Don't Create Any More Problems About This Marriage, I Beg You!

Entangled by all, Lu Yunsheng stood in the middle. His back was stiffened, as if he was standing on his toes. Guilty conscience engulfed him into suffocation.

Lu Yunsheng could trade his life for his grandfather, this was how much he loved him. If his grandfather didn't ask for this unreasonable marriage thing, he would never enrage him into this state. Never!

After three hours, the head surgeon came out and explained to them in a somber tone, "His condition is critical. It's his second major heart attack, and coupled with his weak health constitution-If his illness is exacerbated, you will lose him."

"Doctor, do anything and everything which will prevent the third attack. Don't hesitate about the money, we are ready for anything, even if it costs billions of dollars." Mu Jiaying said desperately, her face was wet with tears.

The cardiac surgeon shook his head, and explained, "Listen to me, here is the thing: It's not about money, it's about him. His heart's condition is extremely sensitive now, and you can't afford to do anything which might trigger something unfortunate. He can't be too worried or enraged about anything."

"Doctor, can we see him now?" Mu Donghai, who was standing beside his wife, asked.

"After the ICU team shifts him to a VVIP ward, you can see him. However, he has been injected with anesthesia. Don't make any sound inside." The cardiac surgeon cautioned them before leaving.

Following the surgeon, Mu Donghai went forward to check the procedure. Lu Yunsheng was about to go as well, when his grandmother held his hand with her wrinkled one.

Chui Kaili looked up at him with surprisingly calm eyes, and said with a bitter smile, "Sheng, you saw your grandfather's condition yourself, and heard what the doctor said about him. If you are still unwilling to marry the Tang girl, I won't impose my wish on you. You are a full grown up man, I believe you have your own reason for not marrying anyone. I just hope your reason is more valuable than your grandfather's life so that you don't have to regret it ever."

Lu Yunsheng noticed that Chui Kaili's smile contained a hidden layer of heartbreak, sadness, and disappointment. It pained him to see his grandmother in such a pitiful state.

As if it was not enough for Lu Yunsheng, all of a sudden Mu Jiaying kneeled in front of him with folded hands, and begged, "Save father please! Don't be so stone hearted, Sheng. I can't bear to lose my father, please save him-"

"Ma! What are you doing!" Lu Yunsheng made Mu Jiaying stand up by grabbing her shoulders immediately, and hugged her. "Don't belittle me anymore. Your place is on my head, not at my feet!"

Mu Jiaying chuckled; a short laugh not more than two counts, before her smile disappeared. "In that case, agree to marry Tang Xi as per all of our wishes. Don't create any more problems about this marriage, I beg you!"

Lu Yunsheng closed his eyes, and after about five seconds, he pressed his lips into a tight line. Slowly, he surrendered helplessly, "Okay, I will marry her."


Elegantly climbing out of the car, one long leg at a time, the onlookers gawked in awe as Lu Yunsheng stepped out of the black car. After a heavy pressure from the elders on marrying Tang Xi, he was forced to come here today.

The host at the front immediately came to greet him when he walked in. "Good afternoon, Mr. Lu. Welcome to Kyoto Kaden Minokichi Kaiseki-Ryori! Your room ready, this way please,"

Lu Yunsheng nodded his head, then scanned the crowd; his gaze eventually fell on Tang Xi who was sitting in the middle of the restaurant. Because of her Arabian look, she was clearly distinguishable.

Everything glittered in the light of the crystal chandelier. The entire hall had been decorated extravagantly in varying shades of gold. Under the grand yet classy chandelier, Tang Xi's skin appeared almost luminous and truly delicate. She was so fair that the blue veins on her long and slender neck were visible to the naked eye.

Lu Yunsheng's gaze turned sharp and frigid at the sight. Without any intention to approach her, he headed towards the just-reserved room.

Tang Xi was drumming her fingers onto the table, with her perfect chin resting on her hand, when her cellphone rang.

Good, it was her grandfather. She was thinking about calling him in the next second.

"Xixi, where are you?"

"If you think I'm idling away, then sorry to let you know that I have three assignments to complete before this evening. I already wasted thirty minutes here, and I can't any longer." Tang Xi spoke with utter irritation, and indirectly let her grandfather know that she came to the restaurant half an hour ago.

"Calm down, he is already there."

Tang Xi frowned slightly, and looked around her surroundings. There were a few guys trying to hit on her.

A lecherous looking man with hair dyed in multiple colors was almost drooling.

Seeing how much Tang Xi stirred the men, some women almost couldn't conceal the deep jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

However, Tang Xi couldn't see Lu Yunsheng. "I can't see him anywhere,"

"Of course, you can't. He is in VVIP room no. 405. Ask any waiter to escort you there." Tang Min replied in a mosquito voice, fully aware of the other party's fault.

Tang Xi's frown deepened, as she got up from her chair, and made her way towards the door. "Why are you telling me this just now? I came here thirty minutes ago, and had been sitting in the hall all this while."

"His mother just called me," Tang Min replied honestly. He wasn't going to fall under the radar of his granddaughter's anger for no reason. Furthermore, he was also dissatisfied with Lu's late phone call. So what if they were ultra rich, Tang Xi was his apple of eyes.