CHAPTER 325: Phantom mirror (2)

'so did you finally figure it out?' sheng shi jie curled his lips as he directly transmitted his voice to yu yue, making her almost jump.

'you know something?' she frowned while looking at hai xingze contemplatively. Everyone then realize that something was indeed wrong with them.

'it should be the artifact called phantom mirror, its good for creating illusions and that kid is suitable for that thing. Don't worry it won't harm him since its calling for him' he replied comfortingly.

'that's good to know' she sighed in relief. That must be why butler white didn't say anything else, how unreliable. Yu yue thought.

Just when tian wuxian was about to say something, the auctioner spoke.

"our next item would be the phantom mirror; I know what you're thinking but this mirror isn't your ordinary one. Though, we don't know what it is and what it is used for. Several armament refiners tried to evaluate it but even them can't tell its level at all. We also tried breaking it but it didn't even leave a scratch, so bid at your own risk…" the auctioner announced with enthusiasm as one of the beautiful ladies in stage step forward carrying a tray covered with a red satin.

The audience gasps when the beautiful lady removes the satin, they saw a silver mirror lying quietly on the tray.

"as you can see, this mirror is extraordinary… the bid starts at 1,000 high grade crystals" the auctioner held the mirror and show it to everyone clearly, even yu yue was mesmerized. Though she wasn't much affected because of little tear right beside her. She could even feel when the mirror's breath spread to her it trembled slightly.

"2,000 high grade crystals…"

"5,000 high grade crystals…"

"10,000 high grade crystals…"

"yu yue, let's made a bid quickly" hai xingze said nervously.

"oh, that mirror is really impatient. He better prays he's useful or I'll throw that thing in the mud pit" yu yue said meaningfully and hai xingze quickly snap out of it. He looks at everyone confusingly as they all look at him oddly.

"that mirror is playing with you…" Zhuang lan kindly told him everything and hai xingze's obsession dwindled. He was actually scared with a mirror for the first time.

"yu yue… I-" he was about to say 'I don't want it anymore' but the he moment he said something else. "I-I wan't that mirror" he said with wide eyes, staringly blankly at Zhuang lan. At first he half believed him but now he's truly scared.

"scared now? Don't worry I'll get it for you" yu yue smiled at him teasingly before ignoring him.

"…" hai xingze looked at her pitifully.

"20,000 high grade crystals…" the bidding continued and the price quickly sky rocketed as many young ladies from big clans like it so much the moment their eyes landed on the mirror.

"30,000 high grade crystals…" liu yan's crisp and sweet voice resounded, immediately shutting up those whose about to bid.

"30,000 high grade crystals once, twice…" before the auctioner could finished the countdown after making sure that no one was making a bid anymore, si xiao xiao's teasing voice drop.

"50,000 high grade crystals" she bids generously, directly adding 20,000 making other people feel pain. They never knew anyone who could easily waste 50,000 high grade crystals for just a mirror. Although its extraordinary and exquisite, no one even knows if it has any practical used aside from fueling someone's vanity.

"who's in room number 3, is she an idiot its just a mirror?" someone couldn't help but muttered curiously.

"hush, didn't you see the people from jade moon palace entered that room earlier?" his friend reminded kindly in a hush voice but everyone could hear it with their cultivation.

Liu yan just frowned but she didn't say anything as she continued to bid making other bidders shut up. "60,000 high grade crystals"

"70,000 high grade crystals" just right after her voice drops, tian wuxian's cool voice drops making even the crown prince's brows furrowed tightly.