

"keep your eyes on them" he ordered before dismissing his shadow guard as the auction already started.

"why aren't they making a bid?" si xiao xiao was depressed, she's prepared to go all out with liu yan but they didn't even make a noise since the start of the bidding.

"do you think they also came her for that mirror?" sheng shi jie said casually without knowing that he was spot on.

His words quickly drag hai xingze's senses back to reality. "no, I must get it? I could clearly feel that mirror calling out to me" he blurted suddenly shocking everyone.

"are you nuts? It's just a mirror" little fatty muttered blankly as he ate cakes leisurely.

"what did you know? It's like the food calling for you" he snorted disdainfully.

With a pause little fatty seemed to understand something making everyone's eyelids jump.

Yu yue on the other hand have a bizzare expression looking at hai xingze, she did feel he's acting weird as if he's being hypnotized by something since they entered the auction house. Everyone thought it's his normal self because he was indeed always in a trance while looking at himself in the mirror but he wasn't even holding a mirror right now but he's still in a daze. Could what he just said be true?