You Are Willing To Get Married So Early Just To Extract Revenge?

Tang Chen frowned in displeasure. Tang Xi continued, "Your family couldn't take me down in the past, when they had the opportunity. It'll be their turn in the future."

Tang Xi used to be dead meat in the past, she was no match for them!

However, now things had changed. She was determined to reveal to them the real Tang Xi. She would serve every single one of them their deserved comeuppance, and let them know that Tang Xi was not one to be bullied anymore!

Tang Chen's face gloomed over. He refused to accept this result. "You are willing to get married so early just to extract revenge? He is fourteen years older than you!" He exclaimed with a resentful expression.

"As I just said, none of your business." Tang Xi said her piece and turned to leave for the bedroom.

When Tang Chen's car was far into the distance, Tang Xi was staring at it with longing in her eyes from the french window of her bedroom. She didn't even realize when tears welled up in her eyes, and one after another big fat drops started rolling down her cheeks. Frustrated, Tang Xi breathed out, running a hand across her face.

Why was she crying for this despicable person!

She took a step back from the french window, and closed her eyes with a bitter smile.

The feeling of being abandoned by parents slowly dissipated; as Tang Xi forcefully dismissed it.

"They don't deserve your tears."

"They don't deserve your heartache."

"They are disposable!"

Tang Xi started herping on these lines like a mantra.


"I won't marry this girl." Lu Yunsheng said politely but coldly.

Mu Jiaying slammed her manicured hand onto the glass table beside her, as she warned Lu Yunsheng with a quivering voice, "What nonsense are you spouting now? You won't get a more suitable partner that can blow Tang Xi out of the water. She is exactly whom you wanted! We threw a lot of spaghetti at the walls and found her out."

"She is only eighteen. You can't expect me to marry a child, this is ridiculous." When Lu Yunsheng said this, there was a hint of disguste on his handsome face. His glistening dark pupils remained as cold and stoic as usual.

Not expecting to receive such an answer, a deep heavy voice barked in disbelief, "According to law, she is an adult now, not any child!"

Mu Jiaying jumped in her chair, nearly dropping her phone when she heard her father-in-law's determined voice. Turning around, she was surprised to see Lu Heitin, "Father, when did you come?"

"Early enough to overhear the conversation so far. Tang girl is the one, you will be getting married to in ten days. I have had enough of your twisted ways, not anymore! Furthermore, I already gave my word to Tang Min, there is no way we will back off now."

Lu Heitin realized how quiet Lu Yunsheng had become. Hmph! This child finally had some senses talked into him! However, after a few seconds of awkward silence, he felt a vein pop out. Was this brat even listening? Lu Heitin had reached the brink of his patience.

"Why are you not saying anything now? Has someone duct taped your mouth?!"

Born as an academically prodigy with hundreds of awards lining his bookshelves, Lu Yunsheng was Lu Heitin's most beloved grandson. Nonetheless, it was the former's stubbornness, which always pushed the oldman's buttons. Sometimes Lu Heitin wondered where they went wrong with his eldest grandson.

The Oldman wanted a great grandson, someone to pass the family fortune off too. Thus, of course, he couldn't let Lu Yunsheng back out of the marriage arrangement so easily.

Even though Lu Heitin was sure he wouldn't lose but on the off-chance that he did…

Lu Yunsheng turned around again to face his grandfather, whose face was red in anger. "Sorry, grandfather. I can't marry her."

Mu Jiaying's brow twitched. "Don't be stupid, Sheng. You have to marry her." She said, anxiously, but before she could finish, she heard Lu Yunsheng's firm reply, "My decision will remain unchanged."

"You brat! Lu Yunsheng, do you want to get disowned?"

Lu Yunsheng chuckled, "Go ahead, and just do this. Finally, I won't have to be burdened by this boring CEO job."

"You-" Lu Heitin couldn't complete his sentence, as he felt an acute pain in his chest. This feeling twisted his features. He gripped the clothes above his left chest, as if trying to lessen the pain, and he scrunched up his face in the pain.

"Father!" Mu Jiaying stood up abruptly from her chair, and rushed to Lu Heitin's side with a terrified expression. She supported his almost collapsed body with her all might.

Lu Heitin had a sickly pallor and his eyes were fluttering.

"Father, please hold on for a second; I'm calling the doctor, you will be fine." A horrified Mu Jiaying said hurriedly.

"Butler Huo, call the first hospital to arrange an emergency room ASAP!" Lu Yunsheng screamed, as he ran to catch his grandfather before he fell. He assisted his grandfather, then lifted him up, before rushing towards the maingate, while carrying him.

The sudden commotion alerted every servants in Lu Yunsheng's villa.

"Yes, master." Butler Huo said with a shaky voice, as he pulled out his phone to call the first hospital.


Twenty minutes later, in front of the OT...

Lu Heitin's heart attack was severe, thus the head cardiac surgeon had to perform percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). He said that during PCI, they would be able to see inside the arteries to look for the location of the blockage that was causing the heart attack.

Mu Jiaying and Lu Donghai felt their hearts stop from an overload of anxiety; as one stood leaning against the wall, and another kept pacing back and forth.

Chui Kaili was a bundle of nerves. She stared at the closed door unblinkingly, her entire body tensed.

Chui Kaili was informed by Mu Jiaying that her husband was brought to the hospital. Her brain was so occupied with that one single sentence that she didn't even realize how she came here.