I Don't Take Unnecessary Treats.

By then, the initial suspicions which Tang Xi had condoned as her overthinking, grew stronger in her mind. She decided to put an end to this, thus, she did go to professor Qin's chamber but with a secret recorder.

Not out of her expectations, Professor Qin started his lascivious lessons the moment the door closed. Tang Xi kept feigning ignorance for a few minutes, which prompted him to level up his licentiousness more openly.

However, Tang Xi stood up, just the moment she thought she already had enough evidence. Without a second delay, she swung her hand across Professor Qin's face. However, his face didn't turn red as much as she wanted, damn her hand didn't have that much strength!

Professor Qin must have thought, since he was physically so much stronger than Tang Xi, he could possibly strangle her with just one hand, thus he threw himself at her.

However, Tang Xi wasn't just anyone, she prodded him hard with her sharp knee into his groins and punched his arrogant face, before running away.

That helped a lot and definitely cleared her mind up to a clean slate!

----End of flashbacks---

"So much happened, but you didn't tell me? Xixi, You don't trust me?" Song Ah Lam asked with a heavy heart.

"Girl, I do trust your heart, but not your big mouth. Even after all these years, I can't vouch for it. You are too impulsive. You landed us in trouble in a spur of the moment way too many times for me to be able to ever forget that." Tang Xi admitted bluntly without even the slightest hesitation.

Song Ah Lam shook Tang Xi's hand off moodily, which was on her hold. Despite pulling a long face, she couldn't argue against Tang Xi's point.

It was a fact that she did drag Tang Xi and Gu Liang into trouble countless times.

However, Song Ah Lam still loved Tang Xi dearly, and couldn't help but worry for her. She looked at Tang Xi cynically without blinking her eyes, making her feel as though she had committed some heinous blunder.

"You could be roped into a nasty situation, you know that, right? Next time, do inform me beforehand, and I will cover for you. By the way, what have you taken yourself for, a superwoman, who doesn't need anyone's help?"

Before Tang Xi could say anything, Song Ah Lam snapped and said again, "Let me put you in your place, you are just a little girl, who had her eighteenth birthday last month! Next time, DO TELL ME! What are friends for, if not to have each others' back in problems!"

Song Ah Lam murmured the last sentence to herself, however, Tang Xi clearly heard and smiled.

"That old fart didn't go overboard with you, did he? Just tell me, I will kick-crack those smelly balls of his!"

Tang Xi stifled her laughter, however her trembling shoulders gave her away, as she asked, "How do you know they are smelly?"

"Didn't I tell you the other day, Professor Qin's bulky posture stood inclined to one side that took up half the width of the doorway, when I was entering? That caused my shoulder to brush against his chest, Eww! The smell emitting from his body was disgusting! Since his body odor is so foul, isn't it obvious his balls will stink too?" Song Ah Lam shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Tang Xi burst into laughter, throwing her head back. "You are so mean, Song Song!"

"Heh! Look who's talking! Didn't you just get him ousted from the university? By the way, that reminded me of the main topic again. I got distracted for a while. So, the moral of the story is, never hide anything from your bestfriend and do anything without their acknowledgement."

"How did this moral come from?" Tang Xi asked, amusement seeping through her voice.

"Xixi, you-" Song Ah Lam wanted to put some more sense into Tang Xi, had someone not interpreted. However, she made a mental note. She will finish this lecture with Tang Xi in the future.

"Hi, Tang Xi! Umm.. this is for you."

The shy voice of a man made Tang Xi avert her gaze from her best friend. Just then, a bouquet of roses was pushed before her.

Tang Xi lifted her eyes up to see a man, who was majoring in the same department as her, standing with a smile on his red face.

However, Tang Xi stood up and walked past him, without even looking at his face, an obvious sign of rejection.

The boy in the check shirt was clearly disappointed. He stood with his head hanging beside the table.

Liu Chen had been secretly crushing on Tang Xi since the first time he saw her in the class. However, he couldn't muster up enough courage to confess to her, it was only after his friends' continuous encouragement, he decided to give it a shot. Although Tang Xi was too good for him, he knew she wasn't someone to mess around with. Thus, he thought she might prefer someone like him who was still a pure virgin and will stay loyal to her forever.

Song Ah Lam smiled sheepishly at the poor guy, before saying, "Xixi doesn't like this sort of thing. However, don't lose hope in yourself, try for another one next time."

Liu Chen was slightly stunned. After a while, he slowly walked away with the roses in his hand.

Leaving a piece of her advice, Song Ah Lam trotted behind Tang Xi in her high heels.

Tang Xi slowed down her pace intentionally for her best friend to catch up with her, as she headed towards the bill counter.

"Don't pay, it's my treat." Song Ah Lam said, despite knowing the answer.

"I don't take unnecessary treats." Tang Xi pulled out a few cash from her wallet, and put them inside the bill book.

Sure enough, Tang Xi declined. Song Ah Lam knew Tang Xi had her pride, and didn't like taking advantage of other human beings, she always respected standing in the queues!